Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

It's actually a pretty cool interview - Stanne is very forthright in his views about religion, to say the least. "Just erase it from everybody's minds" ... yeah, sure, that'll do the trick :D as if something equally ridiculous wouldn't appear to replace religion as the reason people fight each other.
Godgory - an old school Swedish MDM band worth checking out. I've been listening to them for a really long time, but I don't see them get mentioned very often. Their releases tend to skew more towards doom/death metal, but their final album 'Way Beyond' leaned more into MDM. It's Studio Fredman and Fredrik Nordstrom in 2001, so you know it's going to be solid as fuck.

Probably my favourite overall song by Godgory:

Clean vocals on the below track really, really remind me of the mumbled Clayman vocals:

Awesome song, also.

One of their older tracks which has a really interesting structure, switching between heavy, death metal sections and acoustic interludes with clean singing:

Man, those first two songs sound like Insomnium :rofl:.
I completely forgot about Godgory. That first track doesn't really remind me of Insomnium at all, if anything it sounds like Subterranean/TJR, both the melodies and that whispered verse is almost a copycat Jester Script Transfigured.
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That intro, the change to acoustics and the way they use the vocals is 100% Insomnium.

I'm going to search for a few songs to show you.

Also, albums like Since the day it all came down and Above the weeping World have a lot of influences from IF melodeath years. Though, that song reminds me more of modern Insomnium.
I never really compared Godgory to anything else I listened to - it obviously had elements of MDM stuff that I like, but I never really thought they sounded like other bands I listen to regularly. The vocals especially are not usually the kind of harsh vocals I like, although I do have a few exceptions, including Godgory.

Keeping in mind with the above I've never listened to Insomnium regularly, so I would never have had them as a comparison point.
Songs with a similar vocal style:

There must be more, but, mostly, bits here and there.

Still, I was listening to the song on the phone and my wife asked me if that was new Insomnium and, have in mind that she knows shit about Insomnium.

Extra track, something that reminds me of Whoracle IF for some reason:

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I completely forgot about Godgory. That first track doesn't really remind me of Insomnium at all, if anything it sounds like Subterranean/TJR, both the melodies and that whispered verse is almost a copycat Jester Script Transfigured.
Agreed! If I was nasty I would call it a rip off of slow IF but I will listen to their other stuff first
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I never really had Godgory down as an IF ripoff band. First two albums definitely aren't MDM inspired. It's just their last album really, which was also the only one recorded at Studio Fredman. I think they were pretty unique for the time period.
Songs with a similar vocal style:

There must be more, but, mostly, bits here and there.

Still, I was listening to the song on the phone and my wife asked me if that was new Insomnium and, have in mind that she knows shit about Insomnium.

Extra track, something that reminds me of Whoracle IF for some reason:

Thanks, I'll listen to these shortly. I just came across a genre on YouTube called "Genre:Hellenic Somber Mournful Black Metal" :D wut?
I love the tags for the different metal genres. They're very imaginative. And they also contribute to make metal something special.
So basically Novembre but sung in Greek?

I listened for about 10 seconds and turned it off. Whoever it was sounded like shit.

I love the tags for the different metal genres. They're very imaginative. And they also contribute to make metal something special.

Yeah, sometimes... but then other times genre names just get a bit ridiculous :D
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So, I listened to the Insomnium tracks and yeah, I do hear some similarities... but honestly, I still don't really feel anything when I listen to Insomnium. Sorry lads :D I know objectively they're great, but for whatever reason I just feel nothing when I listen to their music. Sucks for me, obviously.
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I feel the same about Insomnium. They are like the opposite of In Flames. In Flames became famous because of their energy and upbeat melodies. And musicianship. Insomnium is slowish, somber, melancholy. Not much flashy guitar work.
Generally speaking that slower, melancholic, doom-ish metal style isn't really my thing either. With Insomnium though I do feel out of step as practically everybody who likes MDM seems to adore them. But no matter how many times I listen to Insomnium tracks it just doesn't click with me. I don't know why. I had a similar experience with Opeth 10-15 years back. Everyone in my musical circles seemed to think Opeth were the best band ever, and I've never really felt anything for their music either. That's not to say they are bad, because much like Insomnium I know that objectively they are very good at what they do... it's just that what they do doesn't interest me.

Anyhow, on the MDM subject - @eochaid have you heard of Jotnar? Apparently they are Spanish and from what I've heard on YouTube they seem pretty decent.

Like a mash up of mid-2000s In Flames & Soilwork. In fact, they actually have a track with Speed guesting on vocals.

To me, Insomnium is something that I... feel. That must be the best way to explain it. The same that happened with IF. Feelings aren't something that one can control. So, you like it or not. And it's ok.

I cannot agree with the "flashy" guitar work. They have lots of cool melodies and riffs.
So I just read that Way Beyond was recorded with Programmed Drums, and now I know that it's really obvious and kind of annoying. Somehow I was just tuning it out before. :(
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