Nu-Metal loves the penis....

#1_Droogie said:
well, heh, guess i shouldnt have spoken so soon.....seeing as thats their only album i havent heard :hypno: But, like said before, everything's in the ear of the beholder :wave:

Either way, In the Sign of Evil is a great little EP, especially if you're a fan of early black metal as i am. It's kick ass stuff.
I'm sorry but I fucking despise that "nu", "mallcore" or whatever you want to call that shit, with a burning unholy passion. It's simplistic, commercial oriented garbage. And rap.......shit...don't even get me started. I'd rather listen to a gaggle of frenzied flamingos fuck than be subjected to such filth.
Droog, why would you even tolerate such a thing when you found your station gone? Silence would be much more preferable.
well i did have an iced earth cd with me......and I'm preeeeeeeetty sure I mentioned that I put that in when there was shitty music on......

well if i didnt, there ya go! :grin:
i did......and I liked them, thanks for the links! But i must say there was a little too much black and death metal for you know of any Thrash stations? thanks! :wave:
I haven't heard most of the bends listed except Killswitch Engaged. A friend of mine burned that for me. I don't like it much at all, though the bassist is pretty good. Still, I rarely find myself wasting bandwidth to bitch about bands I don't listen to. Some of you people need to take a valium. I'm not trying to blast anyone here by any means. All I'm saying is don't get yourself worked up over crap that is coming out these days. The media is going to push their garbage they want you to buy and the best thing we can do is not buy it and buy the good stuff instead.
