you're assuming wrong. they simply cannot write songs. well a few of the long ones turned out listenable as a full song but mostly it's just a mish-mash.. especially the newer stuff. random breaks annoy me even when the breaks are between good parts

Nightingale - The Wake
Not to derail the thread, but I thought I would throw in that I mostly agree with you (stefan). Let me preface it by saying I Love Opeth, and I think Mikael is a great musician. However in listening to Porcelain Heart, for instance, I was really concerned at the break between the interlude and the ending. Why wasn't it transitioned better? Why am I left feeling like a song ended and then the CD skipped back a minute? I alos hate the video (except for the band cuts). It has nothing to do with the lyrics at all for me other than someone getting strangled but for some reason I just don't think baroque era strangulation is what was going on when the song was conceived. The Lotus Eater, on the other hand, is a great song. I just wonder if Opeth will be outshined by bands like Dark Suns who excel almost supernaturally, at composition.

Anyways, back to what I am listening to:

ISIS - Divine Mother
I was waiting for the fanboi flames here so I'm pleasantly surprised haha. I do agree that Lotus Eater is a much better song than Porcelain Heart. I still cant say that it's fully a good song though. The constant stops and unrewarding transitions definitely take away from the whole sound that is Opeth.

Infinitum - Lust To Devour :kickass:
you're assuming wrong. they simply cannot write songs. well a few of the long ones turned out listenable as a full song but mostly it's just a mish-mash.. especially the newer stuff. random breaks annoy me even when the breaks are between good parts

Nightingale - The Wake

I will listen to it a little later today and tell you what I think of it. GR was all right, but it seems like transitions have kind of been a problem for awhile. We need more Dirge for November transitions!


MyGrain - Signs of Existence.

let's see if this one is worthy
Death - Empty Words

this is classic :kickass:

Well, there's very few long songs by Opeth that I find coherent and really satisfactory despite the parts. The song "Blackwater Park" as well as "The Moor" and "Godhead's Lament" are the ones who really come together as an entity. They are simply sexy
Yeah, there are plenty of well written, well-transitioned Opeth songs. There are just a few that don't seem to fit, for some reason Beneath the Mire comes to mind.
Beneath the Mire is horrible. I loathe those circus style keyboards. Ghost of Perdition and Harlequin Forest flow fairly well though. Not perfect but they aren't ultra abrupt. I think the best songwriting is found on MAYH and Still Life. Blackwater Park's best asset is definitely atmosphere.

Anathema - Judgement

It's a very good song, and actually the progression is for the first time something you wouldn't really expect from Mikael and co. Short simple, and sweet.

As for porcelain Heart I for one like the lesbian strangulation video a lot.

Another softer song thats pretty neat, and actually a song that makes sense being around 8 mins except for the last little out of tune guitar part that's there for what reason I don't know...