News about the CD

I could not disagree more. I think it's cool when bands take time to keep contact with their fans, and I try to do that myself when I'm interacting with people who regularly come out to shows, etc, but I in now way have any responsibility to do anything but play the show as agreed and record an album. Everything else is above and beyond. Yes, being a musician is a choice, but it's a hobby, not a job. People who demand updates MAKE it a job and thus, not so much fun.

well of course i'm talking bout professional musicians, not the ones who have regular jobs and got no time to update! ;-)
:lol: You mean to say you believe that most metal band members don't have day jobs they work while not on tour? We can't all be Ke. :lol:

I mean to say that being a musician is, in fact, a full-time job for some and goes well beyond just being a hobby, a label which just sounds flat out patronizing in some contexts.

However, before your response to my post (which isn't in any way tongue-in-cheek), I had absolutely no concept of how the music business works. Now that you have shown me the way with your uniquely brilliant observations, I feel as though my career experience and education up to this point has been a complete farce. You mean the guys in SX don't live on 100 acre estates and swim in pools filled with liquid money:guh:
I don't agree with the OP's tone (assuming he isn't kidding but is actually so angry), but I do agree 100000000% with his message. No one expects daily updates on the band's progress. But if you know you have thousands of fans waiting to hear the new album, you can take 5 minutes out of your day to type a sentence or two about what's going on. According to these updates, a large chunk of the album was done back in MARCH. And pretty much no real updates since...that's 7 months. That is absolutely ridiculous. I've hung out with the band a lot and I truly love their music, but there is no reason for this kind of communication breakdown (heh) with their fans. And there is NO excuse to explain why the band can't take 5 minutes a month to post a short paragraph on the site about their progress. In this regard, OP is absolutely correct.

And this whole "you don't like it, tough" attitude expressed by many of the members on this board is absolutely shameful. Fans keep a band afloat, and taking 5 minutes a month to update on a new album shouldn't be any kind of problem.
Many of you, on both sides, raise very valid points. But i've said it many times. Even vented a much more hateful thread myself back in Paradise Lost days!

But it boils down to "Its been a couple months and no news." I'm sure fans would be plenty happy with, "Yeah guys, the album is going great, release date soon!". And it all goes back to false promises by band mates/moderators. God bless every ones soul, I understand what work goes into such things, and how busy moderators/band memebers can get, when its not a full time job, and just a side thing.

But the debate still remains, just like it did back in paradise lost days. Why post you will get biweekly updates, or there will be an update next month. If you wont follow through.

For the old time forum members (kenn, zach) I agree, people cry to much, and the band does owe us nothing. However, give them a break, we have alot of new fans/old fans forum members. Who are asking where the updates are, give them a break. Don't be tards, all your doing is making them not come back, and maybe because of how aggressive some of you get they will be turned off of the music entirely. (childish I know)

Don't be so hasty, what did these people do to you guys? Being an internet tough guy doesn't get you very far in life!

In the end, the last update clearly says there will be an update. Thats what Old/new fans are going by, and there is none. So they come in here, anticipating an update that was stated to be released...Only to see there isn't one, than to see there is a thread about album updates. They pop in here, what do they find. Endless pages of people saying "Where are the updates" and "Updates are lame, they owe you nothing get a life". Real helpful!

I personally just want to know what it is up. Is the band okay, is the album still in the works. In due time my friends, i'm sure we will get an update sooner than later. And when we do, i'm hoping it will be a doozey. Hopefully in a positive way!
====== 18.MARCH.10 ======
Symphony X enter the studio!
Things are moving right along with the new CD! The music is all finished and Jason arrived in New Jersey this week, drums start tracking today. Mike has promised to get photos of the recording sessions so stay tuned for those
I'm stoked for those photos!
My only problem is that there WERE updates. There was a hype and excitement when even that little bit of information about the new album was released. The problem is that it hasn't been followed up yet.
When most bands are releasing albums almost yearly, SX takes their time. The fans are patient to wait 3-4 years for a new iteration, but even the smallest, tiniest statement of "Yeah, this is what we've done so far" at least gives people hope and keeps the interest alive between such large gaps of time.

No it isn't the bands responsibility to constantly update us, but we were teased and then cut off for about 3 months now.DEMANDING a sentence of an update isn't asking much. It takes 2 seconds to do so, which is why some people here are (understandably) frustrated.

I agree with this and the guy who said that they're neglecting the internet. I think the band at least has a responsibility, at the end of the last touring cycle, to say "aright, we're gonna cool down now, see you all in a few years." Just to let people know not to hang on to their seats waiting for the new album. Which is, of course, the opposite of saying "OK NEW SHIT TO FOLLOW" and then leaving it there.

Whatever. Paradise Lost blew. Symphony X was one of my favorite bands for a while, but I'm not gonna sit here and chew on The Odyssey for 8 years. Not worth the investment in a band that doesn't even respect me, the fan, enough to tell me "well we expect you to chew on The Odyssey for 8 years."