
Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
If any of you here in the forum are interested in joing the NIGHTMARE RECORDS/PYRAMAZE street team, please let me know either by private message or here on the thread. Lance really wants this to succeed and so do i. I will be working with Tammy in setting all this up so if your interested in getting word out about NIGHTMARE recording artists and PYRAMAZE and other artist please let us know. I look forward to hearing from you if interested.

yardleybates said:
I am interested, but I don't really know what that means? What would involve?

A Street Team is a volunteer group of fans that just want to help promote an artist they really like. Basically, we give you advertizing stuff that you distribute. This may include fliers, posters for shows, demos/samplers, or web fliers. Also, street team members will hit the web and post on forums, chat rooms, and blogs about the band(s) they support. Often times, members of a band's street team will be compensated with specials or goodies such as pre-release discs, discounts on merchandise, and special access concert tickets. These are not guarantees for the Nightmare/Pyramaze street team (just covering my a** here) but that's the general idea of how a street team works.

You hit the nail on the head Tammy, but we are going to try and make this the most kick-ass street team around, and people will know who we are, and who we are supporting. And to all interested in joining, next year (2006) if you join, i will be hosting (if i can work out the details) a NIGHTMARE/PYRAMAZE street team party at PPVII. In other words come to PPVII and if you are a street team memeber we will all sit down at either the Vinyl or the Loft and just get crazy(MY TREAT). And Tammy will sing (J/K) but we may be able to get Lance to serenade us with a few tunes.

i don't post on here much, but would love to take part in this, since I like Pyramaze alot and like to spread the music of bands I like, which I already have done a bit by giving sampler CD's I get at concerts to members of my music theory class.
Great to have you aboard FatesFan. We will get the info to you as soon as we get it all together.
Yeah you too Caex great to have you with us, this is really going to be a great street team. Keep those cards and letters coming.
I would be down. I would love to help out Lance he was so nice especially when I was trying buy a t-shirt and was so indecisive it took like 10 mins.
You got it your on the team i will be getting back to asap with all the details, and another thing LANCE KING rules he is a truely awesome person, and to me it is an honor to work with him on this and another project we have going. He is truely the reigning KING of metal vocalist today and all the positive comments people have to say about him, just goes to show fame hasn't changed him.

Cool thanks, I can't wait, Lance is a cool guy and very nice. It was great meeting him at PP, and talking with him about stuff like martial arts.
Ripperjack said:
Ive already been in touch with Lance about the street team briefly on Myspace. If theres an official set up going on - put my name on the list! =)
You got it RIPPER, great to have you aboard, as soon as we work out all the details i will let you know. This is going to be the greatest street team out there, and we're doing it for a really cool, awesome guy, so this will not be work but alot of fun. You too are invited to the STREET TEAM party at PPVII. details to follow.

if there's room, please add me to the list. I've been checking out your music on Beyond Ear Candy every chance I get since hearing a snippet at PPUSA VI, and I plan to purchase 'Melancholy Beast' very soon. Whatever the case, I'll still mention your music to folks I know.

Take care and STAY TRUE!!!

proudly waving the Pyramaze banner,

The more I listen to Pyramaze the more addicted I become! I hope this band continues to go the direction they're going, because they have potential to becoming one of the veteran greats IMO!
Okay guys and gals, for all of you that expressed a desire to be on the street team, i need you to do one thing for me e-mail me your shirt size and an address to mail it to. Plus we will be getting you some more goodies and a list of things to start trying to do. or I await you response.


Hey guys and girls,
first let me start by saying THANK YOU! I'm honored by your comments
and your desires to help me make some noise out there!
You are what it's all about for me and the guys I crank it out with!!

John is handling all the details on this, I'll continue to set him up with
things, and He'll post here, Unfortuately with Nightmare and Music
I'm extreamly busy and ad in the holidays and it's just plain nuts here,
so I don't have time to hit the boards very often!

Just wanted to say....Cheers! Let's spread the metal love of PYRAMAZE, AVIAN, and my new project coming out in a few days, SHINING STAR,
I've got to do a Myspace page for this one ; ) And of course the other amazing bands on Nightmare...MANTICORA, WARMACHINE, ASCENSION THEORY, ORDER OF NINE, EYEFEAR, MOONLIGHT AGONY, LANFEAR, STEEL PROPHET, DEADLY SIN, KATAGORY V, SPEARIC UNIVERSE EXPIRIENCE and more! guys RULE, each and everyone!

All my best,
Lance King