Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

Growing up, I had friends who were really into anime. I just never got into it as a kid for some reason. I remember my friends going crazy over Vampire Hunter D, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop and stuff like that. I'm a very big mystery fan in general -- novels, movies, tv shows, games, etc. In doing research, I found that there are a lot of good mystery stories told in anime. I decided to start with something that seems to be pretty universally liked in Death Note. I figured 'ok, if I can't get into something that so many people like, it's probably just not for me.' I'm 12 episodes into Death Note and have found it to be very good story-wise. I like the premise and it definitely has an air of mystery around it. I was recommended Death Note, Monster, Erased and Detective Conan.

The catch for me is that it has to be dubbed because I do the majority of my watching while I'm working, so I put something on my second monitor but I can't pay 100% attention to subtitles. I know there's the argument of 'subs vs dubs', but in my case, I really don't have a choice, so I have to find stuff that is dubbed or made in English originally, which isn't as common.

Anyway, if anybody knows of some anime that fits my very specific criteria of stupid American boy English and mystery in theme, I'll be happy to check out anything, whether movie or series. Detective Conan (Case Closed) caught my eye because it has 1000+ episodes, but apparently only a small fraction have been dubbed.
Check out Steins;Gate. It has some of the cliche anime tropes which can be annoying, but overall the story is pretty great. It's primarily about time travel, but there's a mystery element in terms of who is controlling what. It's probably my favourite overall anime, all things factored in, and could easily be made into a live action western series with a few small tweaks. Word of warning that it does take some time to get going. First few episodes do a lot of scene setting and it only starts getting really good once those are out the way.

I only watched subbed so difficult for me to specifically recommend dubbed anime in terms of dub quality. Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star are considered two of the best ever English dubs though and both are fantastic series that avoid significant amounts of the typical anime tropes. I wouldn't classify either of them as mystery, but they are both very cool from a story and aesthetics standpoint, so might be worth giving the first couple of episodes a go for each and see if it's doing anything for you. Bebop in particular was designed specifically with Western audiences in mind.

Psycho Pass is another you may want to check out. I can't speak for the dub but the story is really good and it seems like it would be up your alley in terms of preferences.
There's Bingo Stray Dogs. A shonen about supernatural powers, detectives and lots of strategy. One of my favourites.

I also recommend Chainsaw Man. Not mistery, but supernatural and demons with great animation. People prefers Jujutsu Kaisen but from that, though I like the animation, I don't like the story

I will take a look at my list to see what I can find

Now, have this in mind. Anime is like any other TV media, it has some great shows but the most of it is shit. And is still my favourite media.
If you like something light, then take a look at Spy x Family. Though it might dissapoint you because it has a lot of child everyday life.

Then there's also Kimetsu no Yaiba. But this is again about fighting demons. Fire Force is a great show too. It's abotu firefighters fighting expontaneous human combustion.

I don't know that many shows about detectives. So I'm not a big help with that theme. But I can recommend some supernatural shows if you like that. Still. I must insist that Chainsaw Man is worth taking a look at, at least, the first two chapters.
Season 1 of The Promised Neverland is also a really good series, devoid of the standard anime tropes and heavy on the mystery in the sense of 'wtf is going on here?' - I was put off initially by the fact the main characters were kids, but it was actually a really good watch. Unfortunately it's a bit of a one and done, as by all accounts the show tanks after the first season. I never watched more, but I was satisfied with the first season story arc enough to leave it there anyway.
Having read the manga, I started season two and abandoned it after chapter two. It's shit. Not worth it. Maybe for someone who doesn't know how the story develops in the manga is an ok season but there's so much information missing that it's not worth it.
Thanks for the suggestions. I've got a pretty decent list going now and I'm sure it'll take me a while to work through it. I'll post some thoughts and reviews as I go through them. I'm almost finished with Death Note which at this point, I find to be just ok. The first 12-15 episodes I thought were really good. Certain episodes have me entertained and wondering what's coming next and then there will be an episode where I find myself asking "what the hell is this episode adding to the series?" I feel like it could be condensed down to at least two-thirds of what's there. But still, it is entertaining enough.
Spoiler tag as I don't know exactly how far you are in the series ...

It's been a while since I watched Death Note, but it definitely declines in quality after Near and Mello are introduced. Their characters are okay, but a step down from L, and it almost feels like the story repeats itself with Light just bring a bit dumber the second time around. Possibly due to hubris, but still, I didn't find the post-L story as interesting.
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At some point, there's unnecessary plot and the second half is not that good but it's still worth it.
Yeah, it's pretty much since Mello and Near were introduced that I feel like the quality dipped. It could just be that I found L's character very interesting and quirky and without him, the series feels like it lost a step. I'm almost done with it, so I'm going to go ahead and finish it up, but I definitely liked the earlier episodes when it felt like a cat-and-mouse game between Light and L.
Near is basically an alt version of L, but less charismatic or interesting. Hard to assess if he's more intelligent than L, as L had already done a lot of the legwork before dying and Light wasn't as sharp or focused by the time Near got involved.

Mello I just didn't think was a great character. Had potential but just didn't click for me. Felt like he was essentially just there so it didn't feel like Light Vs L part 2. They made it out like Near needed Mello to succeed but he really didn't.

The ending was still quite okay, but the series definitely peaks with L's death.
That's the point where is noticeable how shueisha forced the authors to make a series longer than they had planned.
For sure. I think it would actually have been pretty cool and innovative to end the series with Light coming out on top, rather than just defeated later by an L clone.

I should note that this is an anime only opinion - from what I understand the manga does a much better job with characterising Near and Mello.
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Even so, it still feels forced. Mostly, because it was forced. Nonsense. It would have worked pretty well as a spin off or side story because it's still good. But it's just not as good as the first part.
Yeah, the ending to Death Note was pretty good, but there was quite a bit of stuff in part 2 that I just didn't care for. After that I watched Erased, which is a 12 episode series that I really enjoyed, even if became a bit too predictable towards the end. I'm watching Moriarty the Patriot right now and I'm almost finished with that. After that, I've got Steins;Gate and Chainsaw Man on deck. I've already got a nice anime folder going that I've... uh, purchased from the internet. Within said folder dwells most of what you guys have recommended, including Spy x Family (as a big fan of jrpgs, the child-like stuff doesn't bother me at all), first season of The Promised Neverland, Fire Force, Psycho-Pass and a bunch of other stuff. So far I haven't had any issues with anything dubbed, the voice acting has been fine, sometimes even really good. I probably would watch the originals subbed, but it's just too difficult to do while I'm working.
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If you have any problem finding animes there are some recommended places for accessing them for free. Even though, I'm paying crunchyroll. Why? Because I don't have enough HDD space. Probably.
My anime folder isn't particularly big - typically it's easy enough to find a streaming site to watch subbed anime on. I've mainly just downloaded series I want in good quality or that are otherwise not easy to find on streaming sites. Some I downloaded back in the mid-2000s before streaming sites were common. Also a fair few that were ripped from DVDs I own. Currently my downloaded folder contains:
A Place Further than the Universe
Angel Beats!
Armitage III
Clannad After Story
Code Geass
Cowboy Bebop
Cyber City Odeo 808
Darkside Blues
Death Note
Demon Slayer (Season 1 only)
Descendants of Darkness
Dragonball Z & GT (subbed versions, as well as many different English dubbed versions - also all of the movies)
Final Fantasy - Legend of the Crystals
Final Fantasy - Unlimited
Full Metal Alchemist
Golden Boy
Guilty Crown
Gundam Wing
Last Exile
LR - Licensed By Royalty
Love Hina
Masamune-kun no Revenge
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ouran High School Host Club
Outlaw Star
Psycho Pass
School Rumble
Sega Hard Girls (this is not some kind of weird retro gaming hentai, for the record)
Serial Experiments Lain
Sonic the Hedgehog (OVA)
Space Pirate Mito
Steins;Gate 0
Street Fighter
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
The Legend of Black Heaven
The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya
The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (the fucking endless eight... if you know, you know)
The Promised Neverland (Season 1 only)
Tokyo Ghoul
Vision of Escaflowne
World of Narue

I'm yet to watch, A Place Further Than the Universe, Darkside Blues, Descendants of Darkness, either of the Final Fantasy animes, Last Exile, Masamune-kun no Revenge, Origin, Street Fighter or World of Narue... so still quite a few there that I need to watch.

I watched the first couple of episode of Last Exile and LR - didn't immediately grip me. Not sure if I'll come back to them. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann has a big reputation but I didn't find the first few episodes very entertaining and from memory I didn't like the art style much either. I should go back to it as it's really well regarded, but it's a rare anime where the art design really bothered me.

Was going to list my favourites but then realised I was including like, 70% of the list, lol. Gun to my head Clannad After Story and Steins;Gate probably hit me hardest emotionally. DBZ, Gundam Wing, Bebop, Outlaw Star, NGE, Escaflowne and Trigun all stone cold classics from the 90s/00s. Then there's the mid-00s stuff which I also love - Death Note, Code Geass, all the Haruhi Suzumiya stuff...

Well, all I can say is I feel sad for people who can't see past the 'lol weeb' or 'cartoons are for kids' mindset, because there really are so many awesome anime series out there that blow away the vapid nonsense that infests modern streaming platforms.
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"Cartoons are for kids" they say while they play for the ninth time the last movie by Marvel.

From this season, Kaiju Nº8 is a must watch. The rest is just meh.

And, I'm rewatching Gintama. All of it. Yeah. I know. Long show. I don't care because it's fucking great. The most underrated show ever. And the manga will start selling in Spain next month. Most exciting news of this decade for me.

Also, you don't need to watch all of it. Just watch the last episode for the tv show. There will be little to no spoilers. It's, for me, the best tv show ending ever.
Gintama has actually come up in my searches recently. It is a really long show, but I don't have a problem with that. Gives me more time to get invested. I'll probably wait on watching anything that long for a while and watch more of the 12-24 episode series' because I can bang those out in a matter of 2-3 days for the most part. I know many people watch anime for the fantasy elements, be it sci fi, supernatural, high fantasy, whatever it is, and that's fine, I'm not against that whatsoever, but I do really enjoy the more real world elements and stories. I thought Monster was pretty damn good, but a tad long for it's particular story.

Besides the ones I mentioned before, I have a bit of a mixed bag genre wise coming up:

When They Cry
Black Butler
Paranoia Agent
Odd Taxi
Serial Experiments Lain
The Millionaire Detective: Balance - Unlimited
Darker Than Black
The Seven Deadly Sins
Assassination Classroom
Death Parade
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Cowboy Bebop
Grave of the Fireflies

I love Final Fantasy as a series, but I've read that the anime are pretty bad. But that's also subjective, so who knows? I'd definitely watch some Street Fighter anime as I grew up obsessed with playing SFII in arcades and then later on SNES.