Notable Releases to Come 2009 Edition

Not notable, haha, but the next OF full-lenght is basically demoed (is this a word?). Longer songs (longest is about 20 minutes) than before. Tarvonen will record the drums on June, after that I and bassist shall do the rest.

dude your music is awesome.
The new Peste Noire, Ballade cuntre lo Anemi Francor, will be arriving at Transcendental Creations (NA) by Friday.
Unanimated - "In the light of darkness" has leaked.

It sounds EXACTLY like the old stuff, just maybe a tad more melodic. Fuckin great stuff.

Fint som snus!
any thoughts on the new taake? first spin i was like "meh" but subsequent listens have proved much more favorable. it's pretty much exactly what you would expect...actually it's even less of a progression than you would expect, but at least they didn't drop the ball
how is the new Queensryche??? Out today ... [ame][/ame]

anyone hear it? anyone care? ... i am surprised Zod, superfan #1, has not said a word in anticipation of this.
Some new Slough Feg is contained in this broadcast:

New Stuff located at around 55 minutes... interview before and after. Tracks are Shakedown at the Six and Simian Manifesto. They also play the Heavy Metal Hero cover from that Ironsword Split at the end.

Pretty awesome tracks.

Listening to see if there's more...

1. The Hunchback of Notre Doom

2. Overborne
3. Ape Uprising
4. Simian Manifesto

5. Shakedown at The Six

6. White Cousin
7. Ape Outro
8. Nasty Hero
Isn't Augury supposed to be releasing something this year? Anyone know of any details? I've been waiting for this for a while......
I really liked the new Wolves in The Throne Room, I have yet to pick up the new Mastodon....I know I know shut it. Ill get it soon. The new Wolf album Ravenous is damn good for oldschool metal fans.

You guys left off the new Tankard...Has anyone heard it yet? Its so bad ass.