next katatonia album

I just wish they'd haul their asses over here to the states and for a decent length tour. My ultimate show would be Katatonia and Opeth, with Mike coming out to sing some the old stuff with them. That'd be awesome. Maybe some surprise Bloodbath and October Tide covers. :kickass:
I recall there being a disagreement between band members about the direction of music ... could we at least have an update on this, or did I miss something? Have they gotten past this issue?
I like(d) TGCD very much but since about a half year or so I don't feel any need to listen to it anymore. I think I 'overplayed' this album big time and got really tired of it. ANY news about the progress of the new album would be appreciated.
I like(d) TGCD very much but since about a half year or so I don't feel any need to listen to it anymore. I think I 'overplayed' this album big time and got really tired of it. ANY news about the progress of the new album would be appreciated.

nothing,nothing and nothing...:waah:
I'm just pretending they'll come out in a month directly with a CDsingle of a new song. That would be awesome
Well, it should be rolling out soon-ish. According to Metal Archives, "The Great Cold Distance" came out in March of 2006. That's 3 years ago. With regards to the year, the previous "Viva Emptiness" came out 3 years before that. With regards to the month, it's almost February now so maybe with luck we'll be seeing the album in Spring, as it's too late for a Winter release I think. I shouldn't think it'll be out in Summer, just cause of the gigs around that time, if they're playing new material they want enough time to rehearse it properly.
I'm not so sure about it. I wouldn't be surprised if it would be released in Autumn. Maybe sooner if they're almost done recording the new album by now. But hey, we don't have the slightest clue they're überhaupt recording the thing yet. Even when it's recorded it may take a few months getting the music cd-ready, and usually thén still a few months pass 'till it's actually in the stores