New Wave of NWOBHM and classic traditiona metal REBORN!!!!

They changed names to Metal Force.

Goddamnitfuck! No wonder I was like Jasonic awaiting for something to come and nothing showed up. Thanks a lot for the info :cool:.

Indeed now the band is called Metalforce and already have a s/t album this year...of course nowhere to be found :mad:
But I just found a download to check it out :kickass:
You have my attention simply by the mention of OMEN!!!!

I think early OMEN might be the most underrated US Metal of all time!

(And that comes from someone who has a MANILLA ROAD pic in his signature!)

So right, early Omen rules!
Agreed 100%

For a long time, I didn't check out Pagan Altar and Witchfinder General, because they were labeled as both NWOBHM and Doom, and this was before I was more heavily into doom, so I thought I wouldn't like them. Boy was I wrong!!!!

I suppose if Black Sabbath are the first true heavy metal band, then it is inevitable that a little doom flavoring will be present in trad metal bands, right? :rock:

Witchfinder General is probably about the most underrated band ever in my humble opinion. If you like them, you should definitely check out the new album they put out a year or two ago, "Resurrected". Very hard to find, but if you go to some of the indie online stores you can find it.
Strikelight, In Solitude, Cresant Shield, Doomsword, Hyborian Steel, and the list could go on and on.....great stuff.

3 Inches of Blood??? really?

3IOB is better than the majority of the bands mentioned in this thread, and is probably more fun live. So yes really...



are my two faves from the resurgence. cannot wait for the new WW album with new singer. COLOSSUS's ep "Drunk On Blood" is available now on vinyl and maybe itunes. not sure but i am trying to obtain rights to put the cd out because i don't buy vinyl anymore and refuse to purchase music from itunes.

You know, I kinda liked the old singer of WW better than the new one. They totally had a modern Angel Witch vibe. The new guy IMO reminds me too much of these dime-a-dozen Tate/Dio/etc type singers and musically they are leaning too much into Iron Maiden territory. It's not bad by any means, but their demo imo was way cooler. Actually, the old WW singer is in a new band that signed to Prosthetic who I can't say I dig either haha, too many Avenged Sevenfold-ish riffs for my taste!

Iron Age is another really cool "retro" band you guys should check out. They might be a bit hardcore/punk for your tastes, but I love their latest album. Really well done thrashy oldschool vibes with just the right amount of real hardcore/punk influence to make it cool. Much preferred over Municipal Waste, actually!
Big NWOBHM fan here, I still love to go back to the old stuff by bands like Tygers Of Pan Tang, Savage, Chateaux, Holocaust, etc. Interesting MySpace page here for those into the older bands:

Glad this style is enjoying a resurgence, now I need to get busy listening to these recommendations!!!
here are some more classic traditional bands worth checking out too.

STORMWITCH....still around. Put out some recent lackluster disc. Older stuff is great.

CIRITH UNGOL .....long gone but worth getting.

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...another band I intend to invite to Atlanta in the near future. I really like this stuff and think they'd go over well with the Pathfinder crowd. :cool:

you should, though not looking like your average "throwback" band they put on an amazing and energetic live show. they opened up for my blatantly metalcore band and won the crowd over hands down despite playing nwobhm and having ZERO breakdowns. hahaha. our crowd is a tough one to crack and they did it.

wow...this is pretty good stuff. Will have to look into these guys more.

you should. i have been trying to work out a deal with them, but they are signed to another label which appears to be dragging their feet. but i am confident we shall be working together in the near future.

You know, I kinda liked the old singer of WW better than the new one. They totally had a modern Angel Witch vibe. The new guy IMO reminds me too much of these dime-a-dozen Tate/Dio/etc type singers and musically they are leaning too much into Iron Maiden territory. It's not bad by any means, but their demo imo was way cooler. Actually, the old WW singer is in a new band that signed to Prosthetic who I can't say I dig either haha, too many Avenged Sevenfold-ish riffs for my taste!

yeah i didn't like HOLY GRAIL at all compared to WW despite them being 3/4 of early WW. i REALLY dig the newer singer better simply because he REALLY reminds me of Mark Howe from METAL CHURCH/HERETIC.
you should, though not looking like your average "throwback" band they put on an amazing and energetic live show. they opened up for my blatantly metalcore band and won the crowd over hands down despite playing nwobhm and having ZERO breakdowns. hahaha. our crowd is a tough one to crack and they did it.

what's your band called?
Bob - A couple of the Cirith Ungol guys are performing classic Ungol tunes under a different band name now (Whose name escapes me).

Never say never, but the likelihood of a full blown CU reunion is slim to none.
Grand Magus is halway between pagan metal and doom IMO. One of the best bands I've listen too in the last 10 years, their last album slays.