Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

That's the good thing about anime is that, despite what the most of people tend to think, it has a wide range of genres. Or, to say it in another way, it's not restricted to any genre. If more people were willing to give it a chance, despite the insane amount of garbage that there is, like in any other media, they would be surprised and enjoy a lot of the shows because the stories are for everyone.

One thing that I came to notice, specially when reading manga compared to western comics, is that the language is more accesible to the people. I mean, in anime and manga, the characters talk like real people while in the western media, at least that's what I felt, everything is pretentious. So I came to the conclusion that that's one of the things as to why I like manga and anime. This and that I find the designs far more attractive than the realistic designs that western media likes that much.
Yeah, I grew up reading western comics and watching X-Men cartoons, stuff like that. I enjoyed it when I was a kid. But I have friends who are grown men and have arguments about which of their favorite superheroes could beat up the other's "in real life." Stuff like that has put me off Marvel and DC and all of that stuff as an adult. I've seen almost all of the Marvel movies but at this point, I don't think I can watch another one. At their core, they're all the same and follow the same formula. Even the classic comics all follow the same formula. In my short few weeks watching anime, I'm almost pissed at myself for missing out on it for so long. I've never looked down on it or anything like that, I just never got into it for whatever reason. But as you said, your options when it comes to anime are VAST and I'm a big fan of that.
In anime and manga there are also discussions about which character is stronger. My approach is to just enjoy the stories and the art and to forget about sterile discussions.
I thought this said Dorito at first, googled Dorito anime and got some seriously sus results :rofl:

As far as Dororo is concerned, no, but it looks interesting. I'll check it out.
Ok. I started it but never ended. I'm not sure why.

If you're watching it at Amazon Video then take a look at Sword of the Immortal and, of course, Full metal Alchemist.
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