the original belgars where a celtic tribe, not nordic. they have not much to do with the people living there nowadays, at least languagewise. just like the celtic helvetians who once inhabitated switzerland.

[/QUOTE] The Belgae were one of the last Northern tribe to settle in Gallia and were named the bravest of the Gallic tribes by Ceasar himself due to the fierce battles that we put up against the romans. Ambiorix-Vercingetorix we salute thee

. But many battles sent the Belgae to southern England where again they helped fight the roman invasion on England. But the tribe itself is a remnant of old Nordic tribes who settled in this area (after pushing away the Galli tribe), especially the Seine (remember the vikings being stuck in Parisii (Paris) when they could not move past the Seine river?) & the Rhine river. So yeah, you could say that in the mix they aquired Celtic ties. According to Ceasar, we could have Celtic origins. But many books tend to agree that we came from "north of the Rhine" invaders which tends to prove that people from the north settled there. On the other hand, the Celtac region (Celtic) is where the tribes east of the Seine & Marne river lived (or so it was said by Ceasar who had separated Gaul in 3 regions) therefore the Belgae could not be Celtic since they lived in the Belgic part of Gaul (Gallo-Belgic) although roman and greek writers often refered to Celts and Gaul as the same. It is hard to explain since actual Belgium is the northern most cultural country of roman influence, you will notice it because half the country speaks dutch (old Frankish language still spoken in some part of northern France, Holland & Belgium). Many of the main towns like Antwerp, Ghent, Luik,... have risen out of the rubble left by the viking invasions of northern Europe and became important trading routes although they were already important roman trading route at the time. This whole area is a mix of viking(later during the invasions, since roman invasion happened some 940 years ealier) and germanic blood and probably some celtic as well and it is hard to explain anything that happened before the roman invasions since many of the northern tribes did not have many written trace of their history. Since you lived in The Netherlands, you probably know about Eburonen, Batavieren, Friezen... they too have the same old germanic roots, so if you disregard the roman factor all the tribes were germanic.
I need to stop now, history is too fascinating, I could go on forever and if you are interested in this subject I can recommend the book "Caesar the conquest of Gaul"