No thread about the Tuska gig? There's one now


In The Twilight World
Jan 7, 2003
My voice is all 2-packs-a-day thanks to you fuckers.

The gig was awesome, great performance and great atmosphere, seen from the front anyway.
Definitely the best gig at Tuska, along with Testament and Destruction. Tom was as good a frontman as was expected and everything was just great. Henrik's probably been practicing on those solo-expressions in front of a mirror. :p
Great set too, not that there isn't always something to complain about...but The Masterplan, More Than Ever, A Touch Of Blessing, Mark Of The Triangle, As I Lay Here Bleeding and half a dozen others were memorable enough. Anyway you'll have to come here once you've finished with the new album. I mean you've only been here twice for festivals, it's time for a more comprehensive set. :)

to me, best live band during the whole Tuska-festival! :hotjump:
imo, there were quite some disappointments at tuska - regarding live performance.
but Evergrey made me forget all those flaws :D
It was the first time I ever saw EG live and damn it rocked. :headbang: Agreeing with Opacity, best live band during the whole weekend. I waited for them for over an hour to get a front-row place. Damn long hour of waiting it was, too. =P
Quite a lot of people showed up to see EG - how about coming back to Finland soon again? ;)
Oh, and I was pleasantly surprised to hear "I'm Sorry", even more cool was when Tom kept a break from singing the chorus and the audience sang it. ^_^
Just a fucking great gig. :)