New Wave of NWOBHM and classic traditiona metal REBORN!!!!

I just picked up the new Dark Black disc that Stormspell Records put out....very good mix of trad and some doom influence. Worth checking out. I was going to the a few others but I already had 9 disc to buy. Next week I am going to grab Midnight Priest.

There is also a new record label called Metal on Metal. They put out traditional and trash. They just put out 6 new disc this past week. I picked up the new Metal Law and I was going to get the Skelator disc but held off till next week. way to much stuff to get.
Minas Morgul? Dagorlad? Barad-dur? :lol:

--And Robert Garvin still owes me a CU sticker from, like, 1992 or something. :hotjump: :Smokedev: :heh:

Haha! Isn't there a band called Angband or something? JRR Tolkien would have been into Traditional Metal if he was alive in the 80's. :rock:
Haha! Isn't there a band called Angband or something?

If not, Ang Lee should bloody well start one. :lol:

JRR Tolkien would have been into Traditional Metal if he was alive in the 80's. :rock:

If not, well...he would have to be swept up and carried into the scene. :)
The number of Tolkien-based or influenced bands...metal, rock, truly staggering.

Cirith Ungol is kinda weird in that they have a Tolkien name, but some of their songs -- and most, maybe all of their album covers -- are from Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melniboné. :notworthy
Iron Age is another really cool "retro" band you guys should check out. They might be a bit hardcore/punk for your tastes, but I love their latest album. Really well done thrashy oldschool vibes with just the right amount of real hardcore/punk influence to make it cool. Much preferred over Municipal Waste, actually!


I've been plugging these guys to everyone I know recently. Great band, and I'm not sure why they don't get more recognition in the metal scene. They're just a bunch of hardcore kids who grew up in the hardcore scene, playing hardcore shows, but they're a metal band. A friend of mine mentioned to me that they sound like a sped up Crowbar, and another one said they have RTL-era Metallica type riffing.

Can't wait to see them with Baroness and PxDx.
I know most of you hate doom (But then again you all hated folk metal until Glen booked some, right???),

Wrong on both counts.

I have been into doom since...Black Sabbath what do you know? :lol:. Doom is one of my favorite sub-genres, not only classic bands like Candlemass, Saint Vitus, Witchfinder General, but also newer bands like Forsaken, Memory Garden, Thunderstorm, Doomshine, Minotauri, Orodruin, etc.

BTW, the new Count Raven album ("Mammons War") slays everything! After 13 years the band came back dooming like if no time has passed since MOC. Along with the new Candlemass and Forsaken albums this has been a great year for doom IMO.

As for folk, I've been into Skyclad before I even knew that a PPUSA show existed (and still long to see them at the festival), and of course Tuatha de Danann, Falconer, Tyr, Alestorm all have found space in my collection.
I love the fact that this traditional metal thing is in fashion now. Some really good stuff is coming out of it; Cauldron, White Wizzard, Enforcer, etc. However it is a bit bitter sweet seeing this occurrence. I just wonder were these bands are going to be in a year’s time, hopefully doing well. What seems odd about this is now the press and bigger labels are just now taking notice. How long will it last? This will be nothing like the thrash metal second coming just because the N.W.O.B.H.M. movement wasn’t that big the first go round. It did not become as huge until years later when every band in the UK that sounded like Maiden to Bad Co. had the tag stamped on them.
So with this push from the press and labels what I see as ironic is that the stuff was already here, why are they just now catching on. Sure it is good these bands are now getting attention but Twisted Tower Dire, Icarus Witch, Aska, Widow (Tribunal Records;) and others have been around for some time now. So seeing the Metal Hammer article I could not help to think that some of the press is really clueless towards the metal scene.
Raleigh alone has had traditional metal bands for sometime now; Twisted Tower, Widow, Viper, Praetorius, now Colossus. Actually I can’t think of anywhere in the U.S. that as a similar pocket of “traditional” sounding metal bands The first time seeing Widow to hearing that first album I always thought they sounded like Angel Witch. Praetorius bring the first two Saxon to mind, and the newest TTD has a lot of Thin Lizzy and UFO in there. Good stuff.
By the way I suggest the first Widow album ‘Midnight Strikes’ to anyone who likes traditional and N.W.O.B.H.M sounding bands. The album has gotten difficult to find.