Next Hypocrisy Album

Dude it IS long to record and release an album, all the post-prod, label shit, stuff like that, very time consuming

Usually you can have a good 6 months between the first day in the studio and the release.

For instance, C-C went in studio for Evisceration plague on Sept 2008, and album released on Feb 3rd, thats about 6 months, more or less.

Now if Hypocrisy entered studio on Nov 2008, expect something like June or maybe July 2009, prolly longer than 6 months since there a gap of one month for the Pain's tour, so Peter is gonna begin post-prod only at the end of Feb.

so no, as far as Im concerned, nothing is wrong with the new album. Only thing that bugs me so far is the fact that Hypocrisy give so few information, we have no choice but to draw conclusions from online rumours/contacts.

Of course such thing can lead to unexpected wait and deceptions. Now should we expect the first trailer next week, or in 4 weeks?

But people, its hardly realistic to think we will get the album on April 2009.

May would be a miracle IMO
Yeah but I think he meant the whole situation. Peter has released two Pain albums after the latest Hypocrisy and so far it may seem that Pain is his main band now. I don't think so but Pain has definitely grown bigger and it takes more time now. But I think he's not gonna quit Hypocrisy because it is his way to record and release heavy, more aggressive music.
It seems that Peter is going to be busy on May by the new Dark Funeral album ! Yes, no connection with your debate...
ah dark funeral is a great band, too :kickass:

there is one good argument for that peter wont quit hypocrisy:
in an interview i red, he answered to the question, waht he thinks about nu metal
"i dont really liker it, but it is nessecary..nesseceray to make people hungry, hungry for the real metal: death metal"

but nevertheless i worry about it..
Cmon people, if Peter would quit would have been done already

he tried once in 1997, and he heard the fans calling for more, I think the IMMENSE success They had in Wacken in 1998 helped him realise how much he loved that shit.

I was scared for a while when Psalms of extinction was released, and then we got this... (lame?) Catch 22 re-issue, I really thought he was through with Death Metal. He would have quit there, instead of making a new album. Now that he's back on track I dont think we will have to wait another 4 years b4 getting another new album.

Of course we will ultimately know about Peter's feelings when we'll hear new stuff, see how inspired he really still is
Hopefully at LEAST half of the songs from the next album will be from Peter...I mean, it would be odd to have an album with 8 songs from Mikael and 4 from Peter.
I know Mikael can write killer stuff but can he slam 8 killers in a row? I know Pete can do it, and I hope he will :)

a split 6/6 would be long as it has 12 songs as previously said
nucklear blast? why should anything depend on them?
i thought about some video clips, maybe put on youtube or available on the hypno website..but nucklear blast?..they dont want to sell them i hope