News about the CD

This is the feeling I get as well. The vibe I get off Symphony X these days is that they have turned that proverbial corner from "writing complex, challenging music for themselves" to "writing simple, churn-it-out music that appeals to a wider fan base." To some degree it is hard to blame them: this is a band that likely spent the majority of their career making about enough money to eat and drive to the next gig. If you've put out a bunch of truly great albums, and one band defining (perhaps genre defining) epic, and then someone told you "ya know, if you just bang out some heavy guitar riffs and dumb it down, you'll make a lot more money, have a lot more fans, and not have to work nearly as hard to write and perform the music," that would represent a serious temptation.

I'd love to think that the reason for the time between albums is because they are locked away somewhere working out orchestral arrangements and brilliant, innovative, conceptual music, but I just don't think that is the case. I would put my money on them taking it nice and easy, not paying too much mind to the writing process, and ultimately slapping together a mediocre metal album with riffs left over from PL in that ruinous process of writing songs via guitar riffs and progressions with everything else simply written afterwards to fill out the sound.

That's the vibe I get from this band at this point. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm pretty confident in my assessment.

Oh please...
Oh please...

seriously, as if Mike and the boys have sat down scheming a way to "make money" rather than have fun and work hard creating "new" music.

"Creating "new" music" : Shall we consider this for a moment ?

Lets see, you've been at this music thing for near two decades, written an amazing pile of epic progressive music. Used nearly every possible note and rhythmic combination you can possibly think of, every riff angle and groove that has come to you in the genre of your pursuit. Now lets do another 60 minutes of epicness and not sound "the same" so we get slagged for that.... not sound like we "sold out" so we get slagged for that... not produce anything that could be considered inferior to our most amazing work... cause if we do we'll get slagged for that... where to turn, please show me great self appointed god like critics.

Only one thing left to do boys, a progressive bluegrass LP and let the slag fall where it may

No wonder so many musicians become distressed or eventually could care less with their "fans". I'd like to see one of these know it all critics approach the band members on their "inferior direction" at an after show meet, with head firmly planted in their ASS !

No wonder so many musicians become distressed or eventually could care less with their "fans". I'd like to see one of these know it all critics approach the band members on their "inferior direction" at an after show meet, with head firmly planted in their ASS !


LMAO.... You're correct sir...

Musicians are so distressed and now care less about their fans because a few of them think they are going in an "inferior direction" even before they hear the new stuff!!!

You can't make this stuff up....:hotjump:
I think both sides are going to way to far extremes... Symphony X will continue releasing music they enjoy, that's what they did for over 10 years until they caught there big break with Gigantour 2006. They wrote alot of Paradise Lose while on tour, so if its simplified maybe thats why. Maybe the other bands during that time while on tour influenced them. So PL is a little more power metal, so it appeals to a wider fan base. Its still a sweet album. Symphony X....Sorry Michael Romeo, cares about fans. But what we think does not effect what he writes. He has always made music than him, and the gang enjoy, and agree on. Which is what makes them an awesome band. It also leaves their next album up in the air. (I say next as in all future releases) Because where they are, how they feel, or there current influences might effect what there next album will sound like. You could get another V, you could get some Pain of Salvation atmospheric stuff, or some Kamelot. Maybe even Dragonforce if thats what floats there boat (though I highly doubt it lol)!

EDIT: Just an example of the band they where with at the time....
-Megadeth, Dream Theater, Fear Factory, Nevermore, Life of Agony, Dry Kill Logic, Bobaflex... I mean other than DT there is nothing on there that sounds even remotely like Symphony X. Some nevermore, but Megadeth and the rest of them? pffft.

Not that anyone cares what I have to say, but some of you think way to hard about this. You have 40% of the forums who want updates and are anal about it. Than you have 50% of the members who bash everyone for wanting those updates and are anal about that. Anal about proving their point and being right. Than there is 10% who care for both, but could not care less.

The next album, will kick ass! Will it be better or worse than PL? I can't say, I think it will be a perfected PL, they will turn down the loudness, and add abit more progressiveness, and keep the sound of PL. Voila they please everyone. Its symphony x, I'm so confident in them as a band that I'm sure no matter what its called, when it comes out, or what genre it is. I will enjoy it. Love it to death? Maybe not, but enjoy it compared to loads of other music? for sure!
Dave Mustaine is an asshole. I very nearly got into a fist fight with him.

Me: Hey Dave, Holy Wars is amazing; how long it take you to write that?

Mustaine: What's it to you?

Me: What?

Mustaine: What?

We circle each other and it gets diffused pretty quickly.

I could see why that motormouth fuckstick got kicked out of Cashtallica.

Russell Allen would mutilate him.
@Kenn: Yeh it was pretty shitty, but just the same. Symphony X was the only band I really cared for in the lineup. And they rocked, and it was a huge show for them. And spending so much time on the road writing Paradise Lost, while touring with all the other bands def' worked there sound a'lil i'm sure!

@Prismatic Sphere: Dave Mustaine an asshole? I would think he is more of a full of himself cocky prick. But not an asshole. He is one of those guys than would make an awesome friend, when he isn't talking about how awesome he is. At least from the times Ive spoken with him....
Why was gigantour bad ? and please dont say it was because they were sucky bands, give me something non bias and grounded. I ask because I've been sorry I missed it.

Dave... LOL, seems he's a drama queen, from what little I have heard him say but I love his music and political balls
seriously, as if Mike and the boys have sat down scheming a way to "make money" rather than have fun and work hard creating "new" music.

"Creating "new" music" : Shall we consider this for a moment ?

Lets see, you've been at this music thing for near two decades, written an amazing pile of epic progressive music. Used nearly every possible note and rhythmic combination you can possibly think of, every riff angle and groove that has come to you in the genre of your pursuit. Now lets do another 60 minutes of epicness and not sound "the same" so we get slagged for that.... not sound like we "sold out" so we get slagged for that... not produce anything that could be considered inferior to our most amazing work... cause if we do we'll get slagged for that... where to turn, please show me great self appointed god like critics.

Only one thing left to do boys, a progressive bluegrass LP and let the slag fall where it may

No wonder so many musicians become distressed or eventually could care less with their "fans". I'd like to see one of these know it all critics approach the band members on their "inferior direction" at an after show meet, with head firmly planted in their ASS !


I wasn't really saying anything along the lines of SyX being dirty and purposefully dumbing down their music to make money or any of that.

I was merely stating that it seems to me that starting with the writing of PL, Romeo seems to not be having much inspiration to carry over into his writing. This becomes apparent to me in the way the writing process has been as of late. The method of churning out/recycling cool guitar tracks and drums and filling out the rest of the stuff later seems like somthing that would be done by an uninspired musician. This is not the the type of writing process one uses when they are inspired or passionate about something they have chosen to write about.

For me it was never about if they will sound the same or sound different, but rather that they will make music that came from some sort of inspiration.
^ Lol, agreed man... Agreed!

@ Razoredge: Kenn summed it up lol. When I say, symphony x is the only band I cared for. I mean I would not have went if they were not there. I like Megadeth, Dream Theater, Nevermore...Even the other ones had 'something' to enjoy. But overall it was just badly organized and the sound was terrible!
Thats what I figured guys, honestly not unlike 80% of the concerts I have been to in the past 4 decades.

The SX concert I went to was NOT tonally enjoyable, if not for Russell's stage presence and that he barely managed to cut through the equivelent of a roaring jet amidst a violent thunderstorm that concert would have sucked bag too.

We need to implement a public mutilation of soundmen clause at concerts. One where after the first song the band asks the crowd how the soundman is doing and if they vote no he is pummeled by the hord and somebody else steps in, sooner or later we'll find the people that dont have thier head up their ass.
honestly Ken I think its because somewhere "it was written" that a band needs to be brutally loud, and that kick drums need to feel like a boxer punching you in the chest... and then its all down hill from there. You can NOT have clarity at those volumns especially with bands that rely on massive distortion in the first place. The human ear drum just cant function when its blown clear to the center of the skull.

This is something that began back in the days of The Who, Hendrix, Zeppelin and others when for what ever reason great importance was placed on who was the loudest band. Myself I would have placed my pride on being a great sounding band.

The good tonal concerts I have been to were, Vaughan, Cray, Beck and Santana, all hardrock and metal bands have always sucked. That said Metallica was not real bad this past year, Queensryche and Kamelot were not real bad either but still compared to a sanely cranked stereo at home they were subpar and the only real draw is to simply "see the band". I was also comfortable with DT way back on their I&W concert they were loud but not brutal and I could hear every part.

Now at that SX show the opening band sounded great and it progressively got louder with each act, by the time SX came on it was simply horrible, nothing but a big pile of distortion as the retard at the board struggled to match the other players volumn to that of the kick drums that were causing heart murmers. Imagine what a force so powerful that you can feel it in your chest is doing to your tiny ear drums.

"Hey, how was the band last night?"


honestly Ken I think its because somewhere "it was written" that a band needs to be brutally loud, and that kick drums need to feel like a boxer punching you in the chest...

let's put it this way. Cinema has a sound quality standard.

Why don't live concerts? Granted, each stadium/bar/arena is a different space, but that's correctable.

I completely agree with you. It boggles my mind why there are no sound standards in this day and age. Nothing has sound quality standards or regulations... a good example is tv commercial volume compared to the show's volume, or movies. Like you have it on 5 and it sounds loud enough for the movie, but then the commercials come on and each commercial has a different volume so it's either blasting or you can't hear the commercial at all. Even internet video has varying sounds... there are no standards whatsoever and it's annoying.
It would not be hard to create something like THX tailored for live sound settings.

Clearly, some factors would be ruled out. Video elements would be superfluous, treatment of the walls (chances are, there are no walls) will be less important. Requirements for structure such as floating walls, ceiling, floor would be thrown out as well as requirements that no two walls are parallel. The venue cannot be anticipated. Minimum noise floor would be thrown out due to the negligibility compared with a screaming crowd.

An SPL requirement at a given distance from the stage could be specified. A frequency response and delay calibration could be specified. While speaker placement is up to the artistic direction of production management, these requirements would ensure that the right amount of treble, mids and bass are heard in all areas of the venue.

Okay, so every band is going to sound different, use different gear, different number of speakers, etc. This is where the "sound engineer" earns his/her ENGINEER status. It is their job description to take the above random elements and tune the system to produce the specified, consistent output. I have to do the same thing in every theatre I install, whether they have 29 speakers and 8 3'x6' subwoofers, or just 5 C29AVs. Allowing the sound engineer freedom to adjust arbitrarily to a subjective preference opens the door to the same kind of thing you hear in a car stereo: there are those who drive with a perfectly tuned system, and there are those who lift the bass through the roof and scoop out all the mids, resulting in the evil abomination known as one-note-bass and imperceptible muddy noise.