News about the CD

I haven't been listening any other music or band since paradise lost came out and mostly been refreshing the news/forum page for new when the hell it comes out?! :rolleyes:

Well actually, just a bit more patience...the time comes soon I'm sure :lol:
There was plenty of fans, happily discussing symphony x songs, lyrical meaning, covers of songs, photos of live shows, cover artwork, and symphony x merchandise.

I miss these times. Believe it or not, I want to talk about Symphony X on the Symphony X forum! I want in-depth discussions on the Domination thud, what scale Romeo uses in the Eve of Seduction solo, and why the band has never played Absence of Light live! The "Favorite Beer" thread should be changed to the "Favorite Songs That Thomas Miller Played A 5-String Bass On" thread! Why does Romeo prefer stage right? What part of Champion of Ithaca did Lepond write? Many of these questions are unanswered and should be discussed at great length amongst Symphony X forumers.
I don't think there's much to say here about SX that hasn't already been said a million times. This forum is nearly ten years old! I'm sure every question has been answered at least twice. PL isn't fresh at all anymore, but it's not yet old enough to be V status. The elephant in this room couldn't get any bigger--we are all dying to hear the new album, but communication with the band has been sketchy to say the least for the past two years or so. I'm sure once the album comes out, this forum will return to mainly SX topics like for all you guitar geeks, "I think I heard a semitone in Romeo's solo on the latest single lulz".
yes. Now everyone go out and buy the SBX cd!! Ok, so much for the shameless plug. Now back to waiting for the next SymX cd.

I still owe you a call, I suck.... Perhaps this weekend.....Listened to the SB cd about 4-5 times, and I do think it's their best Morse-less era cd they've done to date....:wave:
I should check out that new Spock's Beard...

It's a bit of a catch 22 for the band with news on the album, cos if there's no updates everyone complains, but if there really isn't any new info and the band does an update saying everything is great, they're still working on the album, everyone will still complain saying that's not a proper update. But if there has been significant progress hopefully we'll hear something soon. Just gotta be patient. :)
I really don't know why you guys keep complaining about any news or a release date. Paradise Lost was released on Jun 26th 2007 (I think), 5 years after The Odyssey. With that said, Symphony X's deadline is 1 and a half years away! :/
yes. Now everyone go out and buy the SBX cd!! Ok, so much for the shameless plug. Now back to waiting for the next SymX cd.

I already have it! I believe it's their best since Snow like someone else said. Tell the guys they should have a reunion with Neal! That'd be awesome.

I really don't know why you guys keep complaining about any news or a release date. Paradise Lost was released on Jun 26th 2007 (I think), 5 years after The Odyssey. With that said, Symphony X's deadline is 1 and a half years away! :/

I guess you're right but the Odyssey album wasn't necessarily a masterpiece to say the least...

Detective, in all seriousness, I am looking very forward to SX related discussions. Whenever I attempted to post something even remotely musical in the past, the thread would crash and burn. It sucks.
I was wondering why (in general) these days, it takes forever for bands to release albums? It seems like in the 1970's, bands usually released at least one album a year. Vanden Plas took forever, Orphaned Land took forever, TOOL really takes forever, etc. In contrast, Peter Gabriel-era Genesis released a new album ever year, Fish-era Marillion did the same (or at least an EP a year), and Jethro Tull released a new album every year for twelve straight years. What happened? I'm not aiming this at SX, I'm just talking in general.
yes. Now everyone go out and buy the SBX cd!! Ok, so much for the shameless plug. Now back to waiting for the next SymX cd.

I just did a few weeks ago. It took them a few years, but they finally won me back with X after a few sub-par releases. What an incredible album!