The first 2 Asphyx albums are some of the best early 90's albums to be sure. The NY death sound does nothing for me actually. A few bands are quite good but...The best NYDM album by a long shot is Dawn of Possession.
the fuck are you talking about Brutal Truth are grind GODS.

best band I've ever saw live(aight I never saw Nasum, Terrorizer, Napalm Death and Birdflesh but still...)! 1 hour and half of pure blastbeat and groove, hell they even finished their set with a eyehategod cover!


sorry dude but when you've been a grind fan like me for so long you get jaded. brutal truth is too 'tech' for me. I like grind thats crusty and noisy, not shit that sounds like the band had millions of dollars to invest in months of studio time to make their records sound sterile and bland. that's just falseness right there.
Suffocation was great live but I generally don't listen to NYDM. I've heard stuff like Immolation and Incantation and I see it is of very good quality, but I'm generally disinterested in NYDM.
I have Harnessing Ruin by Immolation and I really didn't like it. The vocals just seemed like deep talking except the last syllable was accented like-Ah this-Ah. The guitars and drums were pretty weak and not enough to get over the annoying vocals. However, I have heard that Immolation's other albums are better. Is this true?
cookiecutter: Immolation's albums are generally inconsistent but if you want the best-look into Dawn of Possession, though it's got the old-school DM touch/sound which you seem pretty indifferent to.
Close to a World Below is another huge fan favorite from the band's modern era and it's quite a bit better than Harnessing Ruin, so check out this one next.
I truly hope you're kidding (which I think you are) because Mortician is not only a horrible band, but led by a complete jackass/psycho.

It is true Mortician is a ridiculously terrible band, however, they (like some other ridiculously terrible bands like mayhem in reference to the black metal scene in norway) were very significant to the NYDM scene.

As far as my opinion goes, I could give or take the NYDM scene, with the exception of Suffocation, as they are a great American band. But, I think Florida has New york owned in the American DM dept.
I listened to Immolation's Harnessing Ruin this morning after reading this thread. It's a good listen but nothing special.
Yeah...Immolation isn't a band that you can necessarily listen to once passively and appreciate.