Nick Drake tribute album update

Its all grannys and nippers in that pool, so that scenario aint likely unless your idea of young and tight is an 8 year old. but then kiddie fiddling was always a lot more popular on the continent than it is here :tickled:

And i reckon me and the father would still knock seven bells outta most of you lot so we'll have less of that age fascism . :err:

*knock knock*
On Thursday September 12th 1963, Fr. Horan was transferred to Knock Parish as curate, and from 1967 as Parish Priest. He remained here until his untimely death on August 1st 1986. Often referred to as the 'Builder of Knock' he undertook to improve the facilities at Knock for pilgrims and parishioners alike. His main achievements during this time were.

  • The building of the new church of 'Our Lady, Queen of Ireland', which was blessed and dedicated on July 18th 1976. The church is large enough to accommodate 10,000 people and covers one acre of ground. It was a gigantic undertaking, which required the collaboration of church authorities, architects, contractors and workers and Monsignor Horan had the responsibility of overseeing the whole operation. On September 30th 1979, Pope John Paul II raised the new church to the dignity of Basilica.
  • The invitation to Pope John Paul II and subsequent acceptance to visit Knock for the centenary celebrations in 1979. It took the vision and courage of Msgr. Horan to think on the scale, which the events of this visit dictated. It has been said that if one man brought the Pope to this country, it was James Horan. Over 450,000 people came to Knock on that day.
  • His third and equally amazing achievement was the building of Horan International Airport. The fact that a Parish Priest in the west of Ireland could be responsible for a multi-million pound airport seemed unrealistic and unattainable. When the first flight out of Knock Airport, destined for Rome, departed on October 24th 1985, Msgr. Horan stated that it was 'the greatest day in the history of Connacht for a hundred years'. He showed his true character and sheer determination in achieving this impressive goal.
Two months after the official opening of the airport, Msgr. Horan went on pilgrimage to Lourdes with members of his family and friends. He died unexpectedly on that pilgrimage on August 1st. His body was flown from Lourdes to Knock and was the first funeral to fly into Knock airport.
I'm sorry to engage in the conversation here, risking the accusation of being a stalker, but a) it's not her first language; b) even if it was, it's quite easy to read something on the forum quickly, posting a reply quickly and then realizing what the sentence is actually about.

I'm just asking you guys, don't follow suit bashing people for their moments of linguistic misunderstanding, be tolerant a bit.

Thus spoketh Zaratusthra (or whoever).
Maqus said:
I'm sorry to engage in the conversation here, risking the accusation of being a stalker, but a) it's not her first language; b) even if it was, it's quite easy to read something on the forum quickly, posting a reply quickly and then realizing what the sentence is actually about.

I'm just asking you guys, don't follow suit bashing people for their moments of linguistic misunderstanding, be tolerant a bit.

Thus spoketh Zaratusthra (or whoever).

pardon me?????? what are you on about, Maqus? take control on ur monkey. :tickled: