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God damn, is there anything more epic than ending off the 70-minute concept album live performance this perfectly? So friggin' good.


I am currently obsessing over this album again. Been a while since I'd listened to it. When you listen from beginning to end, it really creates an atmosphere and world that you get sucked into. Just sit back with a pair of headphones... ahhh... :)
^Oh yes! Without question one of my favorite drummers.

I'm currently listening to their album Squadrophenia. I simply can't decide which of their three albums is the best now. They're all so freaking good in different ways, especially if you give them time to grow on you.
DO YOU know a female fronted prog metal band called Disctrict 97 ? They're
about to come out with a new cd, not bad ,they're all very young
Storm Corrosion - Lock Howl

It took me a few spins to really appreciate the album, but by this point I'm about ready to declare it to be one of the best of the year. The first two and the last two songs are absolutely glorious, and while the two in between pretty much feel like Opeth/Porcupine Tree throwaways, they're quite nice as well. One of the most interesting albums I've heard in a long time, there's a lot of ingenious stuff on there.
I only listened to Storm Corrosion once, but I was kind of let down; I wasn't expecting a lot of atmospheric stuff (it bores me). There was some decent stuff on there, but I don't recall being wowed by anything. I'll have to give it another chance.