NHL 2014

I ran into Kane and his dad at a Qdoba (chain Mexican restaurant) in downtown Chicago about a year ago. I told him he was fun to watch and I wished him luck in the playoffs. They won the Cup, so I must not have been a bad fan.

That's a cool story. But next time that happens can you hit him in the knee like its a Pin'ata! ; )
This game is a joke! We know the Habs get the bullshit calls at home, now theyre getting them on the road too. Igilna is killing the Bs. Price is playing well, but Igilna an alltime great scorer is simply missing wide open nets wtf.
What the fuck do you mean by justice? lol You crying about the penalties? Of course you are... I'm not gonna lie that Price made some big saves because he did. But it took 2 goals that deflected off Bouillon to win that game. Boston woke up after 50 minutes btw. So I'm not worried at all. Cause Boston didn't dominate the game like they did in Game 1.

Montreal will win Game 3 bank on it. Just sayin'
I thought the way the Bs dominated and how they played in the OT...they couldve easily won game-1. Seeing how the two games played out...yeah a little justice.

Even Oljic who hates the Bs commented on how the Refs blew it when not making the original signal on the call when Rask got sprayed. The Bs wouldve had their own pp and wouldnt have retaliated which led directly to a Habs pp goal. Nevermind the blatant numerous holding the sticks that the Habs get away with. This I said when the game was still in the balance and after a Bs win. So its not really bitching, its the way it is. Ive seen this a thousand times before, its nothing new.

That said, Habs did well in Boston and have been way more opputunistic in their chances than Boston. This has me concerned.
Yeah another great game! The early start was due to Northeastern University grad was planned for tonite at the Garden. Find your own building assholes! I ended up having to go late to my daughters dance competition. Bs v Habs or hanging out w/ irritable dance moms...no brainer!
Bs have their own issues and are far from innocent just as other teams are against the Habs. The Refs can call games anyway they want...just call it both ways and stay on top of the diving shit! Sure Emelyn was tugged early on but he clearly took a dive there. That study is interesting and though the calls seem to even out, i think its more about what is actually being called and how to draw certain penalties. The Habs have nearly instituted diving into their system over the years cause they know itll give them a clear advantage especially with certain refs etc. I just like seeing penalties being drawn from hardwork and not from flopping and diving.
Dude Bruins dive and are dirty..come on now

Bs, Habs or Hawk players, I dont like it no matter who does it. Teams like the Bs tend to draw penalties more thru hardwork, not diving. Im sure if we did the number of diving penalties called theyd probably be even throughout the league. However we all know that not all dives get called and the simple eye test or after seeing replays, dives have certainly happened. This is where the Habs have it over any team. They do it a shit ton, they get away with it more draw more penalties cause of it. Good for them, i dont like it.
^ I know your a Bruins fan, but you have to admit that you'd get a chuckle out of this

Bs, Habs or Hawk players, I dont like it no matter who does it. Teams like the Bs tend to draw penalties more thru hardwork, not diving. Im sure if we did the number of diving penalties called theyd probably be even throughout the league. However we all know that not all dives get called and the simple eye test or after seeing replays, dives have certainly happened. This is where the Habs have it over any team. They do it a shit ton, they get away with it more draw more penalties cause of it. Good for them, i dont like it.

Also you do realize Boston was 3rd in diving penalties this year right? Montreal was something like 26th or something close to that.

And I'm sick of hearing this diving shit. Jack Edwards has poisoned you Bruins fans with his garbage that Montreal dives so god damn much that it doesn't compare to other teams, he's pretty much the only guy who evens accuses Montreal of diving so much. Give me a fucking break. You probably thought the OT penalty for the PP goal was a dive right? No that was a guy who moved his feet to the net the whole time and got hauled down on an attempted scoring chance.

Montreal played disciplined hockey. Priced frustrated them and they took dumb as hell penalties and Montreal made them pay. So this diving shit I always keep hearing makes me sick.
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I fucking hate Jack Edwards and been following the Bs long before he even considered his tv news career (where he started), nevermind broadcasting the games. And no I had no prob with the OT penalty that was called. The stuff i bitch about is mainly more from years ago. To be fair, Montreal as of late isnt as bad as they use to be with their antics. To start, adding character tough guys like Prust has made difference.

Dude Bruins dive and are dirty..come on now

This is hilarious coming from a team that houses guys like John Scott and (formerly) Ott.

I think I said the Bs are far from innocent in things...starting with Marchand who annoys even diehard Bs fans. Thats hardly being biased. After the Bs won the Cup i find it funny that the first thing their rivals Buff and Montreal did was add some grit and toughness understandably...yet the Bs are the only so called dirty team.
This is such a lame argument. We signed Scott because we didn't have an answer to Lucic running over Miller. Since we signed Scott, he has given Thornton a concussion(during a fight) and Lucic runs like a little bitch from any conflict. Scott also isn't really dirty at all, he had a poorly timed/thought out hit on Erikkson this year, but Marchand has like 3 suspensions while that was Scott's first. Thornton's suspension was like 15 games right? Scott's was like 7 and that was BS but we don't really care.

I didn't follow Ott when he was with the Stars, but with us, he was a damn good agitator who worked hard. Dirtiest thing he did was when he licked that Habs player in a faceoff. Get over yourself, I can't think of a team that pushes the envelope more on dirty plays than the Bruins, or diving. A shame 3/21 players on the B's roster are douches but the other 18 are stand up guys.
Ha ha yes it is lame some of the spew. I actually like Ott and would love him as a Bruin. Actually, thats not a bad ratio you mention lol. Yes the Bruins have a lot of stand up guys and a few that i even criticize...did you not see my Marchand comments? Lucic is a tough s.o.b that can set a tone and be a legit game changer, he has no need to pull some of his antics. I get the hate, but it just seems that you and others can never recognize or criticize your own teams antics.