Nominate Albums for forthcoming Best of 2010-2020 Tourney

actually just finished Weather Systems. last album of the morn for me. about to head home and hit the hay.

the last song is glorious
please. i'll paypig you $5 if you drop a heartfelt love poem itt

K, just wait for one of my drunken episodes.

I once wrote a love poem for my buddy ala Cyrano De Bergerac. Despite bringing his crush to ducts overran with emotion, he didnt get any play aside from a kiss on the cheek. Well that was until months after the fact when I bartered to give her a ride in exchange for a flashing. Rest assured it was a five count.

Where was the ride to ye ask? To one of her beaus that she was giving play to. Women (atleast at that age) dont care about matters of the heart.

and it means fog, just like Taake.

from which we may surmise that J. simply isn't a fog man.

Doesnt matter. Still sounds like something a retarded kid would name his teddy bear

Just like a negura bunget sounds like something that grows on diseased balls
Doesnt matter. Still sounds like something a retarded kid would name his teddy bear

Just like a negura bunget sounds like something that grows on diseased balls
do you know what negura bunget means

because it basically means "foggy forest"

again i think you're just allergic to fog. consider seeing a doctor.
I dont like driving in fog. Thats fer sure

Or bm bands need new material

But its still better than Misantropical Painforest
Inquisition's vocals are hilarious.

edit: i'm really diggin' the actual music though. :kickass:

edit 2: I, also, have always avoided Mgla just cuz of their name but they stand no chance against this. :kickass:
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This album or the even more ambitious one released after it, Vacuum, should have been in the tournament. I forgot all about this band. It's so much better than the shitty BM garbage I've been forced to listen to for the past couple hours. Fucker.
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Are you listening to them on fast forward or something? I started today and only made it through 2 albums.
Are you listening to them on fast forward or something? I started today and only made it through 2 albums.

The only one I have listened to pretty much in it's entirety is Inquisition. If I already am familiar with it, I haven't listened. There are some that I know for a fact that I will not be getting through a couple songs nevermind an entire album.

The stuff that's piqued my interest, I'll be returning to in order to get more fully acquainted with. Most of these matchups so far aren't particularly close for me. It's gonna be a lot tougher come next round though.

There is one particular matchup that I think I'm gonna have a bit of trouble with though.

Ken listens to 7 to 10 albums simultaneously, 29 hours a day, 475 days a year.

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