Nominate Albums for forthcoming Best of 2010-2020 Tourney

Aye, the Ken offerings are going to go over about as well as a fart in church. I love you Kenneth, and for every ten of your wiley recos, one is usually a home run. All them Witches shouldve been in this tourney. :!
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Ive listened to a few of yours and Jerrys. Some of them are actually enjoyable and some are like "dude, youre gay."

right now, im listening to cultes des ghouls or whatever. dont know who reco'd it.

all thoughts on these will be kept secret until the proper time.
Between the Buried and Me may be top 8. Im very close to purchasing this one.

SubRosa always getting atleast one vote. I think i'll vote for it over OMD. Going to be very hard to be unbiased when it comes to albums self endorsed. What im hoping for is to be blown away by some albums I missed for years that I vote for when pitted against my own entries. That would make this tourney a smashing success.

Realistically speaking, I'll be happy to come away with just half a dozen new albums I wish to purchase.
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I dont want to have any accusations of doctoring. This is going to be More legit than the 2020 election (not saying much). Going to try and find some site/program to randomize the brackets.

We may have some heavy hitters duke it out rd1, fuck it. This is some UFC '93 shit. Pussies leave the hall.

Conceivably we couldve did a Triple Threat RD 1 bracket to seperate the wheat from the chaff. Would up it to 96. I know ye cats dont want to listen to MORE MUSIC. But we dont necessarily have to condense the voting in a small span of time. We can let this slow cook like some spare ribs.
Thus far out of the two Im preferring III, even though its the more gaudy of the two. I can see some people getting turned off by that one immediately lulz. II is a little more subdued in it's approach.

Anyhow, using Challonge for the bracket randomizing. I got everything up and ready to go, but holding out till May 1st to build suspense. :heh:
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SubRosa-No Help For the Mighty Ones
Black Magick SS -Spectral Ecstacy
Macabre Omen -Gods of War - At War
Eternal Champion - Armor of Ire
Ihsahn - Arktis.
Acid Witch - Evil Sound Screamers
Deathspell Omega - The Furnaces of Palingenesia
Blut aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta III - Saturnian Poetry
Blood Incantation - Starspawn
Dead Congregation - Promulgation of the Fall
Cultes des Ghoules - Henbane
Spectral Lore - III
Obsequiae - Aria of Vernal Tombs
Mystras - Castles Conquered and Reclaimed
Ildra - Edelland
Borknagar - True North
Hällas - excerpts from a future past
Summoning- Old Mornings Dawn
Tribulation- The Children of the Night
Kayo Dot - Hubardo
Thy Darkened Shade - Liber Lvcifer I
Gris - À l'âme enflammée, l'âme constellée
Vaura - Selenelion
Between The Buried & Me - Parallax II: Future Sequence
Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want
Leprous - Bilateral
Zebulon Pike - Nostalgia For The Unreal
Vemod-Venter på stormene
Ultra Silvam - the spearwoundsalvation
Inquisition-Obscure Verses for the Multiverse
MGLA-With Hearts Towards None
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Mardom
Funeral Mist - Hekatomb
Ash Borer - The Irrepassable Gate
Hesychast - Ageless
Panegyrist - Hierurgy
Slechtvalk - A Forlorn Throne
Skald in Veum - Stridslysten
Hortor - Dharma Esencia de Impureza
Lake of Blood - Omnipotens Tyrannus
VOLA - Applause of aDistant Crowd
Immolation - Majesty and Decay
Anathema - WeatherSystems
Alcest - Écailles de Lune
Nile - Vile NiloticRites
Ludicra - TheTenant
Dordeduh - Dar de duh
Vektor-Outer Isolation
Elder - Dead Roots Stirring
Cultes des Ghoules - Coven, or Evil Ways Instead of Love
Wytch Hazel - II
StarGazer - A Merging tothe Boundless
Sabbat - Sabbatrinity
Ruins of beverast - Exuvia
Arch/Matheos - Sympathetic Resonance
Archgoat - The ApocalypticTriumphator
Taake - Noregs Vaapen
Pathology - The Time of GreatPurification
Defeated Sanity - Passages Into Deformity
Ofermod -Thaumiel
Nokturnal Mortum - Verity
Havukruuna - Kelle Surut Soi

you should edit the authoritative list into the OP what for ease of findin'

i'm going to probably put on a bunch of these as background music for work today, we'll see how it goes
lol this is going to go well

i'm almost done with listening to the first unfamiliar album off the list, meanwhile researching some of these bands and and i'm already distinctly disillusioned and angry at how shit everything is

i apologize in advance that i will likely hate all your favorite albums. in fact i will probably hold back with the reviews and motivations because i feel bad about being so negative all the time and no one wants to hear me shitting on music they like. but at the same time i just can't pretend to like things i don't like

edit: i put on the macabre omen album and i feel better now
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