newb here, whats up?


happiness is jagermiester
Jan 15, 2004
hows everybody doin? this is my first post here and to start off, lets see what you guys favorite sym x song is. right now i just got TiO and now my fav is either lady in the snow, candlelight fantasia or the accolade/II
Welcome to the forum!
Pick just one favorite song? Can't do it..hehe..too many good ones to choose from. ;)
Noob to noob: Hi there

My fave SyX song right now... perhaps The Odyssey. ...or Rediscovery Pt2. Well, I've been jamming A Fool's Paradise lately, but I don't know how did that happened. Go Odyssey.
Kain_Xiorcal said:
Noob to noob: Hi there

My fave SyX song right now... perhaps The Odyssey. ...or Rediscovery Pt2. Well, I've been jamming A Fool's Paradise lately, but I don't know how did that happened. Go Odyssey.
Are you kain?
I mean THE kain?
The one that used to come to #dt?
Welcome, man. Always good to have one more (As long as you don't say "Who's better, Romeo, or Petrucci?" Then I'll hate you).
Favorite song? I just played A Fool's Paradise like 5 times when I got home, so that's it at the moment. :) Ask me again in 10 minutes.
i like the last part of the odyssey the best, the chorus on that part is killer, russel allen has to be my favorite singer since james hetfield(used to be a diehard metallica fan, but then st anger came out...) im just waiting until the other three special editions i dont have come in to the music store, then im getting V if i can find it!
FLechdrop said:
Are you kain?
I mean THE kain?
The one that used to come to #dt?
I had to go to #dt to be THE kain? sheesh
Also, what else does THE kain do that is cool other than go to #dt?

OfSinsAndShred said:
I just played A Fool's Paradise like 5 times when I got home
Looks like it's catching up...
goth_fiend said:
i like the last part of the odyssey the best, the chorus on that part is killer, russel allen has to be my favorite singer since james hetfield(used to be a diehard metallica fan, but then st anger came out...) im just waiting until the other three special editions i dont have come in to the music store, then im getting V if i can find it!

V is there as well as all the Special Edition titles.

Welcome to the show,

:rock: welcome to all Newby's!!!!

I just cannot pick "ONE" fav. SymX song either.. But "The Accolade" was my 1st one, so that holds a very special place in my heart..:worship:

I'm new here, too. Thought this was a good startup, so my favourites at this time are "The Odyssey", "Fallen", "Rediscovery Pt. II" and the excellent "Lacrimosa".

Cheers to all,

Koncept Kosh