New Wintersun coverart....

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Gay? Just say it: I dislike the pink!

..or something like that.

Not everything can look like a 90s Cannibal Corpse coverart.
I honestly wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary, but this is truly the best cover art I've ever seen. I think the pink is appropriate and the artwork makes me even more optimistic that the rumors of Asian influence on this album are true. I will definitely have to buy this album and I would even buy a poster of this cover art if it were available. I can barely even express how excited I've been for this album.

EDIT: This is now my desktop background.
its my background as well, people here are so fucking judgmental, just because of the pink color its "gay", i think its just ok, without the pink color it would have been way much better though.

:lol: You sure that isn't Clay Aikens album cover?
btw Wintersun are meh

your taste in music sucks, Wintersun FTW.
I would have had the grey/black/white more dominant, and more fully uncolored (no dark blue or green hues), and limited color to a more focused area or object. Like even just make the sky all black/stars with white light shining through, illuminating the tree to color. The color in the sky takes too much of the focus off the tree.
I think it wouldn't be as lame if the sky was more red, and the sky was dark. It just looks too happy for me.
I definitely see the asian influence there. Tbh I have a number of albums with really shitty art so w/e and wtf is funderground?

I'll hazard a guess: metal that is ostensibly "underground" in that it lacks major label promotion and stuff but has serious funding and production values?
If I'm right, it's a really stupid term that implies a truly moronic viewpoint.

Edit:@ml: have you ever heard Wintersun? Not exactly suicidal bm here...
I noticed this before as well, but after seeing it on both albums, I think Wintersun also has one of my favorite logos as well. It looks cool, adaquately represents the music and is legible.
I think it wouldn't be as lame if the sky was more red, and the sky was dark. It just looks too happy for me.
I think it looks desolate and lonely, but with a glimpse of hope and inspiration.

Also, in response to this "flower metal" jargon, I actually find this term to be rather appropriate, because the cover reminded me of this picture that I took in my barn about two and a half years ago.

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