Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

Cool track here from Jani Liimatainen's (ex-Sonata Arctica, current Insomnium guitarist & clean vocalist) solo project, with his old Sonata Arctica bandmate Tony Kakko on vocals. I couldn't stand Kakko's vocals on the last SA album, but he sounds fine here. Funny how production and direction can make such a big difference.

Full album is (officially) uploaded to YouTube here:

Some really nice tracks. First song, Breathing Divinity, has Speed from Soilwork on vocals - all clean. Really different from what he typically does, but as always he sounds really good.

"What Do You Want" opening sounds like an In Flames song, but can't think of which one now - I think something off SOAPF? Ropes maybe? Yeah, it's Ropes.

Really good album overall. Diverse, interesting, a lot of top-tier vocalists.
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I like that a lot. The opening is like something out of a Western. A slightly different style of singing from Speed compared to how he usually sounds, but it's good.

Can't really find anything negative to say about it - just a great song from a consistently solid band who continue to challenge themselves musically.
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Not sold on the vocals in the chorus and I think that they're in danger of putting out the same album four times in a row (four good albums, granted, but it's getting kinda rote). But I really like the melodies.
I like that a lot. The opening is like something out of a Western. A slightly different style of singing from Speed compared to how he usually sounds, but it's good.

Can't really find anything negative to say about it - just a great song from a consistently solid band who continue to challenge themselves musically.
So, their flaw is that they're flawless. The fuckers! There's nothing exciting if we don't know if they're going to release a piece of shit.

The intro and ending are great. The rest sounds typical Soilwork. Solid and entertaining.

I've just seen the video and, once again, I don't understand what is about.
Hah, I guess it's a case of if you like modern Soilwork this song should tick all boxes. If you don't then there's nothing here to really change your view.

I don't really watch music videos these days, but Soilwork's are always a little strange. I always remember this one:

No idea how or if it relates to the song, but stuck with me anyway just because of how odd and creepy it is :D
Hah, I guess it's a case of if you like modern Soilwork this song should tick all boxes. If you don't then there's nothing here to really change your view.

I don't really watch music videos these days, but Soilwork's are always a little strange. I always remember this one:

No idea how or if it relates to the song, but stuck with me anyway just because of how odd and creepy it is :D

That video reminds me of IF's Like You Better Death. Or, to say it correctly, LYBD reminds me of this video.
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LYBD was something like a rushed surprise. So it's hard to even remember that video exists.
I can vaguely remember watching it back when it first came out, but probably only once out of curiousity as I didn't like STYE much at the time.
Tears of Tragedy, think I've posted them before but I quite like their stuff. Reminds me of a slightly more power metal-tinged Japanese Nightwish.

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Lol yeah, most of their anime openings are basically the Japanese equivilent of Power Metal.

Makes me wonder if we did anime in Europe, whether the openings would sound like Rhapsody of Fire, Freedom Call, Hammerfall, etc :D would be pretty sick tbf.
More like (name any popstar from your country that started singing in a tv show contest).

For real. The singers and songs that they choose in Spain for animation are shit.

Cool new song from Stratovarius. Their first musical release in 7 years, I believe. Some MDM style riffing in there which I wasn't expecting.