New Years Resolutions


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
i know i know, christmas haasn't even been yet but you got to think about these things! i'd do teh whole smoking one but i already gave up a year and three months ago woohoo!!
mine are the following:
start to learn to play the violin
go rock climbing regularly
pick up italian again
and umm, the geek in me wants to learn about Existentialism hehe

so whats yours?????
Here they are on me PC looking great. :D
why do you need so much memory Achernar? do you use it for Video Editing and stuff on yer PC..anyways Kingstones r great!

and my resolutions are:
Get Accepted by the University I applied to
Get *Her*
Get Laid
Get A GEForce FX 5200
Happy NEw Year To YOu All in Advance:)
Falconspirit said:
why do you need so much memory Achernar? do you use it for Video Editing and stuff on yer PC..anyways Kingstones r great!

and my resolutions are:
Get Accepted by the University I applied to
Get *Her*
Get Laid
Get A GEForce FX 5200
Happy NEw Year To YOu All in Advance:)
Nopes, Midi and Audio stuff mainly. Kingston rulez! :eek: Don't go for a 5200 mate, trust me. And no video card under 256Mb is nice these dayz. :D I have a spare FX5600 with 256mb, wanna buy it? :D
Achernar said:
Nopes, Midi and Audio stuff mainly. Kingston rulez! :eek: Don't go for a 5200 mate, trust me. And no video card under 256Mb is nice these dayz. :D I have a spare FX5600 with 256mb, wanna buy it? :D
No game has actually made it up to 256Mb.