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BiB is awesome. Very Nightwish-like in a way that they can write a whole catchy album without much effort. The singer is just amazing. Fantastic range and power.
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I've been listening to DT's discography again, to give it a chanfe.

The first albums are good but the production is shit.

Projector and Haven are my favourites.

Damage Done to construct are just plain boring.

Atoma is not bad. And moment is more interesting than I expected. There's solid guitar work there and they are moving a bit away from their usual patterns. Is the only release, since Haven, that I'm willing to give more chances.
Boring like all DT albums from Damage Done to Construct or something different? :D
Most people consider Damage Done - Fiction to be DT's golden period, so calling those albums boring is certainly a hot take :D

Damage Done is overall my favourite DT album. It was also the first album I heard from them, though, so nostalgia may play a part in that. I legitimately do think it's a great album though. Maybe falls away a little towards the end, but I adore the first 8 songs. Final Resistance has a great mixture of groove and heaviness, the melancholic nihilism of Hours Passed in Exile gives me chills, Monochromatic Stains, Treason Wall and Format C for Cortex are just solid, classic MDM. That awesome, gothic inspired intro to Single Part of Two which transitions into a galloping rhythm which never stops for the rest of the track. Damage Done brings that awesome aggression for the first two minutes, then finishes with a beautiful melodic outro, and Cathode Ray Sunshine combines the guitarwork and keys majestically. I also think CRS is probably Stanne's best track.

I still like Character but had genuinely forgotten how raw the production on that album was until I listened to it recently. Come Clarity levels of fuck the listener's ears. Still, I can't call an album with songs like The New Build, The Endless Feed, Lost to Apathy, Dry Run and My Negation boring.

Fiction is probably my least favourite of the three. I mean, I don't dislike it, but I don't think it's that interesting either. Very much feels like an album where they've come to the end of their current sound and need to move onto something different. Unfortunately they went in the direction of WATV and Construct, but it is what it is.

I really liked Atoma at first, but honestly didn't listen to it much after a month or two. Moment kinda the same. Neither are bad, but they don't grab me like DT's older albums. If I was ranking their albums it'd probably go something like:

- Damage Done
- Skydancer / Of Chaos and Eternal Night
- The Gallery
- Character
- Fiction
- Moment
- Atoma
- Projector
- The Mind's I
- Construct
- Haven
- We Are The Void
I could never really get into older DT albums.

I do have to agree with Damage Done as their best one and WATV as their absolute worst.

Last two albums are solid and mature but lack something. Maybe some punch, maybe catchy song or two.
Damage Done - Fiction to be DT's golden period, so calling those albums boring is certainly a hot take

Fucking boring? Uninteresting? I feel like, of course I'm wrong, the keep on repetaing the same ideas and pateerns over and over again in an attempt to make any album less relevant than the previous one.

I can get that people likes them but, to me... They just couldn't grab my attention.
I could never really get into older DT albums.

I do have to agree with Damage Done as their best one and WATV as their absolute worst.

Last two albums are solid and mature but lack something. Maybe some punch, maybe catchy song or two.

The Gallery is good but I'm not sure I'd put it in the absolute top tier as most people do. Some really great songs on there like Punish My Heaven and Lethe, but I wouldn't say it's anywhere near as memorable or interesting as stuff like Jester Race or Slaughter of the Soul.

I think the last two albums are just lacking a little spontaneity. As with most of DT's music they're technically sound and precise, but don't have that freedom that allows songs to become memorable. Some good stuff on both, though.

Fucking boring? Uninteresting? I feel like, of course I'm wrong, the keep on repetaing the same ideas and pateerns over and over again in an attempt to make any album less relevant than the previous one.

I can get that people likes them but, to me... They just couldn't grab my attention.

Opinion is opinion, as far as music is concerned. If you can explain why you don't like the albums then your opinion is as valid as mine or anybody else's. As I said, I got into DT around 2002 period, so there's always going to be some nostalgic bias for me as far as Damage Done and Character are concerned. Skydancer is more of an acquired taste thing. I get the criticisms people have about it and can't really argue against any of them... but I still love that album. Of Chaos and Eternal Night is incredible though. Might be better than The Gallery, in some respects. Razor sharp melodeath.
Yes. Is just, the kind of... Musical lines, the scales, the structures, are not for me. The only song that I like is Format C for Cortex and it's mainly due to the first riffs.
Damage Done is really thrashy. There isn’t much flashy guitar work but it has high energy and I think overall this is a good example of good metal “songwriting”. Better than Reroute to Remain.
Yeah Damage Done is just a very solid album. Nothing guitar-wise that would wow you, but the songs themselves are tight and the pace of the album is pretty much perfect. One of those albums that is built for live performance but also sounds great on CD.

Probably the best produced song on Skydancer overall. The combo of Stanne/Anders/Avehall works really well on this track (and also on A Bolt of Blazing Gold). It's far more structured and coherent than most of the songs on the album.

Some interesting comments from Sundin on Skydancer:

"studio recordings back then were always stressful. Our budget only allowed for ten studio days for recording and mixing, so there wasn't any time to fine-tune things, and we often had to use first takes even if they weren't perfect. There was a good idea of we wanted to accomplish, but we lacked the studio knowledge to communicate it to the engineers, who in turn were clueless about extreme metal, so there were lots of tension and misunderstandings."

For a debut album recorded in 10 days it really doesn't sound that bad.
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Whilst waiting for The Halo Effect's next song I listened to Thulcandra's 'A Dying Wish' album. Nothing mind blowing but some solid melodic black metal in the vein of Dissection which has a nice old school vibe.

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Listened to a bunch of new music recently. Not much of it grabbed my attention, but some highlights below:

Marius Danielsen's Legend of Valley Doom - Mines of Eloroth

Extremely traditional Power Metal. Generally speaking I burned out on this type of metal years ago, but this is very good. There seem to be quite a few Power Metal 'projects' nowadays with people I've never heard of in the band name. Tobias Sammett's Avantasia will always be the original and the best though - although I knew who Tobias was as at the time I was a big fan of Edguy.

So Need a Cute Girl

Cover of the Chris-Chan classic, which was in turn a cover of the Backstreet Boys 'I Want it That Way' with altered lyrics. I unironically like this version, for some reason.

Beast in Black - Cry Out for a Hero & Sweet True Lies

I went back to BiB's 2019 album From Hell With Love after listening to Dark Connection an ungodly amount of times and finally starting to cool on it a little. Didn't like this one as much as Dark Connection. It's fine, but not as memorable to me. Still, the above two tracks are BiB in top form.

Black Veil Brides - Kill the Hero

UM forum's favourite poser fucks are back. Obviously not as iconic and classic as the likes of 'Perfect Weapon', but what is? Seriously tho, they've sadly been heavier and less embarrassing than IF for years now. They'd actually be pretty solid with a different, better singer.
All sound good. I guess that we need some PM from time to time.

What I'm currently listening at is Nightwish. A band that I did not take seriously back in the day but that now feel are amazing. I'm still confused about this change of mind.
Well, that was unexpected :D by 'all sound good' I assume you aren't counting Black Veil Brides or So Need a Cute Girl :rofl:

I haven't kept up with Nightwish since the late 2000s, are they still going? From memory I thought Wishmaster was a good album. The title track and Crownless specifically. Century Child is pretty good too. 'End of All Hope' is one of my favourite tracks from the band overall. Some epic sounding vocals and the guitars have a really nice crunch to them throughout the song. I really love the section at about 02:39, 'Mandylion without a face, deathwish without a prayer. End of hope, end of love, end of time, the rest is silence' followed by a really nice, albeit extremely short burst of melodic guitar work. Just a really epic sounding song in general.

'Once' is okay but I didn't take to it like a lot of other people did. 'Wish I had an Angel' and 'Nemo' are both great though.

Their first album without Tarja, 'Dark Passion Play', is actually really underrated imo. I liked the new vocalist and thought that album had some nice songs on it. Different from classic Nightwish, but still a solid album. 'Bye Bye Beautiful', 'Amaranth', 'For the Heart I Once Had', 'The Islander' - all good.

'Imaginaerum' wasn't for me and I don't think I've followed them since. Pretty sure I downloaded 'Human. :II: Nature' but haven't listened to it.

As an aside their guitarist, Emppu Vuorinen, was a founding member of Altaria, who are one of my favourite bands of all time.
I had the same issues. Bit, the following up to imaginaeum is a surprisingly good album. Despite keeping the epic tone in the music, the lyrics are about rationality, humanity and evolution. The last track is long, epic and one of their bests.

Turned out I had listened to Endless Forms Most Beautiful at some point as I remembered some of the songs, including that 20m one. Yeah, it's alright, although I've never been a huge fan of Floor Jansen's vocals. I mean, she's fine, but as far as Nightwish is concerned I preferred Tarja and Anette.

Speaking of Anette, turns out she was the main vocalist for 'The Dark Element', a project also featuring ex-Sonata Arctica guitarist Jani Liimatainen - who also played in Altaria. Anyway, this project sounds quite good to me.

Turned out I had listened to Endless Forms Most Beautiful at some point as I remembered some of the songs, including that 20m one. Yeah, it's alright, although I've never been a huge fan of Floor Jansen's vocals. I mean, she's fine, but as far as Nightwish is concerned I preferred Tarja and Anette.

Speaking of Anette, turns out she was the main vocalist for 'The Dark Element', a project also featuring ex-Sonata Arctica guitarist Jani Liimatainen - who also played in Altaria. Anyway, this project sounds quite good to me.

Floor Jansen live is simply amazing. I love her vocals.

Her voice at the end of the song... Tarja just doesn't have that range.

Jani Liimatainen who has also joined Insomnium :D. I knew of this project. It sounds great.