New Wintersun coverart....

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this cover art is better than that shit


I don't made me laugh,so is has something going
for it there....
nothing out of that whole finnish-power-metal-cum-folk-with-black-metal-vocals comes close to the ensiferum debut. you know, turisas, wintersun, cob, finntroll arent in the same league, nor are ensiferum's successive releases.

they got it right once, and no one has been able to equal it, not even themselves

Nah, that artwork actually sucks, and so does using tired 4chan chatter in every sentence.
Aren't you the same person who just claimed someone ELSE was trying to be objective about art? You should look in the mirror, friend.

I obviously wasn't being entirely serious, as evidenced by my 4chanisms. And either way, even if you want to take it as a serious post it's obviously my opinion. Dismissing artwork because of the pink is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I have my personal qualms with that artwork to be honest, but it has more to do with the fact that it looks too new school/digital/modern. There's a difference between me saying that people need to learn to look at art without going "ew pink, not metal, gay" and someone telling me "no you're wrong, it sucks. I am right."
Strange, you missed the entire point of my post and made a stupid assumption. :rolleyes:

There was no point. I said I liked the art and you were just like "nah it sucks." Is that your point? Cause if it does you need to re-evaluate your life.
Is that your point? Cause if it does you need to re-evaluate your life.

This part of your post doesn't even make sense. Please stop until you become coherent.

I was obviously making the point that your opinion is no more objective than any other opinion anyone could express, so claiming that people who don't agree with you need to "learn2art" is retarded. Besides, using that term would be retarded even if you were right.
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