Non-gay bro thread a.k.a. Random offtopic stuff.

"The Jester Race" is a 1996 album by the Swedish metal band In Flames, and is widely regarded as a landmark album in the melodic death metal genre. The album's popularity and lasting appeal can be attributed to a number of factors, including:

  1. Innovative songwriting: "The Jester Race" saw In Flames moving away from the more straightforward death metal of their debut album and incorporating more melody and dynamics into their sound. The album features a mix of aggressive riffing, atmospheric keyboards, and memorable melodies, creating a sound that was both heavy and accessible.

  2. Catchy songs: The album is filled with memorable hooks and catchy choruses that are still popular with fans today. Tracks like "Moonshield," "The Jester's Dance," and "Artifacts of the Black Rain" showcase the band's ability to craft memorable, anthemic songs that are both heavy and melodic.

  3. Technical proficiency: In Flames' musicianship on "The Jester Race" is top-notch, with tight performances and intricate guitar work that push the boundaries of the melodic death metal genre. The album features complex rhythms and guitar harmonies that add depth and complexity to the band's sound.

  4. Emotional intensity: The lyrics and vocal performances on "The Jester Race" are filled with emotion and intensity, with themes of pain, loss, and despair that resonate with fans. Lead vocalist Anders Fridén delivers powerful, passionate performances that add an extra layer of depth and feeling to the album.
All of these factors and more contribute to why "The Jester Race" is regarded as such an awesome album. It's a classic example of melodic death metal done right, and a testament to the lasting power of innovative, well-crafted heavy music.
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What are the summer holiday plans for The Jester Slave? I envision a nice hotel. A very nice hotel that most people would consider luxurious. Yet The Jester Slave isn’t satisfied. He screams at the young girl working the front desk who has no idea what’s going on. She’s in tears because The Jester Slave is yelling about soap in the bathroom that makes his hands slimy. “Anders wouldn’t put this filth on his skin! Why am I being forced to? Explain it to me in soap theory!” The girl is very upset and confused. She doesn’t know who this Anders is but she wants the mean man to leave now.

I just assume your holidays go something like this.
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Ah, you phrased your question better, because it just keeps telling me he is an AI so its impartial. But some of its answers:

As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have personal preferences or opinions. However, in terms of critical acclaim and popularity among fans, several In Flames albums have been considered as some of their best work. Some of their most highly regarded albums include "The Jester Race," "Clayman," "Reroute to Remain," and "Come Clarity." These albums are known for their combination of heavy riffs and melodic elements, intricate musicianship, and strong songwriting. However, the best In Flames record is ultimately a matter of personal taste, and fans of the band may have different opinions on which album they consider to be their favorite.

As an artificial intelligence language model, I don't have personal preferences or opinions, so I can't say whether "Siren Charms" is the best In Flames record or not. However, it's worth noting that "Siren Charms" is a polarizing album among fans of the band. While some fans appreciate the album's emphasis on atmospheric and melodic elements, others criticize it for a perceived lack of energy and heaviness compared to the band's earlier work. Ultimately, the question of which In Flames album is the best is a matter of personal taste and subjective opinion, and different fans of the band may have different preferences based on a variety of factors, such as their preferred subgenre of metal or their individual connection to the band's music.


Its best to avoid asking it opiniated questions. Google's Chat Bot was funny, because it went full psycho sometimes, but this one is just too smart.
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As an AI language model, I don't have specific information about Jester Slave's preferences or reasons for changing their avatar. However, if you're looking to encourage someone to go back to using an earlier avatar or profile picture, here are a few tips that might help:

Be respectful: It's important to respect other people's choices and autonomy, even when it comes to something as seemingly trivial as an avatar or profile picture. Avoid being pushy or aggressive, as this is unlikely to be an effective way of encouraging someone to change their behavior.

Explain your reasons: If you have specific reasons for wanting Jester Slave to go back to using their original avatar, explain these reasons in a calm and respectful way. They may be more likely to listen to your concerns if you present them in a constructive manner.

Suggest alternatives: If Jester Slave is resistant to the idea of changing their avatar, you could try suggesting alternative options that might be more in line with what you're looking for. For example, you might suggest that they use a similar avatar or profile picture that still reflects their personality and interests.

Ultimately, it's important to remember that Jester Slave has the right to make their own decisions about their online persona, and it's not up to anyone else to dictate how they should present themselves. If you approach the situation with respect and understanding, you may be able to find a compromise that works for everyone involved.


Chatbot has spoken :D
What are the summer holiday plans for The Jester Slave? I envision a nice hotel. A very nice hotel that most people would consider luxurious. Yet The Jester Slave isn’t satisfied. He screams at the young girl working the front desk who has no idea what’s going on. She’s in tears because The Jester Slave is yelling about soap in the bathroom that makes his hands slimy. “Anders wouldn’t put this filth on his skin! Why am I being forced to? Explain it to me in soap theory!” The girl is very upset and confused. She doesn’t know who this Anders is but she wants the mean man to leave now.

I just assume your holidays go something like this.
Change luxurious hotel to decent hotel or apartment, and TJS to TJS's girlfriend and you are pretty much on point. Me, on the other hand is pretty diplomatic. Not in a nice way, but rather in a calculating way. Other than some very specific scenarios (like someone trying to overtake me in line) I am biding my time, and only act rude once I set the stage for a surefire victory. If I don't think I have all the winning cards then I don't even start the argument. For example we once had a pretty poor breakfast, the food didn't look too good, there weren't too many choices, some of the baked stuff were already stiff. We thought about complaining, but I wouldn't have, because they were all edible, it was just shitty service compared to other places. She didn't care, so she lit up the receptionist, straight up exaggerated, borderline lied, and we got back the cost of the two days of pre-paid breakfast lol.
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"Telling someone that they left an upper decker in your toilet can be a delicate and potentially uncomfortable conversation. Here are some tips that may help:

Be direct: It's important to be clear and direct when bringing up the issue. Try to use straightforward language that is not overly critical or accusatory.

Be respectful: While this may be a frustrating or upsetting situation, it's important to approach the conversation with respect for the person's feelings. Avoid using language that is overly confrontational or judgmental.

Express your concern: Let the person know that you are bringing this up because you are concerned about the impact it may have on your home or plumbing. Explain that an upper decker can cause significant damage and that it's important to avoid doing this in the future.

Set clear boundaries: Let the person know that leaving an upper decker is not acceptable in your home, and that you expect them to clean up the mess or take responsibility for any damages.

Offer a solution: If you feel comfortable doing so, offer a solution that can help prevent this from happening again in the future. This might include asking the person to use a different bathroom or asking them to pay for any damages that occur.

Remember, it's important to approach this conversation with empathy and understanding. The person may be embarrassed or defensive, so try to be patient and listen to their perspective. Ultimately, the goal is to find a solution that works for both of you and helps prevent this from happening again in the future."

Lmao :rofl: this is why I shouldn't be allowed to use these things.
DE4life from metal music discussion board has been heavily impacted by me changing my profile's avatar on the site. According to him it has became an iconic part of me and the board, and me changing it has drained him and ripped his heart out. He thinks these are darker times, and he would like if my old avatar picture would stay with me. I never thought of it this way, but now it feels like it is confining me. Should I reroute to remain? Am I but a jester slaved to its avatar? Keeping my current avatar or changing it back wouldn't really impact me, but it may light up the candles in others heart again. On the other hand, I am not the same person anymore to which DE4life associates my previous avatar. But I am also not that active anymore anyway, so if I were to disappear from the board one day, at least the future generation could see that avatar.

It's important to remember that your online avatar is just a representation of yourself, and while it may hold sentimental value for some people, ultimately the decision of whether to keep or change it is up to you. It's understandable that DE4life has formed an attachment to your previous avatar, but it's important to prioritize your own comfort and sense of personal expression.

If you feel that changing your avatar would better reflect who you are now or would make you feel more comfortable on the site, then it's perfectly valid to make that change. However, if you do decide to change your avatar, it may be considerate to let DE4life and other members of the community know beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between expressing your own individuality and respecting the feelings and preferences of others. By communicating openly and respectfully with others on the board, you can help ensure that everyone feels comfortable and valued as members of the community.
Does she write your posts in the album threads or something?
I don't think she ever argued online. It took some time for her to understand that "sorry honey, I am having an argument on reddit" is a valid excuse for me to only answer her calling 5 minutes later. She doesn't understand the importance of telling strangers on the internet that they are, in fact wrong.
"Finding out who did an upper decker in your toilet can be a difficult task, but here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check for evidence: Look for any clues left behind, such as stains or residue, that could help you determine who the culprit might be.

  2. Ask around: If you have guests or visitors who were in your home around the time the upper decker was done, it's worth asking them if they have any knowledge or saw anything suspicious.

  3. Investigate: If you live with others, it's possible that someone in your household may be responsible. Ask around and try to determine if anyone knows who might have done it.

  4. Install a camera: If the issue persists, you may consider installing a camera in the bathroom to help identify the person responsible.

  5. Confront the suspect: If you believe you have identified the person who did the upper decker, it's important to handle the situation calmly and respectfully. Explain the issue and ask them to take responsibility for their actions. If they refuse, consider seeking legal or other appropriate action.
Remember, doing an upper decker is a disrespectful act that can cause significant damage to your property. If you are unable to find the person responsible, it's important to take steps to prevent it from happening again in the future. This might include locking the bathroom, warning your guests about the issue, or taking other appropriate measures."

I'm in tears here, why did you have to introduce me to this Slave :D also option 4, lmao, good way to end up in jail. "Warning your guests about the issue", rofl... "Yo just so you know somebody might have done an upper decker in the toilet, sorry in advance if so" :rofl: I'm dying.
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DE4life from metal music discussion board has been heavily impacted by me changing my profile's avatar on the site. According to him it has became an iconic part of me and the board, and me changing it has drained him and ripped his heart out. He thinks these are darker times, and he would like if my old avatar picture would stay with me. I never thought of it this way, but now it feels like it is confining me. Should I reroute to remain? Am I but a jester slaved to its avatar? Keeping my current avatar or changing it back wouldn't really impact me, but it may light up the candles in others heart again. On the other hand, I am not the same person anymore to which DE4life associates my previous avatar. But I am also not that active anymore anyway, so if I were to disappear from the board one day, at least the future generation could see that avatar.

It's important to remember that your online avatar is just a representation of yourself, and while it may hold sentimental value for some people, ultimately the decision of whether to keep or change it is up to you. It's understandable that DE4life has formed an attachment to your previous avatar, but it's important to prioritize your own comfort and sense of personal expression.

If you feel that changing your avatar would better reflect who you are now or would make you feel more comfortable on the site, then it's perfectly valid to make that change. However, if you do decide to change your avatar, it may be considerate to let DE4life and other members of the community know beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.

Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between expressing your own individuality and respecting the feelings and preferences of others. By communicating openly and respectfully with others on the board, you can help ensure that everyone feels comfortable and valued as members of the community.

As chatbot says, respect my feelings bro :D
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The Upper Decker is the height of trolling tbh, a risky and gutsy move, but one that pays major dividends if successful.

As for the original avatar, don't worry, we can provide it as and when you finally decide it's time to go home.
All those centuries of England being the powerhouse of pretty much the entire world lead to current britts doing the upper decker and just generally being nasty.

Sure, I'm ready.
How do you think we became a powerhouse bro? Countries were surrendering pretty fast when they realised even their cisterns weren't safe.

@The Grayfox you have Slave's avatar right? :D
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ChatGPT locked me out :D "too many questions in 1 hour". Bruh. I was just getting started.
Yes, I have it because I made a really cool userbar out of it.

I was going to fuck around with the chatbot but then it asked for my phone number and I was out. I get enough spam as it is, I don’t need more.
Just use your google account. I am too lazy to register nowadays, so I just default to continue with my google acc.

Can you pm me the picture?