Not for the fanboys...

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
What do you NOT like about SyX? Or is there anything you would change in the band?
I love SyX, don't get me wrong, I love SyX, but there not perfect (no band is tho...)
Mine would be; MJR's tone was perfect in DWoT, I don't know why he changed it later with the pods and line 6's? It was just too good back then. Particulaly the lead sound.

Please people don't give me anymore "I L0v s7Mf0n7 x, th0r purfek!" Seriously...

So what about you guys?
I really wish Lepond could actually be heard on the albums. I think he is a very important part of the music, but you can't hear him!! I don't understand why they didn't fix it if Lepond wasn't happy with it. He said for two albums he wasn't happy. Well, somebody should do something about it. :Smug:

Otherwise, seriously, I find no faults. :)
For the Odyssey I wish Mike M had turned his guitar down, and Mike P turned his keyboards up. That is all, good night.
Kate Bush Rules! said:

I think I would really like them to incorporate more different influences into their music. I would love to see them include jazz and electronica into their metal.
Good idea. I think it would be exciting to hear Symphony X incorporate some electronic textures into their musicscape.

NP: Aghora - "Kali Yuga"
Sorry, but I really can't find anything that I don't like. I haven't ever thought "Oh, I wish that they had done this differently" while listening to a song. If I HAD to request something, I would want the bass to sound a little crisper and be a little more pronounced. Sometimes I have to strain more than I would like to hear it.
Hmm...tough question. But there are a few bones to pick with Symphony X, I gotta admit.

I agree on the fact that Lepond has to be heard more times...he ends up behind the scenes a lot. :D

Plus, that recorded drum needs a lot of work. True, it's a blast live, but the studio versions are half-baked.
yeah i would like them to go more bluesy n jazzy influenced, at least for a few songs.. and yeah hearing jason and lepond more.. and russell growling more.. (yumm)..not all in the same song necessarily though lol..

i dunno.. the main beef i have is that i want to see them live n i cant :(.. but thats not their fault lol..
Mr. Shred-ididle said:
Mine would be; MJR's tone was perfect in DWoT, I don't know why he changed it later with the pods and line 6's? It was just too good back then. Particulaly the lead sound.

TiO also had an awesome guitar tone, even beter than on DWoT, but that was before the digitalizing too. Jisten to CotM and you'll agree.

Vai also had a perfect tone back in Fire Garden and changed it in The Ultra Zone, not that the new one sounds bad... go figure...
Probably because of the times I've seen them live, and heard Jason and Mike P. loud and clear.....I would like to hear better mixing and production on the bass and drums for the coming CDs. Other than that, I have never been disappointed in anything they've done. It's the most amazing band I've ever heard / seen.
Demonspell said:
I'd like to see them rely less on fantasy-based lyrics, and see Pinella approach his instrument in different ways (less tradeoffs with Romeo, in other words).


NP: Porcupine Tree - "Even Less"