Newbie question about the different sub-genres


Jul 11, 2002
Vilseck Germany
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Could someone tell me what separates each of the sub genres of metal and makes them all different?

Like , does death metal only Growl? and stuff like that.

Yes I'm such a newbie but all the metal I've heard i love hehe :D

well .. not exactly all but most :p

Fave bands so far

There are huge debates over all that sub-genre stuff. Here is a general idea of the sounds from a few:

Black Metal: Usually dark or grim sounding. Usually has blast beats. Guitars aren't usually downtuned. Usually related more to classical music as much as heavy metal.

Death Metal: Usually has growling or roaring vocals. A lot of it has down tuned guitars. This sub-genre branches off into a million other sub-sub-genres

Doom: Slower. Sometimes very heavy and thick guitars. Sometimes can be very melodic. Once again, this genre branches off quite a bit.

Industrial Metal: Adds a lot of electronic stuff.

Grindcore: Usually is very fast. Shorter songs. Related to punk as much as heavy metal.

Power Metal: Very "majestic" sounding. Mostly clean vocals. Lots of guitar and keyboard solos.

Thrash: Lots of chunky, rythmic guitars. Yelling vocals are common. Not as many blast beats as death or black metal.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure many others will answer too.
I agree with lizard in saying that npearce has pretty much got it down for you, and yes, there will be people who say so and so metal is this and that, and will have a different opinion on everything. So even categorizing a band can become as personal as to what kind of music you like!! :lol:
One person's Grindcore is another person's Death Metal...

I just listen to brutal and heavy music. I could care less what you want to call it.
I agree Metal is Metal and what is important is that you enjoy what you are listening to. I find the same problem with all the sub-genres, all the different names becomes quite comical. I find it hard to seperate all the genres. I don't really feel the need to seperate them all especially if the genres sound so similar that it crosses many different styles.

I personally think some genres if not quite a few are invented by media/record companies/bands so they can seperate themselves from the rest of the flock. It's a good selling point for bands, to say they innovated, invented a certain sub-genre. I could be off the mark, but I don't think so.
Originally posted by Weapon X
I agree Metal is Metal and what is important is that you enjoy what you are listening to. I find the same problem with all the sub-genres, all the different names becomes quite comical. I find it hard to seperate all the genres. I don't really feel the need to seperate them all especially if the genres sound so similar that it crosses many different styles.

I personally think some genres if not quite a few are invented by media/record companies/bands so they can seperate themselves from the rest of the flock. It's a good selling point for bands, to say they innovated, invented a certain sub-genre. I could be off the mark, but I don't think so.

Good point. I think the genres become useful when I am asking about a particular band. For example, look at the description of Agalloch "The Mantle" on the banner at this site. It helps me understand what they sound like without even hearing them. This is only useful to avoid wasting time trying to find MP3's on a band that I have no interest in.
Yeah genres are good for that. What sound do they have?

For me I never ask that type question, I ask who do they sound like? All bands are influenced by other bands/peers, and is represented in the way they make their music as well as how they sound. I find a lot of bands incorporate a number of different styles to come up with their own sounds. This is why I ask the question that I stated above, for me it is easier to understand what they sound like.
I think the generes are useful, to those who are just starting to listen to metal, and for the regulars who want to define a certin type of band. Metal is a big recipe... different spices and flavors... but it all can make your mother cry.
what about all the sub genres of sub genres?! haha. take black metal for example

traditional black metal
symphonic black metal
trve black metal
nationalist socialist black metal
arsk black metal
living colour
viking black metal
neo black metal....


subgenres are nice, but it can go too far
This is a topic that will rage for eons and we are mostly correct tho when you come down to it its just a matter of opinion and what matters is that we like what we listen to. Tho what can get on my nerves and something I know we all agree is when some jerkoff argues with me about Creed being heavy metal. Bah. Get a clue.

Originally posted by Necromaster
lol nice seeing you here gR. you join after seeing the Thyrfing link i posted at powerslave? damn this is my first post and im wasting it on him. fuck. :mad:

hahaha, ah. someone else refered them to me. cuz we were bitching about the ozzfest boards being gay

haha, i popped your board cherry :lol:
The only real way to learn about the genres is wait and listen. You'll eventually pick it all up along the way. It's nearly impossible to be explained to by one person.