Change luxurious hotel to decent hotel or apartment, and TJS to TJS's girlfriend and you are pretty much on point. Me, on the other hand is pretty diplomatic. Not in a nice way, but rather in a calculating way. Other than some very specific scenarios (like someone trying to overtake me in line) I am biding my time, and only act rude once I set the stage for a surefire victory. If I don't think I have all the winning cards then I don't even start the argument. For example we once had a pretty poor breakfast, the food didn't look too good, there weren't too many choices, some of the baked stuff were already stiff. We thought about complaining, but I wouldn't have, because they were all edible, it was just shitty service compared to other places. She didn't care, so she lit up the receptionist, straight up exaggerated, borderline lied, and we got back the cost of the two days of pre-paid breakfast lol.What are the summer holiday plans for The Jester Slave? I envision a nice hotel. A very nice hotel that most people would consider luxurious. Yet The Jester Slave isn’t satisfied. He screams at the young girl working the front desk who has no idea what’s going on. She’s in tears because The Jester Slave is yelling about soap in the bathroom that makes his hands slimy. “Anders wouldn’t put this filth on his skin! Why am I being forced to? Explain it to me in soap theory!” The girl is very upset and confused. She doesn’t know who this Anders is but she wants the mean man to leave now.
I just assume your holidays go something like this.
I don't think she ever argued online. It took some time for her to understand that "sorry honey, I am having an argument on reddit" is a valid excuse for me to only answer her calling 5 minutes later. She doesn't understand the importance of telling strangers on the internet that they are, in fact wrong.Does she write your posts in the album threads or something?
DE4life from metal music discussion board has been heavily impacted by me changing my profile's avatar on the site. According to him it has became an iconic part of me and the board, and me changing it has drained him and ripped his heart out. He thinks these are darker times, and he would like if my old avatar picture would stay with me. I never thought of it this way, but now it feels like it is confining me. Should I reroute to remain? Am I but a jester slaved to its avatar? Keeping my current avatar or changing it back wouldn't really impact me, but it may light up the candles in others heart again. On the other hand, I am not the same person anymore to which DE4life associates my previous avatar. But I am also not that active anymore anyway, so if I were to disappear from the board one day, at least the future generation could see that avatar.
It's important to remember that your online avatar is just a representation of yourself, and while it may hold sentimental value for some people, ultimately the decision of whether to keep or change it is up to you. It's understandable that DE4life has formed an attachment to your previous avatar, but it's important to prioritize your own comfort and sense of personal expression.
If you feel that changing your avatar would better reflect who you are now or would make you feel more comfortable on the site, then it's perfectly valid to make that change. However, if you do decide to change your avatar, it may be considerate to let DE4life and other members of the community know beforehand to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings.
Ultimately, it's important to find a balance between expressing your own individuality and respecting the feelings and preferences of others. By communicating openly and respectfully with others on the board, you can help ensure that everyone feels comfortable and valued as members of the community.
I don't even have the original avatar anymore.As chatbot says, respect my feelings bro![]()