New to Opeth

I personally listened to Damnation for close to three months before listening to BWP, then D&D all in a row one day.
misfit said:
how is morningrise one of the "worst" albums, when you have deliverance, still life and mayh (along with ghost reveries and damnation ofcourse).

3 best:
blackwater park

in that order.
Yeah OK I'm not going to disagree with you, Morningrise isn't that bad, but Damnation and Ghost Reveries fucking suck (even more then most of their other stuff).
in limbow said:
their heaviest is Deliverance, lightest is Damnation.

For three albums, I'd say:
Still Life

because that will give you a good variety of Opeth's sounds
omgz hi eulogy508
Scarlett Letterman said:
My recommendation (you'll get plenty): if your looking to get an album start off with Deliverance or Blackwater Park. If your looking for songs to download, and if your totally new to death metal vocals, download The Drapery Falls, White Cluster, Reverie/Harlequin Forest, or Deliverance.
omgz hi SCH/ISM
I thought Damnation was AMAZING for like the first month I had it. And it is good, it has lots of nice melodies (that could have easily been incorporated into full length Opeth songs). But there's really no progression in the songs on Damnation. Damnation is one of my least fav opeth albums now. It wore out its welcome.
Orchid... best atmosphere... and generally just the coolest songs... epic masterpieces...and the coolest song titles by the way...It was the last album I bought (after memorizing all the others for a couple years) and I found the older riffing style "refreshing"... its just too fuckin cool.
3 albums

I bought Still life on a whim just because i had heard a lot about opeth, thot it was amazing, then got all the albums, Each 1 is amazing, 2 pick 3 tho it would have 2 be

Still Life
My arms Your hearse
Ghost reveries

However they r all brilliant, and if u like 1 u'l defo buy them all :worship:
Stimuli said:
Orchid... best atmosphere... and generally just the coolest songs... epic masterpieces...and the coolest song titles by the way...It was the last album I bought (after memorizing all the others for a couple years) and I found the older riffing style "refreshing"... its just too fuckin cool.

I gotta agree with ya there. Orchid IMO is their shining moments. BWP and Latter tends to.....I dunno, lose the magic if you know what I mean.

I reccomend
My arms your Hearse

( No need to be a beginner with Opeth. Start where you start mate. If you see an opeth record, buy it. just dont start with damnation)
I defenitly know what your saying. After hearing Orchid... SOME of the other albums were missing........ something...not sure what it is, cuz I still have to admit its amazing music. But there was this really eerie atmosphere on Orchid that was not matched by any of the other albums...even if it is less musically advanced.
blimey said:
You are on crack.
No...if you get down to it, every album except Damnation is just Opeth repeating ideas found on Orchid. They HAVE been using the same formula for songs, more or less, through their career. That's not necessarily a bad thing, and few other bands have ever done it as well as them, but it's true.
you guys pretty much keep repeating the same three albums
Still Life
Blackwater Park
so ill check those out....Ive never heard a song by opeth
MTLHEAD_789 said:
you guys pretty much keep repeating the same three albums
Still Life
Blackwater Park
so ill check those out....Ive never heard a song by opeth

Morningrise is what got me into Opeth, before that I was only a metallica "metalhead" lol.