Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

I've always had no interest in Opeth, honestly, so I have no idea if that's a one off or normal nowadays. I saw them around 15 years ago at a festival and it was one of the most boring live performances I've ever seen. From memory vocals and everything else was on point, but the band literally did nothing but stand there the entire time. Just zero energy.
That's what they do. They go onstage, just like an orchestra, and play their thing.

I don't know about cjko's video because I cannot see it but Mikeal used to be a solid live frontman. Cjko is probably searching like a madman for poor live performances in a poor attempt to show how Anders is not the only one that sucks live. Even if all of them where shitty live singers, Anders still sucks. He won't be able, ever, to put to consecutive notes together.

Just, as an example, the first result that comes when I search for Opeth Live on YouTube.
Honestly, I'm not really sure who the objective best vocalist of the three is (I'd probably give my vote to Mikael), but I think Anders is my favorite overall. Call it heresy, but I'd actually rank him above Tomas objectively. Sure, he's had his bad performances, but he's had a massive variety of so many good showings while Tomas was pretty good at first, got better (Arguably having some of the best harsh vocals out of the three for a bit), then fucking deteriorated. I think they're all good vocalists with good and bad performances in their own rights, live and studio, and I like all three of them. I don't think one or two bad performances damages Mikael's credibility as a fantastic vocalist, and it'd be even more hypocritical if we didn't do the same for the other two.

But I dunno, that's just my take. They're all pretty cool.
Yeah, I like them all for different reasons. I'd say Mikael is consistently the best but is rarely the highlight of DT*, Lindberg started strong but got pretty bad, and Anders has fluctuated from amazing highs to very low lows throughout his career.

*I don't like his performance on the Where Death is Most Alive DVD, but I realize that's how he performs live in order to preserve his voice so I don't hold it against him
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Just, as an example, the first result that comes when I search for Opeth Live on YouTube.

Example of what exactly? Listen to his growls at Demon of the Fall. Not good.

I don't know about cjko's video because I cannot see it but Mikeal used to be a solid live frontman. Cjko is probably searching like a madman for poor live performances in a poor attempt to show how Anders is not the only one that sucks live. Even if all of them where shitty live singers, Anders still sucks. He won't be able, ever, to put to consecutive notes together.

I was talking about bad vocals on my earlier posts so I gave ATG for example and my other example was Eaten by Bloodbath. I don't care if you hate Anders say what you want but Anders doing what he's been doing for 30 years now and he still rocks. Don't think you watched latest IF live performances (I don't think you have enough time anyway, considering that you jack off to THE songs all the time) but he's doing brilliant after Covid restrictions.
I said it once. I can say it as many times as you want. If you think that Anders is doing a great work, then you need hearing aids. If you think that other singers doing bad is making him better then you need to stop living in a constant state of delusion.
As a live vocalist, I'm not huge on Anders, but he's certainly better than some like Mastodon (At least until recent years), so I'll take it- Especially since his growls have gotten better live. For me, I take his studio vocals into account more, and for all intents and purposes, I absolutely love his vocals on the studio albums. I think he does great work on the albums and decently good work (Currently) live. Sure, we could go back to the discussion of vocalists like Anders doing vocals on studio albums that they have no shot of doing well live, but I agreed with you, so cheers to that one. I just don't think the translation from studio to live should be the be all end all, especially when taking their older works into account.

Of course, if you think he's a bad vocalist on the studio albums too, then shit, I can't argue with that. I'd respect your opinion.
No. He's better on studio. But, man, that's thanks to the protocols and studio engineering. In the end, his job is to sing live. They're not a kind of musicians to do a studio album and that's all. They keep on touring for years. People is paying them money to see them live. So, no matter how good he's at the studio, in the end, live performances should be the main source to judge him as a singer.
I think about the time Anders started actually growling live is when I started appreciating his live vocals a bit more. Hellfest... 2017 I think? He does a great job on Moonshield. In fact, that might be my favorite version of Moonshield live ever. That vocal style is more present in the old stuff when they play it live and it sounds really good. I'd like another live album soon, but with a more varied set than their last one.
All of that FF7 talk earlier reminded me I hadn't started my annual playthrough yet. Thanks to the x3 speed on the PS4 version I'm at the end of disc 1 already, it's amazing how quick you can get through the game that way. It makes grinding for levels in particular a lot less tiresome.

The first disc has so many heavy moments in it. Even though I must have played through this game at least 15 times at this point, there are still three moments in particular from the first disc that get me in the feels every time.

Elmyra's story about adopting Aeris and losing her husband is the first one. Every time. I think it's a combination of the music and the text, which together make the whole flashback really emotional. The only thing that does confuse me is why Shinra/the Turks didn't just kidnap Aeris from the start. I mean, they're certainly not above doing so, as is shown repeatedly, so it's weird that they seemed to basically just leave Aeris alone for the most part. Elmyra mentions that Aeris continued to escape their grasp, but come on, she's a child during the flashbacks. How does a child evade the Turks, exactly, when they know precisely where she lives?

The whole Red XIII/Seto reveal is another one that's a real tear-jerker. Especially when you realise Seto technically hasn't died, he's just stuck in that 'petrified' state, and is still able to cry when he sees his son. That's fucking dark, when you think about it. With that said... again, I do have some issues with this plot point. Namely, why in the world would BugenHagen or Red's mother not have told him the truth about Seto? Why was he left to assume his father was a coward? Red XIII is 48 years old at this point, so it's not like there hasn't been time to inform him. Despite this huge plothole that to my knowledge is never really explained, the scene itself still gets me every time I play.

Obviously the third one is Aeris dying. Everything leading up to her death is so much more tragic when you know what's going to happen. The Gold Saucer date, Cloud attacking Aeris at the temple (his last major interaction with her), the dream sequence directly afterwards... that shit just leaves a heavy feeling in my chest, knowing what's going to happen. Then fighting the boss with Aeris' theme still playing as opposed to the boss theme... jeez. At least the programmers were nice enough to provide you with a water ring beforehand, so it's a fight you essentially can't lose unless you choose to kill whoever you've equipped with the water ring. Also if you have Enemy Skill equipped Aqualung is a pretty sick ability to pick up, alongside Trine.

FF7 was the first RPG-style game I played, and as a kid I remember this part hitting me hard. I'd never played a game where I had an actual attachment to the characters, so seeing one of them so brutally disposed of was a shock to a 10 year old me. Although I think most people playing the game through the first time had that same kind of reaction. Even worse if you'd been levelling Aeris up and making her a key part of your team. All gone and fuck all of the gil you spent on upgrading her weapons.

Aside from the above, I remember during my first playthrough I got stuck around Mt. Nibel and couldn't get past the Materia Keeper. I basically had no idea what I was doing and was just brute forcing my way through the game, likely severely under-levelled. Fortunately my dad had been playing it as well (weird to think about now, I don't think he's played an RPG before or since) and was further ahead than I was, so I just hijacked his save and kept going. I don't think he actually got past disc 1, probably never even made it to Aeris' death. Perhaps for the best - that's a scar best avoided.

Anyway, yeah, the only other thing I want to say is fuck the remake. All they had to do was the original story with awesome graphics. Keep the plot the same, keep the characters the same, keep the game length the same, keep the dialogue the same (well, maybe improve the original translation), keep the mechanics the same... just do it all with modern graphic. Why did it have to become a fucking multi-decade project? If they'd just redone the original game with modern graphics they'd be done by now. Got to milk as much money out of the franchise as possible, though, I guess.
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Just make sure to have your epic games account to get the weekly free games.

And, for anyone having Amazon Prime, this month they have Assassin's Creed origins for free too.
Yo, I have so many paid for games I haven't played - literally hundreds - that I don't need free games to add to the pile :D I actually do have an Epic account and have redeemed some of the free games, but I have too many that are stuck in backlog as it is.

My main gripe with the Epic version of FM22 is that I don't believe you can use the pre-game editor with it? I know you couldn't before.
I want to get the new Saints Row, but it's an Epic exclusive for a year, and I pretty much refuse to even download the launcher. I'll be waiting until next year for that, I suppose.

I don't know if anyone here is into black metal or not, but I've finally gotten around to listening to Blackbraid's debut, and it's fucking awesome. I listened to "The River of Time Flows Through Me" when it first came out, and I've been keeping up with him since. It's a bit warmer than Scandinavian BM, and its style of folk incorporates Native American instruments and stuff like sounds just found in nature (Like birds chirping) in addition to the usual acoustic playing. I serious recommend you give it a listen if you're even a little bit into black metal.
I listened to some black metal a long time ago, but it's not a genre I really listen to nowadays. Any black metal I do listen to is from the 90s or early-00s... Emperor, Darkthrone, Dimmu Borgir, etc... the more popular names in the genre, essentially. With that said I will give Blackbraid a listen. I'm always up for hearing interesting music regardless of genre.

This Nightrage track came on my random shuffle the other day - I haven't really listened to The Venomous album all that much, but I thought this one was actually pretty great. 01:48 - 02:55 is awesome, giving me some serious older IF vibes.

I might have to give the full album another proper listen. 'In Abhorrence' is a very good track from that album as well.

Song #2 is pretty much done -- just some nuances to address. So far so good. :cool:

I don't know if anyone here is into black metal or not, but I've finally gotten around to listening to Blackbraid's debut, and it's fucking awesome. I listened to "The River of Time Flows Through Me" when it first came out, and I've been keeping up with him since. It's a bit warmer than Scandinavian BM, and its style of folk incorporates Native American instruments and stuff like sounds just found in nature (Like birds chirping) in addition to the usual acoustic playing. I serious recommend you give it a listen if you're even a little bit into black metal.

This is on my to-listen list. I tend to like the more atmospheric type of black metal rather than, say, Dimmu Borgir. Always appreciate when artists put ambient environmental sounds in their songs.

This Nightrage track came on my random shuffle the other day - I haven't really listened to The Venomous album all that much, but I thought this one was actually pretty great. 01:48 - 02:55 is awesome, giving me some serious older IF vibes.

Song is fun. Never really listened to much Nightrage, but I may have to check them out.
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I want to get the new Saints Row, but it's an Epic exclusive for a year, and I pretty much refuse to even download the launcher. I'll be waiting until next year for that, I suppose.

Same. I hate Epic Games with a passion. I played Rocket League for a few years and that made me hate them even more. I also really don't like exclusives for any platform. All it does is fuck the people who want to play a game because of a dick measuring contest between companies. It's stupid.
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Song #2 is pretty much done -- just some nuances to address. So far so good. :cool:

This is on my to-listen list. I tend to like the more atmospheric type of black metal rather than, say, Dimmu Borgir. Always appreciate when artists put ambient environmental sounds in their songs.

Song is fun. Never really listened to much Nightrage, but I may have to check them out.

Yeah, straight up black metal doesn't usually do anything for me either. Darkthrone did it well enough with their previous album, but that's about it for me, I guess aside from a bit more Darkthrone. Anaal Nathrakh is more extreme metal than black metal, and they're just insane all the way around, so I love them. Otherwise, I mainly just have atmospheric stuff like Ashbringer or blackgaze (Term be damned) like Deafheaven. It's not a subgenre that stands well enough on its own for me musically, even if I absolutely admire and respect what it was and has become today.