you're assuming wrong. they simply cannot write songs. well a few of the long ones turned out listenable as a full song but mostly it's just a mish-mash.. especially the newer stuff. random breaks annoy me even when the breaks are between good parts

Nightingale - The Wake

I disagree with you completely. They can write very good songs for the most part, Mikael even relies on repetition very often to create coherent parts, and he knows how to come up with a convincing ''opening theme'' or an ''ending theme'' in his songs. Repetiton itself isn't a very essential requirement to write good songs, but notice that the transitions in Opeth's songs aren't wanky, they do have a purpose and they succeed at painting a picture.

Also, something i said before and i'll say again: unpredictable =/= random, although a few Opeth songs do have a random aspect or two in them.

ps: Porcelain Heart blows, but Watershed is probably their best album ever.

It's a very good song, and actually the progression is for the first time something you wouldn't really expect from Mikael and co. Short simple, and sweet.

As for porcelain Heart I for one like the lesbian strangulation video a lot.

This one reminds me of a Zeppelin ballad. it destroys.
Beneath the Mire is horrible. I loathe those circus style keyboards. Ghost of Perdition and Harlequin Forest flow fairly well though. Not perfect but they aren't ultra abrupt. I think the best songwriting is found on MAYH and Still Life. Blackwater Park's best asset is definitely atmosphere.

Anathema - Judgement

Harlequin Forest is by FAR my favorite track on GR
Alright, but please give Hex Omega, and especially Heir Apparent a chance.

HA is the kind of creepy Opeth song that i think you'd enjoy. It's awesome.

Alrighty then. Dont like the guitars and structure in HA much.. good growls though. Havent listened to Hex Omega much, will do. I've had Coil on in the morning though. Pretty good hangover music :)
Alrighty then. Dont like the guitars and structure in HA much.. good growls though. Havent listened to Hex Omega much, will do. I've had Coil on in the morning though. Pretty good hangover music :)

Hex Omega is definitely worth giving a shot.