Nick Drake tribute album update

Damn...before I read this, I thought I was the only Nick Drake fan alive. I have to get my hands on that tribute album. Something needs to be done about another Rory Gallagher tribute album too.
For updates on this album, people can check the NEWS section on
The artwork for the sleeves has already been sent off. I only got the final mixes a couple of days ago, so obviously I couldnt press the cds without the actual songs. But check the news section as I will update it as soon as I know when everything will be printed etc.

:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
havent even heard a few of them since it was recorded, i am waiting until its all done and i'll listen then, if i can get my cd player to work.