NYC/NJ area metal shows, coming up

Eternal Devastation and Infernal Overkill were always my faves ... really crunchy ealry thrash. The guitar tone on ED has got to be one of my faves ever.

The Antichrist from a few years ago is not bad either ... and while they never lost their edge something about the newer discs that don't do it for me. Maybe its Schmier's vocals that tend to be shouted and are too up front in the mix.

Check out the early stuff.
I'm seeing Destruction in Germany, so I'll probably pass.

Can you recommend some Destruction discs for me? They're a band I've never listened to. Thanks.


Examples of old and new Destruction:

Curse the Gods (old)

Nailed to the Cross (new)

Do note that both of these are megakiller kickass hellbang traxxx, the main difference between old and new Destruction is that old is VERY much more consistent while new have max three songs like this per album and the rest ranges from good to boring
Do note that both of these are megakiller kickass hellbang traxxx, the main difference between old and new Destruction is that old is VERY much more consistent while new have max three songs like this per album and the rest ranges from good to boring
Thanks for posting. Both are cool songs. Kind of what I expected; straight up German Thrash. As I understand it, their Wacken set will be a best of, so I expect they'll play a lof of the classic stuff. Have you heard the new best of CD? I believe they recorded and reworked a lot of the classics. If so, thoughts?

Thanks for posting. Both are cool songs. Kind of what I expected; straight up German Thrash. As I understand it, their Wacken set will be a best of, so I expect they'll play a lof of the classic stuff. Have you heard the new best of CD? I believe they recorded and reworked a lot of the classics. If so, thoughts?


Nemas problemas, always here to help when needed. Straight up German Thrash for sure, they created this shit (together with a few others, those you might not have heard include Exumer, Poison and Living Death). The Wacken set most likely will be, yes, and they do it REALLY REALLY well. I've seen 'em a couple of times and they ruled every single time, better live band than, say, Kreator, who sound.. bored or at least play 100% on routine.

Haven't heard it, but I sure would like to and most likely will. I didn't even know they had one out, heh. Destruction is one of few bands who do their old shit great still, and them playing old stuff now makes one realize even mroe that generally their production/sound is the biggest difference these days, not the songwriting or riffs. Great band, METAL UP YOUR ASS!

I read that Sadus is still on the bill ... $27 for a Monday night show in a dive is a bit steep though

Nope, sadus was replaced on the entire tour. The NYC show is with Into Eternity and Municipal Waste.

Destruction is worth the cost though... MAD BUTCHER!
yes, Destruction is great live no doubt and probably even more so in a hole in the wall joint.
ok ... so what do you make of this?

New York City Metal Bands To Take Part In 'Metal Meltdown' - Jan. 29, 2007

In an attempt to revive the long-forgotten camaraderie and sheer entertainment of the old infamous L'Amours and Ritz metal scenes, several New York City bands and supporters have organized a new series of shows under the moniker Metal Meltdown. The first show will be at the metal-friendly Don Hill's on Thursday, February 1. Hoping to make this a monthly series, the shows will feature both signed and local metal bands from around the country, but centering around the great talent in NYC. Bands that will perform are: THE VOID, ZANDELLE, GODS OF FIRE, TURRIGENOUS and UNTIL DESTINY.

For more information, visit
ok ... so what do you make of this?

New York City Metal Bands To Take Part In 'Metal Meltdown' - Jan. 29, 2007

In an attempt to revive the long-forgotten camaraderie and sheer entertainment of the old infamous L'Amours and Ritz metal scenes, several New York City bands and supporters have organized a new series of shows under the moniker Metal Meltdown. The first show will be at the metal-friendly Don Hill's on Thursday, February 1. Hoping to make this a monthly series, the shows will feature both signed and local metal bands from around the country, but centering around the great talent in NYC. Bands that will perform are: THE VOID, ZANDELLE, GODS OF FIRE, TURRIGENOUS and UNTIL DESTINY.

For more information, visit

I like the sentiment, it's just a matter of waiting for a good line up. That said, Gods of Fire rule. Their live show is a must.
ummmm ... I think this calls for a Summer meet ...

Deceased with Sigh / Melechesh / Zoroaster / Unexpect

Friday, Jul 06, 2007 6:00 PM EDT
at Europa Club (Brooklyn)