Now reading

Richard Kieckhefer's - "Magic in the Middle Ages"

Exteremely interesting. Not terribly difficult but food for thought and lots of history.
Robert R. Dickson - Soldier, Ask Not (2nd part of Dorsai-trilogy)
Douglas Adams - Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul

Also starting Robert Jordan's The Great Hunt (2nd book of Wheel of Time) today and lazily browsing the finnish edition of Douglas Adams' Meaning of Liff.
BigBronco4x4 said:
I'm reading Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan
a good book, for ppl. who know "how" to read it... :)

i am reading the third part (of masques and martyres) of the Shadow-saga by Christopher Golden.

when i was reading the second part, i was reading Anne Rice's "Pandora" alternatingly. and i found Anne Rice so easy and superficial compared to the Shadow-saga that i was surprised myself, since i really liked "The vampire Lestat" so much :guh:

Christopher Golden is the best author I ever read in this kind of genre :)
Brood of Evil said:
I'm starting to read the whole Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series, by Laurell K. Hamilton, they rock!! !:rock:

i read the 1st 4-5 of those, a bit lite, but anita is very cool!

every read mark frosts the list of 7, or the 6 messiahs? theyve been my favorite books for along time now.