Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

I haven't listened to anything new from them since the mid-2000s, and this sounds a lot different to their traditional sound. If their new album is in a similar vein it seems like it'll be worth checking out.
Well, after years of saying "yep, that's Soilwork", this time I can say this definitely doesn't sound like Soilwork. Sounds like something from one of Speed's multiple collaborations/side projects. It's okay, I guess, but not really my style.
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The US allowing abortions to be banned in States that decide to do so.... wtf man. Things really are going fucking backwards. Our main poet and philosopher Anders has it right, we're in a state of slowwwww decay.
USA is not the most advanced country in the west. From the other side of the Atlantic they look more and more like a third world country in regards to how it treats its citizens and basic human rights.

The problem is that there is people here pretending to turn Europe into something similar to what they are.
I don't think there's ever been a mod on here :D not since the forums returned in 2003. Siren Charms theme is very outdated though.
I'm kind of surprised this site is still up at all. There doesn't seem to be anything going on with it. There are forums that haven't had a post in years. What are we going to do if one day it just shuts down? :D
I refuse to accept that as a possibility. In 2050 I'll still be posting memes on here about old man Anders and discussing the merits of The Jester Race versus Reroute to Remain.
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Missed this thread before, so shit.

I might take a while to process that one...

The thing that sucks is that there was a snippet on their social media pages of the lead melody, and it was a semitone lower than what it sounds like in the official video. Complete and utter game changer imo, it sounds so much better than what we got in the official video.

USA is not the most advanced country in the west. From the other side of the Atlantic they look more and more like a third world country in regards to how it treats its citizens and basic human rights.

The problem is that there is people here pretending to turn Europe into something similar to what they are.

And yeah, we're uh... It feels like every time we actually manage to take a step forward, it seems to be onto a goddamn land mine. Admittedly, I'm not quite as left-leaning as most of those who I hang out with, but what's going on at the moment is absolutely fucked.
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And yeah, we're uh... It feels like every time we actually manage to take a step forward, it seems to be onto a goddamn land mine. Admittedly, I'm not quite as left-leaning as most of those who I hang out with, but what's going on at the moment is absolutely fucked.

Where in the states are you?

At this point I just try to keep myself out of political conversations. It's become such a point of contention and I don't want to deal with it. It seems you can't go anywhere without getting into a political or religious debate and I'm just tired of it. I'm not entirely sure why people can't keep their belief system to themselves.
Where in the states are you?

At this point I just try to keep myself out of political conversations. It's become such a point of contention and I don't want to deal with it. It seems you can't go anywhere without getting into a political or religious debate and I'm just tired of it. I'm not entirely sure why people can't keep their belief system to themselves.

Florida man here. And yeah, same here, it's just draining. I don't like either side, personally, I tend to be more of a centralist than anything else. It's worth staying informed about, but it's not worth letting it get to you, you know? Then again, that has been rather difficult for the past few years.
I think Soilwork is kind of running out of gas after they majorly refueled with The Living Infinite. Their comeback period has been good but they might need to drop another double album after this one.
Florida man here. And yeah, same here, it's just draining. I don't like either side, personally, I tend to be more of a centralist than anything else. It's worth staying informed about, but it's not worth letting it get to you, you know? Then again, that has been rather difficult for the past few years.

Yeah, I'm pretty middle of the road myself. I live in a very liberal area and most of the people I know are very liberal. In my experience, it's easier to get along with people of a more liberal-minded nature than super conservative so that's just the way it goes for me I guess. But I don't wave a flag. I mind my own business and keep it as judgment-free as I possibly can.

I think Soilwork is kind of running out of gas after they majorly refueled with The Living Infinite. Their comeback period has been good but they might need to drop another double album after this one.

I actually really like their last album and I really like Overgivenheten too. Nous Sommes la Guerre sounds more like The Night Flight Orchestra, but I'll definitely give the new record a shot. The Chainheart Machine will always hold a special place and I think because of that I just haven't given up on Soilwork. Not that I think they'll ever make a record like that again. I give them more of a pass on a lot of things over In Flames, because A) I think Speed is a much better lyricist and songwriter than Anders is and B) he's a much better singer.
I think Soilwork is kind of running out of gas after they majorly refueled with The Living Infinite. Their comeback period has been good but they might need to drop another double album after this one.

I didn't particularly care for TLF, but "The Phantom" and "Enemies in Fidelity" were really fucking good so far from The Ride Majestic, and Verkligheten is probably my favorite Soilwork album past the first two.

Everything but the title track on A Whisp of the Atlantic was boring and stale, and the first two singles off the new album have been seriously unimpressive. I'd love to enjoy "Nous Somme La Guerre", but the shift up in semitone just makes the lead sound like generic Soilwork, rather than something kinda bluesy or moody, and it just ruins the song for me.

The implementation of Night Flight Orchestra elements is pretty interesting, but honestly, it just shows major signs of burnout on their part.
Yeah, I'm pretty middle of the road myself. I live in a very liberal area and most of the people I know are very liberal. In my experience, it's easier to get along with people of a more liberal-minded nature than super conservative so that's just the way it goes for me I guess. But I don't wave a flag. I mind my own business and keep it as judgment-free as I possibly can.

Yeah, all the conservatives have gone fucking brain-dead in the last six years, and it's just draining to talk anything political with them. For what it's worth, the ones I know (Not to say all of them, because dear fucking Christ, no) are real ones and know more life shit, but yeah, most of my friends are generally liberal (At least for the US, which is still pretty conservative everywhere else- I dunno, I just find that really funny), and they're pretty cool people as well. It kinda just comes down to the individual, rather than the politics, and I hope we get back to a state of cooperation and some open-mindedness. The 'us versus them' ideology (And big tech) is fucking killing this country, and that's the real disappointment for me.

I actually really like their last album and I really like Overgivenheten too. Nous Sommes la Guerre sounds more like The Night Flight Orchestra, but I'll definitely give the new record a shot. The Chainheart Machine will always hold a special place and I think because of that I just haven't given up on Soilwork. Not that I think they'll ever make a record like that again. I give them more of a pass on a lot of things over In Flames, because A) I think Speed is a much better lyricist and songwriter than Anders is and B) he's a much better singer.

I don't think anything from them will top their first two albums for me, but I'm weirdly really partial to Stabbing the Drama and Verkligheten. They're just in a serious state of stagnation akin to DT, which is a shame because Sylvain and David are both fucking incredible guitarists.
Yeah, all the conservatives have gone fucking brain-dead in the last six years, and it's just draining to talk anything political with them. For what it's worth, the ones I know (Not to say all of them, because dear fucking Christ, no) are real ones and know more life shit, but yeah, most of my friends are generally liberal (At least for the US, which is still pretty conservative everywhere else- I dunno, I just find that really funny), and they're pretty cool people as well. It kinda just comes down to the individual, rather than the politics, and I hope we get back to a state of cooperation and some open-mindedness. The 'us versus them' ideology (And big tech) is fucking killing this country, and that's the real disappointment for me.

The us vs. them ideology is exactly why I stay out of it. I feel like everything in politics right now is just meant to push division. I don't know how much more division this country can realistically handle to be honest. And social media and following news outlets doesn't help matters. It doesn't matter what the story is about, somehow people in the comments find a way to push their agenda and cause arguments. It's gotten very old.

I don't think anything from them will top their first two albums for me, but I'm weirdly really partial to Stabbing the Drama and Verkligheten. They're just in a serious state of stagnation akin to DT, which is a shame because Sylvain and David are both fucking incredible guitarists.

I actually really liked Verklighten. There are some gems on that one for sure.
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It's amazing how political perspective changes from one country to another.

In Spain, and I guess most of Europe, when talking about America's politics, the democrats are considered moderate right while the republicans have gone from conservative right to some kind of alt right.

Then here, in our internal politics, the party currently in the government is considered by most leftists as moderate right. The liberals, our domestic liberals, claim to be center but they've been making pacts with the fascists in all the country so we don't have a very good opinion of them and the word liberal is becoming something negative.