News about the CD

Agreed with proulxski. Playing along with that cute analogy, there really is no "scenery" to keep us at bay.

Let's be honest. The reason why Symphony X doesn't do the whole keep the fans up to date at least in a regular fashion instead of 3 months between each one is that they're old. They're OLD! THEY'RE ALL LIKE WHAT? OVER 40!!! I mean, how many over 40 year olds do you know of that can use the computer very well? My Mom can but that's because all she does is email and excel, whenever theres something else she IMMEDIATELY calls me.

Mom: Yousef, come up here!!! Quick it's an emergency!!!!!!
Me: -Runs upstairs as fast as he can!- Yeah Mom?
Mom: Oh hey yousef.. yeah for some reason I seem to have misplaced the yknow... um what's it called? That black thing that is kind of pointy that lets me press stuff on the screen? Yeah that thing.
Me: You mean................ the mouse pointer?
Mom: YEAH!! THAT'S IT!!!! I lost it! Where can I find it or what button do I press to bring it up?
Me: -Swipes finger over touchpad-
Mom: OH! THERE IT IS! Thanks Yousef, what would I do without my computer genius in the house? :)

Is it just me or does anybody else feel that the same thing is going down with the writing process of this album as was with PL?

Mike has a bunch of "cool" guitar riffs he wants to use and records them along with some drums, and after the music is recorded they start putting together lyrics and melodies. This approach to writing music shows a lack of inspiration, and makes me feel as if they are now at the point to where they churn out an album because they have to in order to make money. Like how I don't enjoy my job but I go and clock in everyday because I have to in order to make money...

I was hoping that the lack of updates and Mike not responding to Jax for so long would have been because he was inspired and deep into writing thought provoking music. I just feel that when a musician is truly inspired/interested in some sort of concept or theme, they make their best music. V is my, and many others, favorite SyX album; however, it is also the album with the most originally inspired concept. They took the idea of Atlantis and its mysteries and created a fully original story surrounding it that a novelist would create. If it somehow existed, I would pay money for a DVD documentary about the writing process of V and what went through Mike's head during that period that allowed him to create such a unique concept.

Now I am not sure on this, but I would bet that when V was made the music was not made before the concept, themes, ideas, and maybe even lyrics were put in place. The music was probably made to compliment the themes; however, with this and the last album it seems they are just putting together cool sounding music and afterwards figuring out what sort of lyrics and such would go with it well.

I really hope I am proven wrong with this album, but I can't help but feel that ever since SyX has been able to make enough money to survive in the music business they have sort of shown a little less passion in their writing process..
gee. I missed so much this weekend and still the album is not released, I think Im going to have a melt down, but thats only cause Im old and cant use a computer.
For fucks sake all I did was wonder if there was an update coming. If somebody had posted what I did on DTF, they wouldn't be blasted for being a whiny bitch like you're implying.

This is why I've stuck with only one forum; people like you are unbearable to deal with
Relic, Speaking for myself Im just bustin balls while making a point at the same time. You post was not the worst, that followed later. Sorry, nothing personal just realize we'll know when we know and everything else in the mean time is not going to make anything happen any differently.

Thanks for the beer Ken, I had plenty all weekend

I actually cant use a computer cept for the little simple things I want it for, but when something goes wrong Im a retard... well... goes without sayin'

New update - Their WILL be a new Symphony X CD, its commin, I can feel it, I can smell it, I just cant hear it yet, lets think of it as foreplay
Now I am not sure on this, but I would bet that when V was made the music was not made before the concept, themes, ideas, and maybe even lyrics were put in place.

I don't consider myself an authority on it, but I read that a lot of the music for V was intended for a large title track on Twilight In Olympus, but when that couldn't be completed in time for the album, they broke it down and used parts of it all over V. If this is wrong then ignore me, but if true then it means that the music can absolutely be made before the themes and ideas of the songs have been pinned down. Not to say the entire songs can be made, but the riffs can be there.
Nobody wants to RUSH the band
Both are creative processes that need to be in harmony with each other, that's all that matters.

Just a little hype from myself, I admit. Nobody wants an album forced out before its perfected.
Yea, I heard this before too. I was gonna post it myself but you beat me to it. Honestly at this point I see no reason to assume that the album isnt going to be good. We have like absolutely no information to base that on. Just wait until it gets realeased.

I don't consider myself an authority on it, but I read that a lot of the music for V was intended for a large title track on Twilight In Olympus, but when that couldn't be completed in time for the album, they broke it down and used parts of it all over V. If this is wrong then ignore me, but if true then it means that the music can absolutely be made before the themes and ideas of the songs have been pinned down. Not to say the entire songs can be made, but the riffs can be there.
I don't consider myself an authority on it, but I read that a lot of the music for V was intended for a large title track on Twilight In Olympus, but when that couldn't be completed in time for the album, they broke it down and used parts of it all over V. If this is wrong then ignore me, but if true then it means that the music can absolutely be made before the themes and ideas of the songs have been pinned down. Not to say the entire songs can be made, but the riffs can be there.

I believe the only thing in V that was intended for TiO originally was Rediscovery. In what way I am not sure; however, I remember reading somewhere a while back that Rediscovery was originally intended to be a lengthy "epic" track on TiO until they ran short of time. Also, there is no telling how different Rediscovery sounds compared to what it was going to sound like had it been released on TiO. For all we know maybe only the keyboard melody was used in making the version that came out on V?
The same melodies and such can be recycled (not meant in the ugly sense of "Behemoth's song 'Conquer All' recycles the riff from Anthrax's 'Be All End All' track") and still used in fantastic ways that are entirely different in feel and energy, tempo, epicness, etc. from an original idea. Unless we heard a demo of TiO, there's no telling what was re-used (maybe just a drum pattern even) and reworked, etc.
Is it just me or does anybody else feel that the same thing is going down with the writing process of this album as was with PL?

Mike has a bunch of "cool" guitar riffs he wants to use and records them along with some drums, and after the music is recorded they start putting together lyrics and melodies. This approach to writing music shows a lack of inspiration, and makes me feel as if they are now at the point to where they churn out an album because they have to in order to make money. Like how I don't enjoy my job but I go and clock in everyday because I have to in order to make money...

I was hoping that the lack of updates and Mike not responding to Jax for so long would have been because he was inspired and deep into writing thought provoking music. I just feel that when a musician is truly inspired/interested in some sort of concept or theme, they make their best music. V is my, and many others, favorite SyX album; however, it is also the album with the most originally inspired concept. They took the idea of Atlantis and its mysteries and created a fully original story surrounding it that a novelist would create. If it somehow existed, I would pay money for a DVD documentary about the writing process of V and what went through Mike's head during that period that allowed him to create such a unique concept.

Now I am not sure on this, but I would bet that when V was made the music was not made before the concept, themes, ideas, and maybe even lyrics were put in place. The music was probably made to compliment the themes; however, with this and the last album it seems they are just putting together cool sounding music and afterwards figuring out what sort of lyrics and such would go with it well.

I really hope I am proven wrong with this album, but I can't help but feel that ever since SyX has been able to make enough money to survive in the music business they have sort of shown a little less passion in their writing process..

This is the feeling I get as well. The vibe I get off Symphony X these days is that they have turned that proverbial corner from "writing complex, challenging music for themselves" to "writing simple, churn-it-out music that appeals to a wider fan base." To some degree it is hard to blame them: this is a band that likely spent the majority of their career making about enough money to eat and drive to the next gig. If you've put out a bunch of truly great albums, and one band defining (perhaps genre defining) epic, and then someone told you "ya know, if you just bang out some heavy guitar riffs and dumb it down, you'll make a lot more money, have a lot more fans, and not have to work nearly as hard to write and perform the music," that would represent a serious temptation.

I'd love to think that the reason for the time between albums is because they are locked away somewhere working out orchestral arrangements and brilliant, innovative, conceptual music, but I just don't think that is the case. I would put my money on them taking it nice and easy, not paying too much mind to the writing process, and ultimately slapping together a mediocre metal album with riffs left over from PL in that ruinous process of writing songs via guitar riffs and progressions with everything else simply written afterwards to fill out the sound.

That's the vibe I get from this band at this point. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm pretty confident in my assessment.
This is the feeling I get as well. The vibe I get off Symphony X these days is that they have turned that proverbial corner from "writing complex, challenging music for themselves" to "writing simple, churn-it-out music that appeals to a wider fan base." To some degree it is hard to blame them: this is a band that likely spent the majority of their career making about enough money to eat and drive to the next gig. If you've put out a bunch of truly great albums, and one band defining (perhaps genre defining) epic, and then someone told you "ya know, if you just bang out some heavy guitar riffs and dumb it down, you'll make a lot more money, have a lot more fans, and not have to work nearly as hard to write and perform the music," that would represent a serious temptation.

Well said sir! I think Symphony X deserves a big break like Dream Theater has gotten. Portnoy stepped in for A7X on their new record and Symphony X still chills in the shadows making much more incredible music. To be honest they need to keep it simple if that's what they are going for because as much as I hate uber popularity possibly ruining bands, I think they deserve to be on everyday radio, more XM long as it doesn't ruin them completely and they keep their writing talent, I don't care - I just want them to keep making music.