Nordin vs Lopez

elm lateral

Starlight Etherial Spirit
Apr 27, 2002
Sydney, Australia
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Ok, who do you all think is your favourite opeth drummer?

I personally like Lopez, he has a great style and adds an aware sense of melody, but I think Nordin had a better use of rythm. Ah well, IMO :).
I used to prefer Nordin, but then I heard Deliverance.


Nordin had a better sense of rhythm...but now he seems weak compared to Lopez.

I think that Lopez's drumming was previously best on MAYH, and got more boring on Still Life, and then was super boring on BWP. His drumming slowly got less and less creative. But on Deliverance he has started using a crunchier drum kit and has a style which stands out above the guitars. Before his drumming was a background thing, now its up there as another main instrument.

Hmmm.....lead drums? :D
lopez has ALWAYS been a good drummer. the only reason why people are noticing now is because hes using alot of fast double bass, which doesnt mean anything. lopez is one of the best drummers that i know of. he just has a great style.
Don't know - the only way I could answer this honestly would be to hear the entire Deliverance album with Anders doing the drumming. All I know is Lopez did an absolutely fantastic job on Deliverance.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Don't know - the only way I could answer this honestly would be to hear the entire Deliverance album with Anders doing the drumming. All I know is Lopez did an absolutely fantastic job on Deliverance.

Odd comment...hehe. As it is we'll just have to put up with comparing Anders stuff with Lopez's...maybe Nordin will come back and they'll redo Deliverance with him playing. That has a nice 1/100000000000000000000000 chance of happening.

One can dream...:)
Originally posted by Static
His drumming slowly got less and less creative.

:OMG: Are you kidding? less creative?? he was most creative on still life... man listen to that drumming in white cluster for example... on mayh he wasn't that creative compared to still life, he played a bit restricted...
Nordin of course... and IMO that Opeth's lineup was the best...Opeth would be much better nowadays with that lineup.
Hands down- Lopez. He's like a mini-Pete Sandoval now- without the blast beats of course. Nothing against Anders, but I don't really think he could handle that ultra-quick double bass. I think Lopez gets better with every album. He definitely has that jazziness that everyone loved Anders for and the added "intensity" of being a brutal DM drummer. Maybe there will be blastbeats on the acoustic cd! haha that would be interesting.:p
I have not heard Deliverance yet, but I say Lopez definately. He has much smoother playing, a better sense of matching up with the guitars, better tone, and it feels like there is much more variation. Basically I think he surpasses Nordin in just about everywhere, not to say Nordin isn't a fantastic drummer as well.
Originally posted by Ectoplasma
Nordin of course... and IMO that Opeth's lineup was the best...Opeth would be much better nowadays with that lineup.

Yeah i like the fact that the other bandmembers would actually contribute to the music...
I don't know much about drumming, but it sounds to me like they play two fairly different styles (this is probably partially because the music changed a lot after morningrise). Lopez is much more of a metal drummer, while nordin is/was a diverse drummer. Lopez has increased his versatility, and I really enjoyed him on deliverance. In conclusion, I don't think I can choose. :)
Originally posted by Staffan
:OMG: Are you kidding? less creative?? he was most creative on still life... man listen to that drumming in white cluster for example... on mayh he wasn't that creative compared to still life, he played a bit restricted...

It did. White Cluster was the main exception...the drum midsection blew me away when I first heard it. The Moor also has very good drumming. But in all seriousness, it was all rather uncreative...BWP had super-boring drums. MAYH had heaps of cool fills but on Still Life and particularly on BWP he toned down the complexity. MAYH is my least favourite album but has the best drumming in my opinion. You can't base all the 'creativity' you say there is in Still Life's drumming on White Cluster because that really was an exception. All this time it feels hes been more a time-keeper than a creative drummer.

Deliverance has changed this. Simply my opinion.