Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

This is the less themselves and more interesting thing (to me) that they have done in a long time.

That's a fun one, I like this song. Even though I feel like At the Gates is held back by Lindberg's monotone and whiny screaming vocals these days, on this one it works fine with those spoken verses, finally some variance.
Shame about Fredrik Johansson, he seemed like such a nice dude. RIP.

Burning Bridges (the last one with Johan) is my favorite AE album. IMO on that one his vocals were the best out of all three and melodies are quite fun.

Fun Fact about classic AE! - those three albums with Johan were crazy popular in Japan for some reason and there are a lot of Liiva Arch Enemy fans still, so the full Burning Bridges era lineup have reunited as Black Earth in 2016 and were touring across Japan in 2016-2017 and 2019 playing songs from albums with Johan. They have even recorded three new songs (the last of them is actually Crucified by Army of Lovers in disguise):

Yeah it's funny how the early MDM bands in general (IF, DT, Arch Enemy) were all pretty popular in Japan. Arch Enemy especially were extremely popular over there, even though not so much anywhere else. I guess the Japanese metalheads were really digging the 90s MDM scene.

Those new Black Earth songs sound great. Johan's vocals are pretty good! He sounds better than he did in the 90s, imo.

That's a fun one, I like this song. Even though I feel like At the Gates is held back by Lindberg's monotone and whiny screaming vocals these days, on this one it works fine with those spoken verses, finally some variance.

Lindberg's vocals these days are horrible. Even back in the day he had quite a unique, shrieky style, but that technique seems to have caught up with him now. Honestly his vocals make most new ATG almost impossible for me to listen to.

This is the less themselves and more interesting thing (to me) that they have done in a long time.

Ahhh yes. My favorite track among many good tracks. The Nightmare of Being is a great album.

Yeah Lindberg's voice is shot these days, but I'm pretty good at desensitizing myself to bad vocals (thanks in no small part to Anders on ASOP).
Yeah, if you can desensitise yourself to Anders on ASOP you should be able to endure anything.

For me unfortunately it's not possible. Anders' vocals ruin ASOP for me. Lindberg's vocals make it very hard for me to listen to modern ATG. Tony's Kakko's atrocious vocal performance on Sonata Arctica's latest album kills that for me too.

I'm not entirely sure exactly when Lindberg's vocals shit the bed. He still sounds awesome on Nightrage's 'Descent into Chaos' which was 2005. In fact I'd say he sounds his best and most powerful during his Nightrage stint. 'Hero' is intense as fuck. I just had a listen of The Great Deceiver - Life is Wasted on the Living and you can definitely hear a difference between this album and Descent into Chaos. He's not at 2014 onwards levels of bad, but he's getting there.
I'm okay with listening to ASOP Anders, while his voice is shit, at least it is something
Recent Lindberg though is a lot closer to unlistenable territory, he is just super monotonous and whiny, and sounds like he is constantly in agony. Some people find that cool and it can fit thematically with the songs, not for me though.

I'm not really that much into ATG but iirc he hasn't really switched his technique in like ever? If so, that's what you get after all those years. I'm glad Stanne started switching to, while not as emotional, safer technique around Character, as he was starting to get really bad live around 2002 and now his screams sound almost the same as they did on Character while his cleans have massively improved.
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Fun fact. His, today's vocals, remind me, the technique, to Anders vocals in TJR

I get what you mean. Anders' vocals were lower around TJR than Lindberg's are now, but it's that same kind of unrefined, unstructured, voice-destroying technique (or lack thereof).

I'm not really that much into ATG but iirc he hasn't really switched his technique in like ever? If so, that's what you get after all those years. I'm glad Stanne started switching to, while not as emotional, safer technique around Character, as he was starting to get really bad live around 2002 and now his screams sound almost the same as they did on Character while his cleans have massively improved.

Yeah Lindberg's technique has pretty much always been shrieking without any real control. Sounded awesome in a lot of songs back in the day, but once his voice started going around the late 2000s it was game over (from my perspective, anyway).

Stanne made the right choice to change his vocal style before it ruined his voice and future in metal. Not sure how Anders got away with it for so long, but even he switched to controlled growling for live performances in the past few years.
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Reinkaos as an album tends to divide people, but this track is great:

The album is labelled as Black Metal but reminds me much more of late-90s MDM.

Starless Aeon is pretty awesome too:

Actually Reinkaos in its entirety is pretty much fire. Damn. No idea why it divides people. I can only assume because of the clearer production and increased melodies? Jeez, imagine an artist wanting their music to actually sound decent. Fuck that, give me standard black metal toilet flushing production and fuzzy, barely audible riffs sandwiched between somebody banging on a pringles can.
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It totally sounds melodeath. Maybe, they label it black because of the themes? Since, technically, black metal is about being antichristian.
Yeah maybe. I know Dissection's other albums are more Black Metal, so it might be similar to how In Flames' later albums are labelled melodic death metal, even though they haven't been that since 2000.

Someone on here did mention that Reinkaos was a great album a while back when I mentioned enjoying Storm of the Light's Bane. I think it might have been @galvanized . Annoying that I waited this long to check it out properly, as it's definitely my kind of music. A shame that the vocalist split from the band and killed himself, as it would have been really interesting to see where Dissection would have gone from Reinkaos. On the other hand he was a homophobic murderer, so, fuck him.
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Actually Reinkaos in its entirety is pretty much fire. Damn. No idea why it divides people. I can only assume because of the clearer production and increased melodies? Jeez, imagine an artist wanting their music to actually sound decent. Fuck that, give me standard black metal toilet flushing production and fuzzy, barely audible riffs sandwiched between somebody banging on a pringles can.
Guitar tone is dry and weak, the singles were short simple pop songs. I probably should listen to it again but I was disappointed when it came out after Jon left prison.
Guitar tone is dry and weak, the singles were short simple pop songs. I probably should listen to it again but I was disappointed when it came out after Jon left prison.

Okay, not you then :D it definitely wasn't Eochaid or A88, I don't think it was Phobiac... maybe drawntoblack? Seems like an album he wouldn't like either, but I'm running out of regular posters and can't even remember when this was posted to go back and check :bah:
Okay, so it was @drawntoblack who recommended I listen to Reinkaos, surprisingly. Galvanized did indeed say it sucked, as did Krofi-kun. This was back in July 2020 so no wonder I'd forgotten who said what :D apparently I did listen to Reinkaos at that time and just thought it was OK. Weird. Must have been distracted whilst listening.

Anyway, this is where the true metal is at:

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It's as if like kiss have met The Ramones and decided to do a Sex Pistols kind of band.
It's some fictional band from an old cartoon :D I think they were meant to be a mix between the Beatles and the Ramones, something like that.
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Godgory - an old school Swedish MDM band worth checking out. I've been listening to them for a really long time, but I don't see them get mentioned very often. Their releases tend to skew more towards doom/death metal, but their final album 'Way Beyond' leaned more into MDM. It's Studio Fredman and Fredrik Nordstrom in 2001, so you know it's going to be solid as fuck.

Probably my favourite overall song by Godgory:

Clean vocals on the below track really, really remind me of the mumbled Clayman vocals:

Awesome song, also.

One of their older tracks which has a really interesting structure, switching between heavy, death metal sections and acoustic interludes with clean singing:

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Okay, not you then :D it definitely wasn't Eochaid or A88, I don't think it was Phobiac... maybe drawntoblack? Seems like an album he wouldn't like either, but I'm running out of regular posters and can't even remember when this was posted to go back and check :bah:

I've never listened to the album in its entirety, but I like some of the songs I've heard, especially Black Dragon. I do remember reading an old interview with Mikael Stanne where he claimed the album was terrible, lol.
I've never listened to the album in its entirety, but I like some of the songs I've heard, especially Black Dragon. I do remember reading an old interview with Mikael Stanne where he claimed the album was terrible, lol.

Hah, so he did...

Really? I would have picked Dissection, that was my number one.

No, no, no. I don't like that album at all. It's alright, it's okay, but I couldn't get into it. There was some catchy stuff, but overall it was horrible. The lyrics were horrible. I love the first two albums, but...

Bit of a strange take here. "I don't like that album at all/overall it was horrible" vs "it's alright, it's okay/there was some catchy stuff" :D very clear Mikael, thanks for that. The lyrics are just childish satanic BS, so I'm with him on that one at least.

Considering DT spent the next ten years releasing We Are the Void and Construct, however...
lol, I just hunted that interview down, too. Yeah the album is okay, some songs are pretty good, like I said, so overall I'd say it's a piece of shit.