Now Playing Thread


Looking for a Job said:
well she also likes AFI, so clearly she's an idiot

NP: bee-york

It's all so clear now. I probably wouldn't have listened to you if you hadn't added that you were listening to Bjork, but anyone listening to Bjork deserves to be taken seriously. :Spin:

NP: Portal - Seepia
I'd have jumped into this mess earlier, but I've been at work...

Night Mare said:
Can someone explain the appeal of metalcore to me? I seriously can't find any good reason to listen to it, but it's still insanely popular. I must be missing something...
Nah, you probably aren't. I think most people that like it do so because it's more accessible than some of the more extreme metal bands out there. I started out listening to punk and only punk, and bands like A7X that crossed punk with metal were eventually my gateway into heavy metal. I still listen to metalcore because I still like it, often for stupid sentimental reasons. There ARE some bands that I've definitely grown out of, but discovering black and death metal didn't automatically cause me to dislike everything I'd previously listened to. I don't believe metal and metalcore are mutually exclusive, and I enjoy both.

That's my view on metalcore. However...I'm assuming you probably don't listen to Avenged Sevenfold, in which case I should clarify something. A7X, though they used to be fairly generic metalcore, aren't really metalcore anymore.

Their first release, "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet," was 100% metalcore. A lot of the songs sounded more punk than metal. "Waking the Fallen," their next release, was considerably less so. And I would argue that "City of Evil," which just came out, is not really metalcore at all. They've moved on, musically speaking, for a variety of reasons. You don't have to take my word for it, either. Read this if you're at all curious.

You probably shouldn't take any of what I just said seriously, though. Aren't you the guy who thought I was Oinkness and/or Unforgiven posting under another username?

Looking for a Job said:
well she also likes AFI, so clearly she's an idiot

NP: bee-york
There is really no following your logic...or perhaps it's simply too complex for my simple mind to grasp :tickled:. But trust me, I'm flattered that you're keeping such close tabs on what bands I say--in other threads no less--that I'm listening to. Anyway, thank you for calling me an idiot yet again. I believe this may be the third time you've announced my apparent idiocy to the forum in general. But I'm not sure three times is sufficient to get your point across, so why don't you keep at it and see if you can get me to believe you. That might not ever happen, because you like Bjork :erk: