
MURAI said:
I dont really agree that they are brutal death metal. When I think brutal death metal Obituary and Exhumed come to mind.
Obituary brutal death metal? are you kidding? :ill: Just listen to Chapter For Transforming Into a Snake. If that's not brutal, someone please shoot me.
Heavy Metal Samurai said:

I just thought it was funny that you felt you had to tell us, after it had been made totally obvious in that Nile " ...sound more Egyptian"

Whatever that means.

More Egyptian than what, might I enquire?

when i said "sound more egyptian" i was stating that they are a death metal band, but they sound more egyptian than other death metal bands. Obviously they do because i bet just about every other death metal band doesn't have a middle eastern sound
Melechesh pull off the middle eastern vibe infinintely better than Nile, but that's more because Nile have death metal commitments (and they definately are brutal). Lyrically, Nile have the edge, but musically if you like black and/or thrash, then Melechesh are the ones to beat.

My favourite Nile album is In The Catacombs of Nephren Ka. The most brutal and the most atmospheric album.
Avgrund said:
can someone make this fucking high on maiden newbie shit go away?
Posts: 91

Avgrund said:
can someone make this fucking high on maiden newbie shit go away?

I have more posts than you you loser! :lol:

What basis have you got for that comment? I wanted to learn more about a band I don't know much about so that i can get in to them.

You're the n00b mate. :lol:

I thought they were quite good when I first got into them, but now I hardly ever listen to them. I find their death metal a bit mushy and indistinct most of the time, save for a few stand out tracks.

I like the vocals, but some of the riffs seem a bit bland, and I don't find their albums have much of a lifespan for me.

I don't think they're awful or anything - I'm sure they're worth seeing live - but I think they could have done a lot more with their sound than they have, especially the Egyptian theme.
I enjoy them if I'm in the mood although they're not on particularly high rotation. I interviewed Dallas a few weeks ago though - nice bloke.

Unas kicks arse
I love the fact that they tune down to A on the guitars. It sounds fucking wicked to my ears. They have some pretty crafty guitar work in there. Well i guess the egypt theme is kindove gay.
I like them a lot, but then again, I'm just getting into them. I might turn out like High on Maiden.
No, the Egypt theme needn't be gay, I just meant I feel they could have done more with it. Headed in a more epic direction rather than just throw in the odd native instrument and do solos in Eastern scales.

But like I said, from song to song they pull it off, but other times it doesn't seem to come together.