new Structures album

Wow, it sounds so much better not clipping. Go figure.

Clipping really bugs me personally and it can ruin records for me. I just cringe when i hear it.
It was no accident. I asked will and he said the band wanted the loudest record ever made. and he digs the clipping.


I'm trying to understand the thought process behind cranking it to absolute fucking hell, clipped to all fuck and being able to say "I think that sounds cool". I don't get that, AT ALL. I don't know how anyone could say with a straight face that doing this results in any way, shape or form, a pleasant listening experience.
It just sounds like complete shit.
This is why I judge my own masters by Bullet's 'Fever' album (a VERY clear mix and relatively "quiet" master in today's standards). If I can get it equal to or even a bit louder than that album without clipping then I am happy. I am not jumping on the loudness bandwagon anytime soon. While I do agree that some clipping can give a bit of character for some types of music, this is just way over the top.
...And I thought ADTR's new album was squashed like crazy :lol:
To be honest, I think you guys are going a little too far with with this whole bashing over the clipping business. Yes, it's cooked and distorted to hell and the crackles of clipping haunt the disc from start to finish with no reprieve, but to its credit, on everyday systems like car stereos and consumer stereos, it's plenty listenable and slams like crazy. Despite the ridiculous amount of limiting necessary to achieve that volume, there's still a pretty remarkable degree of balance and separation. I'm guilty of immediately falling back to the "holy god, clipping" remarks upon first listen, but to listen to this and anything else Will has done, one can easily tell this is deliberate. The guy has done quality work for years and to have this one stick out the way it does, it's obvious that this was the goal. At the end of the day, the band(s) pay his bills and they had a specific goal in mind and he delivered. I respect the balls and professionalism.
can you blame them? i'm so sick of the 'clipping' thing. people cry CLIPPING like it ruins everything about a record, even if they only really 'HEAR' it in a couple tunes or spots in tunes.

GRANTED, this record clips and distorts like fuck but as I said before, I get it and I love it.


P.S. my love, Frankie's guest spot is probably one of my favorite and most memorable parts of the album.

but hey, i'm an admitted Emmure fan to the bone!

Dude, I pretty much always agree with what you say. People are pussies. Clipping can be a good thing, and pumping is even cooler.
So, I was listening to this album for the thirtieth time today and actually got to crank that shit up.

I paid close attention to it all and closed in on the clipping. Now I can't un-hear it, when I listen to it. Hahaha

Exactly. People don't think the clipping is a big deal but it's fuckin annoying.
Bottom line.....

If you think it sounds better clipping, then you need your ears checked.

I would like to see a shoot out/poll between Mix a (with clipping and distorting) and Mix b (same mix with no clipping), then put them at the same volume. My money is on the majority would like the non clipping one.

I know Will did this because the band wanted it. So nothing against him here, but a little shocked people think this is ok and sounds good. Actually i'm really shocked. Guess the next big thing will be Clipcore! :cry:
People who aren't tight-assed? :lol:

The non-clipping track sounds better, IMO.
But I like the idea of the clipping mastering. It's controversial.

I'm far from a tight ass, the clipping totally suits the album it sounds dirty as fuck. It's for people that would think that the band wanting the loudest album ever made is SOO cool, and love it because it sounds like its blowing up the entire time. I'm sure a lot of people are going to love this album for that exact reason but for me its really unfocused and hard to hear anything clearly... sounds like them live actually.

I'm also sure August Burns Reds - Messengers album sounds a lot louder to me.
Bottom line.....

If you think it sounds better clipping, then you need your ears checked.

I would like to see a shoot out/poll between Mix a (with clipping and distorting) and Mix b (same mix with no clipping), then put them at the same volume. My money is on the majority would like the non clipping one.

I know Will did this because the band wanted it. So nothing against him here, but a little shocked people think this is ok and sounds good. Actually i'm really shocked. Guess the next big thing will be Clipcore! :cry:

They never told him to clip it, only that they wanted it to be loud. There is a difference.
They never told him to clip it, only that they wanted it to be loud. There is a difference.

True but at some point you have to tell the band it can not be any louder with out negative repercussions. I feel it is my part to explain this to bands if they want me to do something like "make the loudest album ever" kinda thing. So i'm not sure who is to blame to be honest.

This is kind of like saying [assuming you dislike tomatoes],
"If you think tomatoes taste good, you need your tongue checked."

Digital distortion/clipping sounds like shit and i love tomatoes.

Haha I hope not! Butttt I wish people would utilize a master buss comp more aggressively more often though. Maybe not clipping so much, but it's fucking sexy to hear something slam!

I agree, nothing wrong with some pumping from your 2buss.