Nominate Albums for forthcoming Best of 2010-2020 Tourney

Ive already seen cracks in my own offerings that I may patch up last second. Minenwerfer for example. I truly dig this, but is it a Top 5 album for me? I dont fuggin know. I posted Torture Chain in another thread the other day. I could conceivably choose that over it. Sometimes I go ape shit over offerings based on my mood at the time of musical engagement. Top shelf shit will lift you up from the mire AT ANY given disposition.

I dont fooqin know bruvs. Ye figure this is the ONE and Only time you can catch the entire forum's ears. Better make it count.

Got about one week to self swap if ye so desire. Bracket dropped at Midnight on the 1st. Shall be a glorious undertaking. :heh:
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Silly Question:

Do y'all desire new sounding shit for the 2010s? Because when I see retro death metal acts with Seagrave-esque covers by kids born in 2001 I say GOOD FOR YOU GUYS because they are doing music right, but I don't really want to listen. If I want that sound (and I do), I just buy a '90s album that I haven't yet heard.

Sometimes the tribute acts execute their shit so well that they end up making good records, as in that the riffs and songs are really cool, without there being anything groundbreaking about them. I'm sadly stuck in the nineties and early naughties when it comes to preference in black metal, and, to a lesser degree, death metal, so it was actually kind of hard to even come up with a handful of really good albums from the 2010s. The older I get, the more I want to listen to the first four Darkthrone albums. HYPNOTIC AND DISSONANT SOUNDSCAPES (Deathspell Omega et al) don't really do anything for me, but some of the bands blatantly paying tribute to the early BM bands sometimes get it right.
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Dropping Bracket A this morn.

Reason being, compiling all these youtube links takes time. I really dont wish to do this on my free time :wink wink:

Please listen to all entrants and cast your vote by May 10th, Bracket B will drop the following day.
Voting for Bracket B will conclude on May 26th, with Top 32 dropping the following Day
listening to Belus for the 1st time since it's release. better then i remember. and i certainly dont recall it being this....chill.
My plan of attack is to ONLY go through two pairings in the course of two days to get a cursory decision on the matter.

Logic behind this is that 2 albums isnt enough music to sustain a day's listen. Man cant live on 2 pieces of bread alone. (I dont want albums suffering from multi listens within a short span of time. These albums need some modicum of time to open up and bring the aroma of the underlying fruit to the fore.) A day's distance is a reasonable/normal span of separation to let the offering settle upon the muck of one's own sensibilities.

One can easily consume 4 albums in a day, every day, without it becoming tedium and hating the process of this entire exercise. We do afterall want to keep this tournament as enjoyable as possible, not verging towards a side gig ala walking a poodle on the Rover app for beer money.

Face to face matchups will ideally, IDEALLY be given 3 listens each to wager a decision. Going to be adding mini notes to each listen as how hard it bashed my faced in, or how it fell as flat as a De'Angelis road kill. (This plan of attack will leave me at 2 listens per album after 8 days. Leaving me another 8 days to tack on more serious listens to reach a final verdict. I want to listen to each album before making a verdict in a quiet secluded space with nice headphones, devoid of distraction.)

Thus far Ive only listened to Belus and Majesty & Decay. This is where longevity bias may come in and play a role. I own Belus, listened to it atleast two dozen times years ago. Majesty & Decay by contrast was a first time experience (which kicked my ass like a cup of cold brew btw.) Got a neck to neck match up right out the gate. This makes me both happy and concerned for my own judging abilities.
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Loving the acoustic passages in Ildra's Edelland. They got their work cut out for them against Dor de Duh. Funny how that stylistic pairing got matched up at random. Were going to have a few wimps eek out to rd 2, and some reasonable contenders trounced by Heavyweights. Thus is life.