Nominate Albums for forthcoming Best of 2010-2020 Tourney

Yeah makes sense. I've started out with the intention of listening to them all in order, all the way through. But you guys are not exactly making me excited for this Cultes des Ghouls album haha.
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i listen to all of em. even the ones i reco'd, because they rule. whateves

next on tap is ash borer vs zebulon pike. two bands i know squat about.

i should be getting to Gris tonight at work. there goes two hours
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I am going to listen to them all, but probably just once each. Unless it's paired up against one of my choices, in which case I'll attempt to give them a fair shake.

I want a show of hands of those that finish the Daughters album. I bought that album, I like that album, and personally I have listened to it start to finish two times.
i listen to all of em. even the ones i reco'd, because they rule. whateves

next on tap is ash borer vs zebulon pike. two bands i know squat about.

i should be getting to Gris tonight at work. there goes two hours


Are you using Spotify?

Some of these albums aren't available in their entirety on bandcamp or youtube but I have found them on Spotify.
So far everything is on youtube. I just cue em up and hit play.

Im sure i will have to resort to spotify once these off-the-beaten-path bands start emerging.
So far everything is on youtube. I just cue em up and hit play.

Im sure i will have to resort to spotify once these off-the-beaten-path bands start emerging.

Yeah, Zebulon Pike and Tribulation aren't available in their entirety on youtube. Currently on the 4th song of Tribulation and enjoying it. They seem to borrow a lil bit from various subgenres while still retaining a classic metal, even rock-ish, sound. It's a fun listen so far.

Spotify does fuck up the flow though with the random commercial.
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The only one I have listened to pretty much in it's entirety is Inquisition. If I already am familiar with it, I haven't listened. There are some that I know for a fact that I will not be getting through a couple songs nevermind an entire album.
Then all i asked is thay you get to the third song os spectral lore. Or start at the 3rd song. The 1st two are warmups to the glory ahead
Yeah, Zebulon Pike and Tribulation aren't available in their entirety on youtube. Currently on the 4th song of Tribulation and enjoying it. They seem to borrow a lil bit from various subgenres while still retaining a classic metal, even rock-ish, sound. It's a fun listen so far.

Spotify does fuck up the flow though with the random commercial.

So, all the songs from that ZP album are on youtube. Just use the queue feature and bam, all 4 songs in succession. Same with Tribulation
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Let's begin this

Subrosa - No Help For the Mighty Ones VS Havukruunu - Kelle Surut Soi

far as I can tell the only pairing of two albums I own, but pointing a winner is not much of an issue. Subrosa is without question the most consistent female-fronted Neurot-compatible post-doom I've heard this past decade (admittedly most of these bands annoy me), and I dig the acid folk-ish undertones of some songs, but Havukruunu's debut destroys it in every conceivable way.

Verdict: Havukruunu 85% - Subrosa 15%
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The amount of slack CDG is getting on this forum is tickling me. This band has had their dicks sucked for well over a decade by every basement dwelling pimply faced forest terrorist. I admittedly enjoy em, think I even created a thread ten years byke lulz.

This is why RC is superior to any other forum.
Im watching CDG get shit on, while listening to Leprous (a band I never or would never hear outside of these parts.)

This Leprous is quite adventurous, with some juicy parts, that veers towards sword playing waters at times.
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i am leaning subrosa in that pairing. i do genuinely like them, even though i would prefer if they wrote more compact songs and fucked around less. havukruuna is the kind of thing i would have loved fifteen years ago but don't really care to listen to nowadays. i do however recognize that it's written well etc.

elevator pitch: amon amarth in black and white
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I've said it once, I'll say it again. It's going to take a monolith work (OMD may not even do it), for me to vote against SubRosa. Only album I nominated that I'm emotionally invested in. Only flaw it has is the song "House Carpenter". I fucking hate it and cringe like Homer Simpson every time. Thankfully its only 3 mins worth of trash.