New to ProgPower: what should I expect?


New Metal Member
May 13, 2008
Hi, folks. This will be my first year going to ProgPower. I'm going alone. Is there anything I should know? Does going alone usually suck?
Hi there! I'm sure others will fill in some stuff too, so I'll just say this one thing. Prepare to be at the venue for the majority of the day. You could be away from your hotel room for upwards of 10 hours between getting lunch, waiting in line, and seeing the bands. So try to think of everything before you leave your room each day and try to bring anything you might need with you to the venue (extra money, a bag to carry some merch in, sharpies, cd booklets). And try to think about that stuff while packing your bags and deciding what shoes to bring. ProgPower is an awesome time but I've found I enjoy it more if I'm comfortable and have everything I need and comfy shoes.

It only sucks to go alone if you refuse to join the party ;-) SO many people at ProgPower are friendly, don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone. Chances are, that person knows other people there and before you know it you'll be hanging out at hotel after-parties and have a whole room full of new friends :headbang: One of the vendor tables has nametags - grab one and put your forum name. You'll probably meet other forum members pretty quickly ;-)
Hi, folks. This will be my first year going to ProgPower.

Welcome! Make yourself at home here on the forums. :)

I'm going alone. Is there anything I should know? Does going alone usually suck?

Unless you believe that enjoying 12-15 fantastic performances by some of the world's best prog/power/melodic/thrash metal acts with 1100+ other wonderful people 'sucks' in some way, no. No it doesn't suck. ;) Trust me, you will not be alone. The only way you will be alone on ProgPower weekend is if you work hard at making it so. You may arrive alone, but you will make friends sometime during that 3+ day time frame.

There's a thread around here somewhere I'm sure that gives newcomers tips on how to survive the weekend. The main thing is just to pace yourself. Make sure you get plenty to eat before the show starts; drink water; take a few granola/cereal/power bars with you each evening to get you through the night.

Don't even think about taking a digital camera in with you. They are banned thanks to those who like to video the performances and try to then sell them on eBay. :bah: But film cameras are allowed and I highly recommend you take one if you enjoy meeting the bands. There should be a reference to the camera policy on the main page I believe.

And last but not least - ask questions of the veterans. We're here to welcome you into the family. The only stupid question is the one you never ask. :p So, bring it!

And again, welcome to ProgPower.

Here's what you can expect at ProgPower: INSANITY.

But it's the good kind. :) And like Tammy said, it only sucks if you refuse to interact with anyone. Being at ProgPower kind of makes everyone instant-family. At least, that was the experience I had last year, and last year was my first year.
I'm not sure it's possible to really "go alone" to ProgPower unless you try very, very hard. One of the forum members, AMBR, does a forum poster and that will have people's pictures and names, so you can always study the poster, then walk up to someone and say "hey! aren't you xxx? I'm coolkid620." :D

Or you could not wear your glasses and mistake Shokrok for someone else from a distance and become friends that way. ;)

It is definitely a long day, and you will want to plan accordingly. However, if there are bands you're okay with missing partially or entirely, making a midway-through-the-evening sojourn back to your room for a sandwich, a beer, and/or a little rest is definitely recommended. Oh, and be prepared to wait a half hour for any food ordered from the bar in Vinyl.

And welcome!

Just show up with a smile, and be prepared to have your world changed forever. One thing to note if you dont already know..... most of the bands have signing sessions. That is the perfect opportunity to have them sign cds, appendages, marriage papers, etc. Unlike any show you have ever been to before.... its very common to bump into the performers just mulling around with us "common folk" in the lobby, merch area, and in the seats. Its a very cool experience all in all. Where are you coming from?
The first year I went I know only two other people that dont really party and they were coming from a different part fo the country. After that year thanks to the forum and my crazy antics, I know a shit load of people and I think even more people know of.....

I have two pointers(especially if you want to stand up front for every band), take some immodium a.d.(so you don't shit in the middle of a performance) and eat plenty of beef jerky(so you don't have to piss every damned second). Also, it is so easy to hang with the bands it is insane. Getting in an elevator with symphony x or pain of salvation is just crazy, or yet alone sitting at the next table as devin townsend as you eat breakfast at the hotel, or run in to Hansi as you are just walking around town, or run into Kai(and the rest of gamma ray) as his limo from the airport is pulling up to the granada and getting to greet him as he first arives, or getting drunk with vanden plas and some of the guys from mercenary and being sick as a dog flying home from drinking too much, getting to play percussion for d.c. cooper at his acoustic performance, and getting to see the greatest bands perform in such a great venue and getting to meet whoever you want without any effort.
Or you could not wear your glasses and mistake Shokrok for someone else from a distance and become friends that way. ;)
And here, after all these years, I thought it was my magnetic personality :lol:

Another tip.. don't be afraid to wear your badge or PP t-shirt, or some metal band shirt, when you are around town for lunch or whatever. The "instant family" thing extends outside the venue too, and you just might find yourself sharing a meal with 4 or 5 new friends you just met at Subway :lol:

So much for saying just one thing....

OH, and keep an eye on the forum for "When are you arriving?" threads.. people often designate an area to meet as a group at the airport with others coming in at the same time. Meet up with someone coming in at the same time you are! :)
Hey dude/Dudette!

Welcome! I usually fly down to Atlanta alone, but as the others have said, you'll meet plenty of people, and for the most part, everybody's pretty cool.
If you hang out at this fest long enough, you'll consider it a family reunion every year, I know I do. Do NOT be afraid to ask any of the fest goers where to find anything like food, beer, etc. It's the best fest in the US (imo) and if you let yourself, you'll have a great time. This board and the PPUSA site ( are a great source of info. Other things to expect:

1) Biffie WILL be drunk. Whether or not he is duct taped remains to be seen (j/k!)
2) No matter what anybody tells you, there is NO special ceremony for Prog Power virgins, at least not usually! :saint:
3) There might be a bunch of PoS fans harassing one guy who isn't (me)
4) Comfort is key to surviving the fest
6) If you bump into a guy that looks like a cross between Jack Black & Ron White, who just might be missing an eyebrow or two, and might have his head freshly shaved, that'll be me, please make sure to stop me & say hi!
I might ask you to help me hide some bodies...:heh:

See you in a couple weeks, hope to hear/read about your impressions of the fest as a first timer. It's going to be GREAT!
You can not really be alone at PP, the first year I went, i had never met anyone there except here on the forum, and my friend the rest is history, and be sure and watch out for J-Dubya hehehehehehehehe Just kidding he is one of the nicest and easiest people to get to know. If you see two really old guys hanging out together with a guy in a kilt, that will be J-Dubya, Hoyt and Myself (hoyt is the one in the Kilt) so just come up and say Hi.
I know I have met many off of this forum but I just don't know who, because I never really started talking much on this forum until this year. I went to progpower's 2-7, but wasn't able to go last year or this year. Everybody is so nice at progpower, and I have only ran into a couple assholes over the years, and they weren't repeat progpowerers, or at least I didn't see them other years. I met one of my best friends ever the first year I went to progpower and it just sucks he lives in Connecticut and I live in Texas, but that is what progpower does to ya, let's ya meet best friends you don't get to see that often.
J-Dub, I've got the shovel. *brandishes shovel* Though I think we should make drunken Biffle use it. And we should film it. For...uh...posterity! Yeah...posterity. Not for amusement or potential blackmail or anything...*shifty eyed* POSTERITY!

Really, I like the suggestion of looking for the forum poster. If you say hi to me, I'm always willing to stop and chat for a bit. Hoodaman snagged me last year in the vendors area because he saw the forum poster. Which was pretty darned cool, IMO. :)

Oh, and another thing: Friday night = Corset night. You might want to wear goggles to keep your eyes from falling out. Or perhaps for protection from getting them gouged out. :lol: But seriously, I think everyone enjoys Corset Night. :D
Well, it's my first time too so you won't be the only virgin there!!! :) But I know quite a few people who are going, and I know I will meet so many other great people!!! Obviously I have no tips for you since I've never been, but I've enjoyed reading this thread. Thanks guys! (and i literally laughed out loud when someone mentioned getting "marriage papers" autographed - LOL)
If you drink, after your first few (3 or 4 depending on your size), start alternating water and drink. That will help you survive without getting stupid drunk and passing out.

Talk to people. Just say, "Hi." to everybody. I'm horrible at this. Thankfully, my wife is not. But you will find that most of the people at PP are very cool.
Hey, thanks for all the awesome suggestions, guys! I'm coming in from Nashville, TN. After hearing all the input, I'm really looking forward to this! And I'm a guy, just for reference. After hearing that Iced Earth, Elvenking, and Amorphis were playing, I knew I had to hop on to this festival. It kind of sucks when all of my friends don't like the power/prog side of metal, but I'm happy to know I'm not the only one out there.
If you see tow really old guys hanging out together with a guy in a kilt, that will be J-Dubya, Hoyt and Myself (hoyt is the one in the Kilt) so just come up and say Hi.

I'll be the old guy with long hair (well, okay, it's a skullet) who refuses to grow up, next to them. :)

Hey, thanks for all the awesome suggestions, guys! I'm coming in from Nashville, TN. After hearing all the input, I'm really looking forward to this! And I'm a guy, just for reference.

heh, I think we all kinda assumed that. Or, better yet, we didn't think it made any difference. Welcome aboard in any case!

After hearing that Iced Earth, Elvenking, and Amorphis were playing, I knew I had to hop on to this festival. It kind of sucks when all of my friends don't like the power/prog side of metal, but I'm happy to know I'm not the only one out there.

That's pretty much the story of our lives, here. :)

I like a lot of music and a lot of different types of metal, too, but it's the power- and prog-metalheads here who, I think, have the fewest fellow-travellers in the metal world...especially the prog-metallers.

Other suggestions:

  • If you have money, bring it. You will see things you'll want to buy.
  • I recommend not eating tooooo heavily before the show and then having something more substantial afterwards, but others differ.
  • Post a pic to the "forum poster" thread (unless it's too late?) if you can
  • No moshing! And no stage-diving unless your name is Glenn, or you're in Freak Kitchen :heh:
  • Plan on extra time to get to the venue, especially on Friday and Saturday, due to road construction downtown
  • Have fun! You're about to attend the world's finest indoor metal festival! :kickass: