New Wave of NWOBHM and classic traditiona metal REBORN!!!!

I love the fact that this traditional metal thing is in fashion now. Some really good stuff is coming out of it; Cauldron, White Wizzard, Enforcer, etc. However it is a bit bitter sweet seeing this occurrence. I just wonder were these bands are going to be in a year’s time, hopefully doing well. What seems odd about this is now the press and bigger labels are just now taking notice. How long will it last? This will be nothing like the thrash metal second coming just because the N.W.O.B.H.M. movement wasn’t that big the first go round. It did not become as huge until years later when every band in the UK that sounded like Maiden to Bad Co. had the tag stamped on them.
So with this push from the press and labels what I see as ironic is that the stuff was already here, why are they just now catching on. Sure it is good these bands are now getting attention but Twisted Tower Dire, Icarus Witch, Aska, Widow (Tribunal Records;) and others have been around for some time now. So seeing the Metal Hammer article I could not help to think that some of the press is really clueless towards the metal scene.
Raleigh alone has had traditional metal bands for sometime now; Twisted Tower, Widow, Viper, Praetorius, now Colossus. Actually I can’t think of anywhere in the U.S. that as a similar pocket of “traditional” sounding metal bands The first time seeing Widow to hearing that first album I always thought they sounded like Angel Witch. Praetorius bring the first two Saxon to mind, and the newest TTD has a lot of Thin Lizzy and UFO in there. Good stuff.
By the way I suggest the first Widow album ‘Midnight Strikes’ to anyone who likes traditional and N.W.O.B.H.M sounding bands. The album has gotten difficult to find.

The "press" aren't necessarily clueless, when this stuff is as underground as it is editors just aren't as likely to afford space for it, but when it begins to get some buzz, they are then willing to dedicate some space to these groups.
The mainstream mags such as Rolling Stone, et al, are INDEED clueless...
The "press" aren't necessarily clueless, when this stuff is as underground as it is editors just aren't as likely to afford space for it, but when it begins to get some buzz, they are then willing to dedicate some space to these groups.
The mainstream mags such as Rolling Stone, et al, are INDEED clueless...

ok maybe "clueless" was a bit strong. Still the stuff had been going on for a while. As for a "buzz" well I think it was there but was being ignored for whatever reason. What is happening now just seems to be exploitation to a degree. This seems to be a popular option among some of the bands that have been doing it for sometime now.
Really it seems like the bigger metal labels and press are just reaching for whatever they can grab onto that might work for a short time being.
True tradition metal has always had a good strong cult following. Seems that more people are starting to get hip to it.
Chicago's legendary Slauter Xstroyes reunites


"For many years, people have been asking if a Slauter Xstroyes could unite once more. Well, the time is now! Currently, Brent Sullivan and Paul Kratky (the original bassist and guitarist) have begun rehearsing together along with drummer Rik Kroll. Vocals, Steven Reimer (Chicago's Iron Maiden Trib.) will be replacing original singer John Stewert. The goal is to dust off some old songs for live shows and working on new material as well for a new cd. If all goes well, the band will be ready for a few shows in their hometown and prepare for the overseas festivals and clubs dates in 2010 as well. Up The Hammers Fest in Greece is all ready in the works 03/2010. Stay tuned and hopfully there will be new music up in the coming months. So far so good and we will be sure to keep ya posted. "
Chicago's legendary Slauter Xstroyes reunites


"For many years, people have been asking if a Slauter Xstroyes could unite once more. Well, the time is now! Currently, Brent Sullivan and Paul Kratky (the original bassist and guitarist) have begun rehearsing together along with drummer Rik Kroll. Vocals, Steven Reimer (Chicago's Iron Maiden Trib.) will be replacing original singer John Stewert. The goal is to dust off some old songs for live shows and working on new material as well for a new cd. If all goes well, the band will be ready for a few shows in their hometown and prepare for the overseas festivals and clubs dates in 2010 as well. Up The Hammers Fest in Greece is all ready in the works 03/2010. Stay tuned and hopfully there will be new music up in the coming months. So far so good and we will be sure to keep ya posted. "

Those re-issue are pretty good.
I don't know about the Slauter reunion, Stewart's voice is pretty awesome. Have you guys all picked up ENERGY VAMPIRES from SKR? Stewart on vocals..
OWNS = Forum talk for "kick serious amount of ass"!! :rock:

not hip to forum jargon. But yes they are pretty good. The new material is great, not sure what old fans will think of it though. I hear UFO, Scorpions and a lot of Thin Lizzy in it. One tune even brought Social D to mind so it is certainly different from the past. Honestly I think they can take anything add a touch of Maiden and make it TTD.
So I guess you got the re-issues?
One of my all time fav Chicago bands is SQUADRON.
Anyone remember them?

I'm usually pretty good with obscure U.S. bands but I think this one has stumped me. I will seriously be looking into them, they look to be right up my alley. That first album cover is cheezy as hell. Looks like it would be somewhere between Angel and Sorcery.
not hip to forum jargon. But yes they are pretty good. The new material is great, not sure what old fans will think of it though. I hear UFO, Scorpions and a lot of Thin Lizzy in it. One tune even brought Social D to mind so it is certainly different from the past. Honestly I think they can take anything add a touch of Maiden and make it TTD.
So I guess you got the re-issues?

I already have Isle of Hydra.
There was another reissue right????
I'm usually pretty good with obscure U.S. bands but I think this one has stumped me. I will seriously be looking into them, they look to be right up my alley. That first album cover is cheezy as hell. Looks like it would be somewhere between Angel and Sorcery.

Yeah, the FATAL STRIKE release is great.
Never heard their first one though.

A one-time bassist of theirs is currently in Mindwarp Chamber.

Pate - Squadron are very traditional US metal, some hints of Maiden.

I was lucky enough to find a CD version of their cassette only release on eBay. I can't swear its a legitimate release though!!! :lol:
I already have Isle of Hydra.
There was another reissue right????

Well I re-issued them earlier in the year. 'Curse' is re-mastered (it was really needed). There are early demos with the chick singer and the While Heaven Wept singer, cover tunes, video interviews. I'm told they are pretty kick ass, not being bias there. Personally I wanted to do more with them.

Twisted Tower Dire promo ad for re-issues
do you have copies of all the TTD remasters? I need to grab their albums

edit- nvm...checking out your distro bought to blow to much money :loco: is that the reissue blind illusion?