Next Testament CD

Oh yeah redfly more than ready!!!In the meantime goin' to see testament,death angel,&anthrax next wed.,up in maine!!!I'll let you guys know when i get the import.;)
I guess we can't hope for having it played in its entirety. It would still rule to hear some of the songs live once or twice this year (like As the Seasons Grey, Troubled Dreams, The Ritual, The Sermon).
It's a little depressing.Testament is like the only band I can think off that has no 20th anniversary editions and no box sets! Hell they can't even get their music properly remastered.I hate record companies!

I have been going to sleep to the ritual as of late,It may not be the heaviest or fastest but it's such a great album.I love Alex's sound on it...of course i never get to sleep until it's over! lol
Well in the meantime here ya go,I hope it works as you guys seem to be a lot more savy than I
What did you use to rip it? The quality's alright, but it can get better. I can walk you through it.

But PWYP sounds pretty good. Sounds really good actually. Thank you for taking one for the team.

EDIT: Durr, it's Windows Media Player since it's wma.

I'm don't know which version you have, but when you're viewing the library, you click organize -> options. then click the "rip music" tab on the menu that pops up. Change the format to mp3, then move the slider up to best quality.

Then everything's all good. I'd like if you would re-rip it with these settings, since converting wma -> mp3 takes away some of the quality.
I used the windows media player,the highest bitrate was only @192 as i really don't know what i'm doing!!!I wanted to give it to you guys @320 in RAR form.Right now i'm using a trial from mediafire,so if you can guide me step by step as to get it to you all in better quality,that would be cool!!!Hey i'm trying right?!!!:confused:
You have to switch it to mp3 before you can go to 320.

My typed up instructions are the basic gist of it. On the screen where you chose 192, make sure to switch it from windows media audio to mp3.

Also don't bother with a rar, it won't save any space since it's only 1 song.
I thought it sounded good. It's a bit different than the original. Obviously the sound is thicker. Greg's bass is hardly noticeable, whereas in the original it kind of stood out a little. And it's a little slower too. I kind of wish they had played it faster, but I'm not complaining. Thanks a ton for uploading it.
It's a little depressing.Testament is like the only band I can think off that has no 20th anniversary editions and no box sets! Hell they can't even get their music properly remastered.I hate record companies!

I have been going to sleep to the ritual as of late,It may not be the heaviest or fastest but it's such a great album.I love Alex's sound on it...of course i never get to sleep until it's over! lol

Is it the record companies fault or the band's? Some things are beyond their control, but not everthing. When they were playing the first two albums live in their entirety, I thought for sure they'd video them and release a dvd but nope. Doesn't mean it won't happen but I kind of doubt it.

I know it's off topic but I'm looking forward to Megadeth's 20th of Countdown for the live cd from the cow palace. I've got the 6 track cd and I was always amazed at the quality and energy of that show. I can't wait to hear the full thing. I've got tickets for one of the Countdown shows next month.
I also agree REDFLY, the ritual is a underrated album,and on that note does anybody know if that alternate "HEAVIER" demo version of the album actually really exists out there somewhere?!!!
Just glad I could help you guys out.Way back when,I used to be somewhat of a completist of certain bands and was frustrated for you all so I just had to do something for you"DIEHARDS"!!!:worship:
Is it the record companies fault or the band's? Some things are beyond their control, but not everthing. When they were playing the first two albums live in their entirety, I thought for sure they'd video them and release a dvd but nope. Doesn't mean it won't happen but I kind of doubt it.

I know it's off topic but I'm looking forward to Megadeth's 20th of Countdown for the live cd from the cow palace. I've got the 6 track cd and I was always amazed at the quality and energy of that show. I can't wait to hear the full thing. I've got tickets for one of the Countdown shows next month.

In the case of albums I think it's record companies fault.They own the rights and have the say of what can be done with them.

With concerts I'm not so sure.I thought they did record them.If they did,where are they.If they didn't they sure should have!