Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

The us vs. them ideology is exactly why I stay out of it. I feel like everything in politics right now is just meant to push division. I don't know how much more division this country can realistically handle to be honest. And social media and following news outlets doesn't help matters. It doesn't matter what the story is about, somehow people in the comments find a way to push their agenda and cause arguments. It's gotten very old.

Unfortunately, yeah. The fact that our own political bullshit has become more important than our people is incredibly depressing and flat-out unacceptable.

It's amazing how political perspective changes from one country to another.

In Spain, and I guess most of Europe, when talking about America's politics, the democrats are considered moderate right while the republicans have gone from conservative right to some kind of alt right.

Yep, I was actually pretty amazed to learn that a couple years ago when talking to all of my international friends, and it really makes sense too. The Democrats aren't socialist/communists, there's no strive to break up the class system, quite a few of them are still strongly religious, even they aren't particularly open-minded, even if they try to act as such. Liberalism in America is moreso about social reform, bigger government spending, and regulation on businesses, which... Yeah, still doesn't particularly fit actual leftism. I personally don't think either party is a good option, especially with both sides continuing to galvanize. Considering that Texas is holding a vote in 2023 to see if they're going to try to secede, a second civil war genuinely wouldn't surprise me, which would just make us easy targets for anyone looking to capitalize on that. No matter what, it's a really ugly situation, and I wish we'd just work towards bettering the country overall.

Then here, in our internal politics, the party currently in the government is considered by most leftists as moderate right. The liberals, our domestic liberals, claim to be center but they've been making pacts with the fascists in all the country so we don't have a very good opinion of them and the word liberal is becoming something negative.

Well, shit. That's seriously concerning. Admittedly, I don't really know the full situation since I don't educate myself quite as much on international politics (Which I've noticed is just an American problem), but that's pretty fucked.

I actually really liked Verklighten. There are some gems on that one for sure.

Absolutely. "Bleeder Despoiler" is the only one that I don't love, but I haven't listened to it in a good while. It feels so energized and inspired, and I love that it goes for a more moody, melodic album than just trying to pretend that they're still melodic death metal.
Liberalism in America is moreso about social reform, bigger government spending, and regulation on businesses, which... Yeah, still doesn't particularly fit actual leftism

Having in mind that, in Spain, all the conservatives are calling themselves liberals, you can guess what liberalism here is about.
We just call all of our politicians incompetent wankers tbh. Left, right, centre... doesn't matter. Equally useless.
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Idk, us Brits are just cynical as fuck when it comes to politics.

Really weird listening to Speed on Soilwork's old stuff. His clean vocals are recognisable, but his screams sound like a mixture of Anders on live boots from around the 1997 period and budget Lindberg. Dude improved massively within the space of a few years.
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Idk, us Brits are just cynical as fuck when it comes to politics.

Really weird listening to Speed on Soilwork's old stuff. His clean vocals are recognisable, but his screams sound like a mixture of Anders on live boots from around the 1997 period and budget Lindberg. Dude improved massively within the space of a few years.

Sounds lack he didn't quite have the right technique down at that point, vocals weren't quite as full-sounding either. Glad to agree that he made a significant improvement in the two years.
I used to really like APP a lot, but it kind fell off for me. There's still some songs that I like on it, but it just feels like a weird album to me now.
Bastard Chain, Neurotica Rampage, Structure Divine and Shadowchild - great tracks. The rest... still good, but not sure I've listened to any of them since the 2000s.
You guys ever heard of the app Moises? It does a pretty decent job of isolating tracks. I just put Ordinary Story through it and was pretty impressed.
Will download and take a look. UVR is very resource intensive on PC, so would be interesting to compare the results to a phone app which is presumably not as complex.
It's pretty impressive for a phone app. I was able to get workable stems for Ordinary Story and Colony out of it. I went into it with pretty low expectations and was very pleasantly surprised.
Yeah it's pretty good honestly. I tried Evil in a Closet and whilst it wasn't quite as good as UVR, it was still impressive - even more so considering it has to be using much less overall processing power to get the job done.
Saying that my guess is that the processing itself is done on an external server, then just fed back to the app in finished form.
Bastard Chain, Neurotica Rampage, Structure Divine and Shadowchild - great tracks. The rest... still good, but not sure I've listened to any of them since the 2000s.

I tried listening to the album from start to finish, but didn't make it more than halfway (I think?). I love "Needlefeast", "Structure Divine", and the title track (The latter two I listened to later), but that's about it so far. I know "Bastard Chain" is a classic, but I haven't gotten into it yet.

You guys ever heard of the app Moises? It does a pretty decent job of isolating tracks. I just put Ordinary Story through it and was pretty impressed.

I'll have to check this out, that's really cool.
APP is OK but those 4 tracks aside I don't really listen to any of the others. Natural Born Chaos is the one for me, love that album from start to finish.
Now if only I knew what the fuck I was doing when it came to remixing songs. :D

I think Natural Born Chaos is where Soilwork really started to get noticed. There are some really good songs on there and a few forgettable ones for me. Follow the Hollow remains one of my all time favorite Soilwork songs though.